Arthur eta Minimoiak

Arthur eta Minimoiak 2006


Bere adineko edozein umeren moduan, Arthur amonak ohera joateko kontatzen dizkion istorioekin txunditurik dago. Bere ametsak tribu afrikarrez eta aitonaren liburu magikoak dakartzan asmakizunez josita daude. Aitona, orain lau urte desagertu zen modu misteriotsuan. Liburua aztertuz, etxearen atzeko aldean lurperatuta dagoen altxor baten arrastoak dakartzala ohartzen da Arthur. Eta ez hori bakarrik, lur azpian bizitza ikusezin bat omen dago, izaki txikidun mundu bat, ikusteko txikiegiak, minimoi izenekoak. Amonaren etxea salbatzeko, Arthur ausartak aitonaren urratsak jarraituko ditu, minimoien lurraldean barrena bidaiatu eta bere zazpi erreinuak ezagutu. Baina honetarako aukera bakarra dauka: minimoi bilakatu beharko da!


Arthur and the Minimoys

Arthur and the Minimoys 2018


Arthur is a bright, clever and lively 10 year-old who spends his vacations at his favorite grandmother's house. And talk about vacations! Inside her garden there is a world invisible to the human eye. The world of… the MINIMOYS! One day, Arthur discovers a secret passageway that enables him to enter their world and become a MINIMOY himself! In fact, he becomes THE MINIMOY SAVIOR, helping these minuscule little people fend off all sorts of danger, including invasions by the armies of Maltazard, the MINIMOYS' sworn enemy, a despot who rules over the SEIDES. A dreamer and a bit of a loner, Arthur suddenly becomes a fearless hero, and along with his friends Selenia and Betameche, he is going to lead the little people to freedom. But with a trio like this, the road to victory is going to be full of surprises.