Warren fitxategia

Warren fitxategia 2013


Ed eta Lorraine Warren demonologo entzutetsuek dokumentatutako egiazko istorio batean oinarrituta. Perron familiak 70eko hamarkadaren hasieran Rhode Island-eko etxean bizi izan zituen naturaz gaindiko topaketak kontatzen ditu. Warren bikoteak, fenomeno paranormalen munduan ikertzaile ospetsuak, bere baserrian egoteak izututa zegoen familia honen deiari erantzun zioten. izaki gaiztoarena.


Battle of the Psychics

Battle of the Psychics 2007


Bitva Extrasenov (Битва Экстрасенсов), Battle of the Psychics, is a Russian-language TNT (ТНТ) TV show based on Britain’s Psychic Challenge. Each season starts with 8-13 participants selected for their superior psychic abilities, but tries to expose them as frauds. Tasks in the beginning of the series are relatively simple, such as revealing the contents of a sealed box or what lies behind an impenetrable screen, and progressively become more difficult. One participant judged to be worst is eliminated each week, but all participants advance to the next round if the panel is unable to come to a decision.


Psychics. Revenge

Psychics. Revenge 2024


Psychics. Revenge is a new mystical show where the participants in the “Battle of Psychics”, who didn’t win, will once again challenge themselves and show what they are capable of.