Hitz gakoa Mouse
The Secret of NIMH 1982
MouseHunt 1997
Fievel mendebaldera doa 1991
Fievelen familia berriz mugituko da. Oraingoan Mendebalde urrunera joango dira, non katuak eta saguak lagunak diren. Jakina, Fievelek ez du hori sinisten eta ongi egiten du, katuek nahi duten bakarra saguak erakarri eta gero erlaxatzen direnean erraz sabelak betetzea da.
The Rescuers 1977
Ernest eta Celestine 2012
Ernest basoan bizi den hartz handia da eta musikaria da ogibidez. Neguko lozorro luzetik esnatzean, goseak amorratzen abiatu da hirira sabela betetzeko zerbaiten bila, baina musikak ez dio jaten ematen. Zaborrontzietan jaki bila ari dela, Celestine sagutxoa ezagutuko du. Bai Ernestek bai Celestinek elkarren laguntza beharko dute euren bizimodua aldatzeko. Hartza eta sagua bizi diren gizarte zorrotzetan, bi lagunok hainbat arau puskatu eta inguru osoa hankaz gora jarriko dute euren laguntasunari eusteko.
Cinderella 1950
Stuart Little 2 2002
Sorginen Madarikazioa 1990
Luke misteriozko istorioen zale amorratua da. Egun batean, amonak sorginen existentziari buruz kontatutako elezaharrek mundu misteriotsu batean sartzen dute.
Fiebel eta mundu berria 1986
Protagonista Fievel dugu, sagutxo ausart bat. Fievelek bere familiaren bila joan behar du, eta bidean abentura itzelak biziko ditu.
Mickey's Trailer 1938
Stuart Little 1999
Egun batean, Little familiak Stuart adoptatzen du, seme bat balitz bezala tratatzen duten sagu txiki bat. Littletarrak oso pozik daude Stuarten izaerarekin, baina Georgek, bere seme nagusiak, ez daki zer egin bere "anaia berriarekin". Bestalde, Snowbell, familiako katua, Stuart betiko etxetik botatzeko plan bat prestatzen ari da.
Get a Horse! 2013
The Gruffalo's Child 2011
Dinner for Schmucks 2010
The Band Concert 1935
Mickey Mouse 2013
In this series of cartoon shorts, Mickey Mouse finds himself in silly situations all around the world! From New York to Paris to Tokyo, Mickey experiences new adventures with his friends!
Tip the Mouse 2014
In his tiny meadow village, curious little mouse Tip enjoys fun and adventure while learning about the world with his furry friends and family.
Biker Mice from Mars 1993
Three anthropomorphic mice motorcyclists named Throttle, Modo, and Vinnie escape a war on their home planet Mars before arriving to defend the Earth from the evil that destroyed their homeland and to one day return to Mars.
Pixie and Dixie and Mr. Jinks 1958
Pixie & Dixie and Mr. Jinks is a Hanna-Barbera cartoon that featured as a regular segment of the television series The Huckleberry Hound Show from 1958 to 1961.
Maisy 1999
Fun and adventurous mini-episode series following the life of Maisy, a little white mouse and her friends.
The Chronicles of Narnia 1988
Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy are evacuated from London at the beginning of the Second World War, little dreaming of the magical adventures that lie ahead.
Rastamouse 2011
Rastamouse is a British animated stop motion children's TV series created by Genevieve Webster and Michael De Souza and produced by Three Stones Media/The Rastamouse Company for CBeebies. The show follows crime-busting mouse reggae band Da Easy Crew, who split their time between making music and solving mysteries for Da President of Mouseland. The first 52 episodes of the initial series were shown in the afternoon beginning 31 January 2011 on CBeebies. From 7 March 2011, the programme was repeated in the early mornings, on BBC Two. The second series, comprising a further 26 episodes, started on 20 August 2012, on CBeebies.
Shuke Beita 2019
Sam & Julia 2023
Stuart Little: The Animated Series 2003
Stuart Little: The Animated Series is an American animated television series, loosely based on the E. B. White children's book Stuart Little and more based on the live action movie adaptations. It was produced by Red Wagon Productions and Sony Pictures Television for the HBO Family digital cable television channel, and aired for just one 13-episode season in 2003.
Maisy's Farm 2001
An exciting new series of episodes, including four brand new tales from Maisy's farm. Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter, whatever the season it's always a busy time on the farm. Join Farmer Maisy and all her friends as they help with the animals, tend to the crops and bring in the harvest. On Maisy's farm the fun never stops! Plus there are six other exciting adventures to enjoy. Episodes: Spring • Summer • Autumn • Winter Duckling • Breakfast • Toot toot • Shopping • Bugs • Mountain
The Box of Delights 1984
Patrick Troughton stars in this children's fantasy tale with dark undertones. When a young schoolboy is given a box for safekeeping by a mysterious magician, little does he know the wondrous things he’ll soon discover.
Angelina Ballerina 2001
Set in Chipping Cheddar, a place similiar to 1920s London, Angelina Ballerina features Angelina Mouseling, a bold little mouse with big dreams - she hopes to become the greatest ballerina in Mouseland.
Bagpuss 1974
Bagpuss is a UK children's television series, made by Peter Firmin and Oliver Postgate from 12 February 1974 to 7 May 1974 through their company Smallfilms. The title character was, "An old, saggy, cloth cat, baggy, and a bit loose at the seams." Although only 13 episodes of the show were made, it remains fondly remembered, and was regularly repeated in the UK for thirteen years. In 1999 Bagpuss topped a BBC poll for the UK's favourite children's TV programme.
Baby Bus 2019
De Spierketiers 2022
NIMH 1970
Follow Mrs. Frisby, a mouse, who in an effort to save her family goes on a spectacular journey through an unfamiliar and underground world to discover a colony of escaped super-intelligent lab rats who help her on a thrilling adventure to relocate her home before the plows and exterminators arrive.