Txip aparta

Txip aparta 1987


Tuck Pendelton (Dennis Quaid) pilotu suharrak esperimentu baterako aurkeztuko du bere burua. Esperimentuaren nondik norakoa hauxe da: pilotuak kapsula baten barruan miniaturizatu beharko du, kapsula untxi baten barrenean kokatzeko. Gaizkile batzuk asmakizunaz jabetu nahian arituko dira eta, azkenean, Pendeltonek untxi baten barruan ez, baina gizaki baten barruan bukatuko du, gizaki hipokondriako baten barruan, hain justu ere. Aurrerantzean, biak ala biak elkarri laguntzeko beharrean izango dira, Tuck Jacken gorputzetik aterako bada.



X-15 1961



The Best of Times

The Best of Times 2020


A failed bidding for a project lets locomotive designer Lin Zhenyi experience a sense of failure. Her position as the project leader was replaced by an elite overseas returnee, Tan Qingchuan. As Lin Zhen and Tan Jingchuan work together, Lin Zhenyi observes Tan Jingchuan and his assistant Jian Aixing's working method, and realizes the reason why she failed. Learning from her experience, she achieves success in her next project. At the same time, Lin Zhen also faces pursuit from Tan Qingchuan, as well as her new neighbour Li Yanfeng, a research test pilot.



Space 1985


Space is a television mini-series. It is based on a novel of the same name by James A. Michener published in 1982.