Hitz gakoa Pirate Ship
Goonietarrak 1985
Mikey hamairu urteko umea da. Bere anaia zahar eta lagunekin Goonietarrak izeneko talde bat sortzen dute. Egun batean, haien etxeko ganbaran XVII. mendeko piraten altxor baten mapa aurkituko dute eta haren bila abiatuko dira.
Peter Pan 2003
Lepo Moztaileen Uhartea 1995
Morgan Adams piratak eta bere esklaboak, William Shawek, altxorraren mapa bat berreraikitzeko beharrezkoak diren hiru zatien bilaketari ekingo diote. Zoritxarrez, bere osaba Dawg ankerra da azken piezaren jabea. Baina abentura hasi aurretik matxinada bat baretu beharko du Morgan Adams kapitainak, eta egoera are gehiago korapilatuko da Britainia Handiko Koroa ere bere aurka jartzen denean.
The Crimson Pirate 1952
Pirates 1986
Captain Blood 1935
Treasure Island 1934
Il corsaro nero 1971
Captain Kidd 1945
Sablehortz Kapitaina eta Diamante Magikoa 2020
Kondairak dio badela nonbait ahalmen berezidun diamante magiko bat: ilbetearen argiak ukitzen duenean, bere jabearen desioak betetzen ornen ditu. Maga Kahn mago arriskutsuaren ametsa bizitoki duen oihan ilunetik ateratzea da. Izan ere, ezin du eguzkiaren argia jasan, erre egiten baita izpi batek azala ukitu bezain pronto. Sablehortz kapitainak, itxuraz, munduko piratarik anker eta beldurgarrienak, bere ontzia urre eta bitxiz bete nahi du. Pinky gazteak, aldiz, bizimodu lasaia beste helbururik ez du, eta, Veronicak, haren lagunik onenak, abenturak ditu amets. Ezustean, baina, Marco txikia da diamantearekin ihes egiten duena, eta konturatu orduko, denak ere diamante magikoa lortzeko lasterketa arriskutsu batean murgilduko dira.
Anne of the Indies 1951
The Spanish Main 1945
Peter Pan Live! 2014
Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger 2011
A group of young pirates from space come to Earth to obtain the "Greatest Treasure in the Universe", which can only be acquired after obtaining the Ultimate Powers of the 34 Super Sentai. However, they end up running afoul of the Space Empire Zangyack, whose earlier invasion forces were wiped out by the 34 Super Sentai long ago. As a result, the space pirates use "pirate copies" of the powers of the older teams and fight the Zangyack forces as the Gokaigers.
Montana Jones 1994
The series takes place in the 1930s and is about the adventures of Montana Jones, who goes treasure hunting with his cousin Alfred Jones and the beautiful reporter Melissa Thorn. They visit real locations and cities like the Pyramids of Giza, the Taj Mahal, Istanbul or Easter Island. Frequently they cross paths with Lord Zero - a rich, eccentric art lover and master thief.
Pirates: Behind the Legends 2024
From legendary John Ward, immortalized in fiction as Jack Sparrow, and English explorer Francis Drake; branded Pirates by their enemies but heroes by their comrades, to the notorious Pirates of the Caribbean shrouded in myth.
The Adventures Of Long John Silver 1957
A TV series about the Long John Silver character from Treasure Island. It was made in 1954 in colour in Australia for the American and British markets before the development of Australian television. Long John Silver is the proud captain of his own ship and his own crew. He and his buccaneer cruise around the Caribbean and often stay on the side of the English and fight the French and Spanish. After the long and dangerous adventures, he and his crew rest in the tavern of Miss Purity. This series aired in the United States first on Syndicated basis in 1956, but not on a regular basis and completely random as part of another show. Several episodes were edited together and shown as movies in the cinemas under the titles: Under The Black Flag and South Sea Pirates. After that it was sold to the ITV Network in the UK, and aired in 1957. In 1958 Australian ABC screened the series as part of Children's TV Club show.