Hitz gakoa Revolt
楊貴妃 1955
Strange Days 1995
Billy Elliot 2000
Броненосец Потёмкин 1925
The Mayor of Hell 1933
Momo 1986
Edge of Darkness 1943
Mockery 1927
Drifting 1923
Még kér a nép 1972
The Drum 1938
Fard 2011
मातृभूमि 2005
The Lash 1930
Rebellion! 1999
As a young reporter, David Dimbleby made three Panorama films on Rhodesia between 1967 and 1968, following its Unilateral Declaration of Independence. This three-part series tells the inside story of white Rhodesia's revolt against the British crown and the long battle to bring full democracy to an independent Zimbabwe.