Hitz gakoa Lethal Virus
Twelve Monkeys 1995
2035ean, James Cole kondenatua gogoz kontra denboran atzera bidaltzeko boluntarioa da, lurreko ia populazio osoa desagerrarazi eta bizirik atera zirenak lurpeko komunitateetara behartu zituen birus hilgarri baten jatorria ezagutzeko. Baina Cole oker 1990era bidali beharrean 1996ra bidaltzen dutenean, atxilotu eta buruko ospitale batean giltzapetu dute. Bertan Kathryn Railly doktorea psikiatra eta Jeffrey Goines pazientea ezagutuko ditu, birusen aditu ospetsu baten semea, zeinak izan lezakeen giltzarria talde malkartsu misteriotsuaren, 12 Tximinoen Armada, gaixotasun hiltzailea askatzeko arduraduna dena.
New Life 2024
Transporter 2 2005
감기 2013
Contagion 2011
Doomsday 2008
Osmosis Jones 2001
カウボーイビバップ 天国の扉 2001
कृष ३ 2013
Cabin Fever 2003
復活の日 1980
The Demented 2013
The Zombie Diaries 2 2011
Shadow Man 2006
The Zombie Diaries 2006
Absolon 2003
Retrograde 2004
The Last Man on Earth 2015
The year is 2022, and after an unlikely event, only one man is left on earth: Phil Miller, who used to be just an average guy who loved his family and hated his job at the bank. Now, in his RV, Phil searches the country for other survivors.
The Hot Zone 2019
In this anthology series, heroic scientists risk all to deal with deadly outbreaks.
The Virus 2013
Lee Myung-hyun and his disease control task force investigate a mutant virus that has a 100% fatality rate and kills the infected within three days. Not only must they find an antidote, they must also stop the epidemic from spreading and killing all of mankind.
Pandora's Clock 1996
A man infected with a deadly virus boards Quantum Airlines flight 66 in Frankfurt, Germany. The US government must stop the plane before it lands at JFK International Airport.