Hitz gakoa Ransom
Abigail 2024
Hail, Caesar! 2016
Dirty Harry 1971
Breakdown 1997
A Life Less Ordinary 1997
Ransom 1996
Ruthless People 1986
Suicide Kings 1997
The Way of the Gun 2000
ffolkes 1980
Artemis Fowl 2020
Apostle 2018
逆时营救 2017
Snatched 2017
Trapped 2002
The Deal 2023
Two young men happen to kidnap their friend and demand ten billion won as ransom.
The Gambler: The Adventure Continues 1983
Brady Hawkes, Billy Montana, and Jeremiah Hawkes are on a train bound for a huge gambling event when the train is taken over by a gang of vicious killers in search of money. As ransom, the gang takes young Jeremiah hostage. Brady and Billy embark on a quest to rescue him and form a small gang of their own along the way.