
Üles 2009


See on südamlik, pööraselt naljakas lugu 78-aastasest õhupallimüüjast Carl Fredricksenist, kes teeb ühel päeval teoks oma eluaegse unistuse söösta suurtesse seiklustesse. Selleks seob ta oma maja külge tuhandeid õhupalle ja lendab Lõuna Ameerika dzhunglitesse. Täit rõõmu unistuse täitmisest segab aga kogemata reisile kaasa sattunud 8-aastane looduseuurija Russell, kes pole oma elus seni kordagi loodusesse sattunud! Üheskoos rändavad nad kadunud maailma, kus kohtuvad kummaliste, eksootiliste ja üllatavate kujudega ning ületavad ühe võimatuna näiva takistuse teise järel.


Kääbik: Ootamatu teekond

Kääbik: Ootamatu teekond 2012


Bilbo Baggins asub eepilisele rännakule, et päästa päkapikkude kuningriik Erebor hirmuäratava draakoni Smaugi küüsist. Võlur Gandalf ilmub ootamatult Bilbo juurde, kes liitub seejärel 13 päkapikuga, mida juhib legendaarne sõdalane Thorin Oakenshield. Teekonnal tuleb neil läbida ohtlikke alasid, mis kubisevad goblinitest, orkidest, wargidest, hiigelämblikest ja nõidadest.


Autod 3

Autod 3 2017


Ühel heal päeval avastab legendaarne Pikne McQueen, et uue põlvkonna täiustatumad ja kiiremad autod on trüginud ta välja alalt, mida Pikne jäägitult armastab. Selleks, et meister tagasi tippu jõuaks, asub teda aitama särtsakas noor tehnik Cruz Ramirez, kel on selleks kindel plaan. Lisaks sellele saab Pikne innustust oma kadunud targalt õpetajalt Hudson Hornetilt ja õpib mõnedest ootamatutest juhtumistest. Näitamaks, et number 95 pole veel lõpetanud!


Rio 2

Rio 2 2014


Blu ja Pärl on loonud pere ning neil on nüüdseks kolm paigalpüsimatut linnupoega, kel tuleb lakkamatult silm peal hoida. Nüüd jätavad nad suurlinna selja taha ning suunduvad Amazonase ürgmetsa, kus ootab suguvõsa kokkutulek. Linnaelu mugavusega harjunud Blu leiab end ootamatult paigast, mis on tema jaoks täiesti tundmatu. Ning on sunnitud kohtuma kõige hirmuäratavama olevusega maamunal - enda äiaga. Üritades samal ajal kõigest väest, et ta ise ega tema pere ei langeks nende kurikavala vihavaenlase Nigeli põhjaliku kättemaksuplaani ohvriks.


Benjamin Buttoni uskumatu elu

Benjamin Buttoni uskumatu elu 2008


20.sajandi algupoolel sünnib tagurpidi vananev kaheksakümne aastane Benjamin Button. Välimuselt beebi mõõtu vanamees sirgub suuremaks ja nooremaks ning kohtab ühel hetkel Daisy't, kes on Button'ist 20 aastat noorem. Olles ise noorenenud 50-ne aastaseks peab armunud paar leppima oma olukorraga, kui nad sõna otseses mõttes kasvavad vastupidises suunas. "Benjamin Buttoni uskumatu elu" on sünge ja romantiline lugu, mis räägib suremusest üpriski ebameeldival moel, viies meid läbi ajaloo alates Esimesest maailmasõjast kuni aastani 2000.



Euroretk 2004


Kui Berliner Mieke (Jessica Boehrs) kuulutab end e-posti teel ameeriklase Scottile (Scott Mechlowicz), lükkab ta ta meheks. Kui ta oma vea avastab, proovib ta temaga ühendust võtta, kuid see on võimatu. Ainus viis teda vallutada näib olevat reisimine Berliini (Saksamaa) ja selleks saadavad teda reisil tema sõbrad Cooper (Jacob Pitts) ning kaksikud Jenny (Michelle Trachtenberg) ja Jamie (Travis Wester).


Pöörane Euroopa puhkus

Pöörane Euroopa puhkus 1985


Seekord võidab Griswoldide perekond puhkusreisi Euroopasse. Loomulikult ei oska nad korralike turistidena käituda ja külvavad igal sammul metsikut segadust. Inglismaal liiklevad nad harjumuspäraselt paremal pool teed, Saksamaal peavad põgenema kohalike rahvatantsijate eest, Pariis paneb teismelise perepoja hormoonid möllama ja Roomas väljub olukord sootuks kontrolli alt...


Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1 1997


The story of Stargate SG-1 begins about a year after the events of the feature film, when the United States government learns that an ancient alien device called the Stargate can access a network of such devices on a multitude of planets. SG-1 is an elite Air Force special operations team, one of more than two dozen teams from Earth who explore the galaxy and defend against alien threats such as the Goa'uld, Replicators, and the Ori.


Echappées Belles

Echappées Belles 2006


Échappées Belles is a French weekly discovery magazine, broadcast on Saturdays in the first part of the evening on France 5 since September 30, 2006. It is presented in turn by Sophie Jovillard, Jérôme Pitorin, Ismaël Khelifa, Tiga, Sabine Quindou, Théo Curin and Anto Cocagne.


Top Gear

Top Gear 2002


This fast-paced and stunt-filled motor show tests whether cars, both mundane and extraordinary, live up to their manufacturers' claims. The long-running show travels to locations around the world, performing extreme stunts and challenges to see what the featured cars are capable of doing. The current hosts are Paddy Mcguinness, Chris Harris and Andrew "Freddie" Flintoff.


The Amazing Race

The Amazing Race 2001


This reality competition sees teams embark on a trek around the world to amazing destinations where they must compete in a series of challenges, some mental and some physical. Only when the tasks are completed will they learn of their next location. Teams who are the farthest behind will gradually be eliminated as the contest progresses, with the first team to arrive at the final destination winning the race and the $1 million prize.


Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern

Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern 2007


Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern is a travel and cuisine television show hosted by Andrew Zimmern on the Travel Channel. The first season debuted on Monday, February 26, 2007 at 9pm ET/PT. Bizarre Foods focuses on regional cuisine from around the world which is typically perceived by Americans as being disgusting, exotic, or bizarre. In each episode, Zimmern focuses on the cuisine of a particular country or region. He typically shows how the food is procured, where it is served, and, usually without hesitation, eats it. Originally a one-hour documentary titled Bizarre Foods of Asia, repeated showings on the Travel Channel drew consistent, considerable audiences. In late 2006, it was decided to turn the documentary into a weekly, one-hour show with the same premise and with Andrew Zimmern as the host. In 2009, Zimmern took a break from Bizarre Foods to work on one season of the spin-off Bizarre World.



Pokémon 1997


Join Ash accompanied by his partner Pikachu, as he travels through many regions, meets new friends and faces new challenges on his quest to become a Pokémon Master.


Lugares que hablan

Lugares que hablan 2013


Francisco Saavedra travels through different places of Chile, generally unknown, and showcase the locals' customs such as gastronomy, music, beliefs, among others.


3 On Tour

3 On Tour 2007


3 op Reis is a travel program hosted by Floortje Dessing and Sebastiaan Labrie. In addition to the fixed hosts there is a guest host, who explores an eco-destination.


Les Routes de l'impossible

Les Routes de l'impossible 2007


Following people across the planet who take great risks to earn a living by driving a vehicle (car, truck, boat...). These people have no choice but to cross dangerous, forgotten or poorly maintained roads.


We Baby Bears

We Baby Bears 2022


Follow Grizz, Panda and Ice Bear – as their younger baby selves – traveling in a magical box to fantastic new worlds searching for a place to call home. Along the way, they meet new friends, learn a few lessons and discover that “home” can mean wherever they are, as long as they’re together.


1 Night and 2 Days

1 Night and 2 Days 2007


2 Days & 1 Night is a South Korean reality-variety show with the motto "real wild road variety." Its main concept is to recommend various places of interest that viewers can visit in South Korea.


The Grand Tour

The Grand Tour 2016


Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond and James May are back with a show about adventure, excitement and friendship... as long as you accept that the people you call friends are also the ones you find extremely annoying. Sometimes it's even a show about cars. Follow them on their global adventure.


The Amazing Race Australia

The Amazing Race Australia 2011


Australian version of the American reality competition where teams embark on a trek around the world to amazing destinations competing in a series of challenges, some mental and some physical.


Bizarre Foods: Delicious Destinations

Bizarre Foods: Delicious Destinations 2015


Featuring the not-to-be-missed legendary foods that define a location. These are the unique dishes we're willing to travel halfway around the world to sample. Each episode features one locale and at least four of five iconic foods that define the location. Delicious Destinations explores how they are made and take viewers inside the kitchens, factories and farms where these foods are created. We dig into the origin of these popular foods and how they've evolved over time. And for those who like their meals well-seasoned, we dish on the sometimes special lingo associated with these foods and the surprising table manners you absolutely need to know. This is a series that is guaranteed to make you hungry!


BTS: Bon Voyage

BTS: Bon Voyage 2016


Bon Voyage is a reality show about members of the South Korean group, BTS (Bangtan Sonyeondan). It shows them in everyday situations that every traveler encounters and offer a unique insight into the members' lives.


Partir autrement en famille

Partir autrement en famille 2014


The series demonstrates that it's possible to make sustainable tourism family, think outside the box in interesting young and older children.