Mina, supervaras

Mina, supervaras 2010


Kenade majakestega tänaval erineb üks kõigist ülejäänutest: suur, must ja kole elamu, mille ees laiutab kuivanud muruplats. Keegi naabritest ei tea, et maja all asub tohutu salajane varjupaik, kus tegutseb lugematutest kollastest käsilastest ümbritsetud supersuli Gru. Hetkel on mehel plaanis kõigi aegade suurim kuritegu: ta plaanib varastada taevast kuu! Kõikvõimalikke sulitempe nautiv ning selleks erinevaid imevidinaid kasutav Gru pole aga valmis oma elu suurimaks väljakutseks, mille esitavad talle kolm väikest tüdrukut, kes näevad Gru juures midagi, mida keegi näinud ei ole: see paharet võiks olla täitsa sobiv papa!


Kollide Kompanii

Kollide Kompanii 2001


Monsters, Inc. on koletismaailma suurim hirmutav ettevõte ja James P. Sullivan on üks selle parimatest hirmutavatest inimestest. Sullivan on violetste täppidega kaetud sinise nahaga kaetud imeline tegelane, kes kannab kahte sarve ja keda tema sõbrad kutsuvad Sulleyks. Tema abivallavanem Mike Wazowski, aga ka parim sõber ja toakaaslane, on roheline, kangekaelne, ühe silmaga ja väga naljakas koletis. Laste hirmutamine pole nii lihtne töö, kuna koletised usuvad, et nad on väga mürgised ega saa nendega kuidagi kokku puutuda. Eklektiliste castingute hulgas on ka ettevõtte president ja tegevjuht, krabikujuline koletis nimega Henry J. Waternoose, vastuvõtuga tegelev Celia, jumalik madupeaga koletis ja sarkastiline kameeleon Randall Boggs, kes soovib parima meesterahva tiitli endale napsata. alates Sulley.


Vabastatud Django

Vabastatud Django 2012


Filmi tegevustik toimub Ameerika lõunaosariikides, kaks aastat enne kodusõja algust. Oscari-võitja Jamie Foxx kehastab orja Djangot, kelle karm minevik eelmise omaniku omanduses viib ta kokku sakslasest pearahaküti dr King Schultziga (Oscari-võitja Christoph Waltz). Schultz ajab mõrtsukatest Brittle'i-vennaste jälgi ja vaevatasu kättesaamiseks vajab ta just nimelt Django abi. Tavatute meetoditega Schultz saab Django endale tingimusel, et vabastab viimase Brittle'i-vendade tabamisel - olgu siis elusalt või surnult.



Blade 1998


Enne sündi hammustas vampiir tema ema - kuid sündides oli ta näiliselt täiesti terve ja normaalne poiss. Blade (Wesley Snipes) on ulatuslikuks arenenud vampiirimaailma ainus hirm - tal on kõik vampiirile iseloomulikud võimed, kuid mitte ühtegi nende nõrkustest. Vampiirid üritavad saavutada kontrolli terve inimtegevuse üle ning ainult Blade seisab neil veel ees.


Batman alustab

Batman alustab 2005


Alates ajast, mil ta vanemad mõrvati, on miljonär Bruce Wayne rännanud mööda maailma, püüdes jõuda selgusele, kuidas võidelda kurjusega ning pöörata hirm nende vastu, kes teisi on kogu aeg hirmu all hoidnud. Viimaks pöördub ta tagasi kodulinna, Gotham Citysse ja öösiti hakkab selle tänavail tegutsema Batman, maskis võitleja, kes kasutab oma jõudu, mõistust ja iseäralikke tööriistu, et võidelda linna ähvardavate tumedate jõududega.


Angry Birds: Kurjad linnud. Film

Angry Birds: Kurjad linnud. Film 2016


Filmi sündmustik leiab aset saarel, mida asustavad ainult rõõmsad lennuvõimetud linnud – või peaaegu ainult. Selles paradiisis on tujukas Red (Märt Avandi), nobe Tarmo (Ott Sepp) ja püsimatu Pomm (Marko Matvere) alati olnud autsaiderid. Aga kui saarele ilmuvad salapärased rohelised sead, peavad need kolm väljatõugatut välja uurima, mis sigadel plaanis on.



Lõppvaatus 2006


19. sajandi lõpus kohtuvad Londonis esimest korda kaks tõusuteel olevat mustkunstnikku Robert Angier ja Alfred Borden. Nende sõbralikult alanud võistlus muutub peagi kibestunud rivaalitsemisest kantud lahinguks, mis seab ohtu ka kõik nende läheduses olijad.



Teispoolsus 2003


Sajandeid on Maa sügavustes arenenud kaks rassi: aristokraatlikud ja kogenud vampiirid ning jõhkrad libahundid (Lycans), kelle olemasolu oli alati olnud osa müütide ja legendide maailmast. Need öised rassid on surelikud vaenlased ja nad mõistetakse elama pidevas sõjapidamises, kuni ainult üks neist ellu jääb. Selle iidse konflikti keskel avastab Vampiirisõdalane Selene lükolaste vandenõu noore arsti Michaeli röövimiseks. Pärast teda linna peal jälitades areneb Selene temaga ebaharilikke suhteid ja kui lükaanid rünnata otsustavad, seisab ta nende ja arsti vahel. Püüdes Michaelit päästa, avastab ta lükaanlaste kava luua uusi olendeid, mis ühendaksid mõlema rassi jõud ja millel poleks oma nõrku külgi. See projekt, kui see realiseeritakse, soosib libahunte.



Grease 1978


1959 aasta suvi on läbi, vanad sõbrad saavad kokku ja algab kool. Danny Zuko (John Travolta) on T Bird'si kamba liige, kes suvel kohtus korralikust perest pärit austraalanna Sandy Olssoniga (Olivia Newton-John) ning nende suveromaanist arenevad välja suurem osa kooliaasta sündmustest. Nimelt on nende kahe vaheline armastus tugev, kuid Danny soovib jääda poppiks ning üritab teistele kuttidele jäta muljet, et tüdruk teda ei huvita ning see Sandyle ei meeldi. Sandy püüab küll tüdrukute kamba Pink Ladies'iga ühineda, kuid siiski pole ta valmis muutusteks. Kuigi Sandy ja Danny üritavad seda salasuhtena hoida, tuleb nende teele siiski palju pettumusi ja nende kooliaasta kujuneb vägagi põnevaks.


Teispoolsus: Evolutsioon

Teispoolsus: Evolutsioon 2006


Sellal kui verine võitlus aristokraatlike vampiiride ja barbarlike Lycan libahuntide vahel katkematult jätkub, üritavad kaunis vereimeja Selene (Kate Beckinsale) ja pool-libahunt Michael (Scott Speedman) selle sajandeid kestva sõja põhjusteni jõuda. Nende otsingud võivad viia sõja lõpetamiseni, kuid veel pole teada, mis selle hinnaks on...


Angry Birds 2: Kurjad linnud. Film

Angry Birds 2: Kurjad linnud. Film 2019


Lennuvõimetud kurjad linnud ja salakavalad rohelised sead tülitsevad taas. Uus hädaoht ähvardab nii Lindude kui ka Sigade saart. Red, Tarmo, Pomm ja Vägev kotkas värbavad appi Tarmo õe Hõbeda ja löövad kampa sigade Leonhardi, tema abilise Courtney ja nohiku Garriga ning sõlmivad savijalgadel vaherahu ja ebahariliku supertiimi, et oma kodud päästa.


Senhora do Destino

Senhora do Destino 2004


A story about people who succeed in life thanks to nothing but their own efforts. Maria do Carmo is the main character of the telenovela; a mother of five who struggle to be successful in life, but whose most important will be recovering the love of her daughter who was kidnapped when she was just months old.


Mulheres de Areia

Mulheres de Areia 1993


The story of the rivalry between the twin sisters Ruth and Raquel takes place in the fictional Pontal D'Areia, on the coast of Rio de Janeiro. They have very different personalities. Ruth is sweet, calm and has a good heart. Raquel, on the other hand, is selfish, aggressive and mean.


The King of The Cattle

The King of The Cattle 1996


In the struggle for land a vicious feud erupts between two men, who commit their families to a war without truce. Over two generations they are moved by love and by hatred in this epic saga of love for the land.


Shades of Sin

Shades of Sin 2004


A Maranhense young woman and a carioca tourist photographer fall for each other and get separated by destiny and a woman obsessed with his family's fortune.


Kid vs. Kat

Kid vs. Kat 2008


Kid vs. Kat is a Canadian-American animated television series developed and produced at Studio B Productions. The show was created and co-directed by Rob Boutilier. The series is distributed by Studio B Productions. The feature revolves around a 10-year-old boy's constant battle with his sister's Sphinx cat which, in reality, is a cybernetic alien. The show premiered on YTV in Canada on October 25, 2008, aired on Disney XD in the United States on February 21, 2009, and then ended on June 4, 2011. It ran for 2 seasons, spanning 52 episodes.


Ina, Kapatid, Anak

Ina, Kapatid, Anak 2012


Ina, Kapatid, Anak is a Philippine television drama directed by Don M. Cuaresma and Jojo A. Saguin. The series premiered on October 8, 2012 on ABS-CBN in the Philippines as part of network's Primetime Bida programming block, and internationally on October 9 on TFC . The drama follows the lives of Celyn, Margaux, Liam and Ethan and their struggles for power, acceptance, family and love. The show was extended due to success in viewership ratings, the second season premiered on January 14, 2013 with the episode featuring the grand revelation of Celyn being the daughter of Julio and Beatriz. The third and final season premiered on March 7, 2013 with the drama opened a new chapter with a time skip focusing on the characters' young-adult stage and business rivalry.


Oggy and the Cockroaches

Oggy and the Cockroaches 1999


Oggy, an anthropomorphic cat, would prefer to spend his days watching television and eating, but is continuously pestered by three roaches: Joey, Marky and Dee Dee. The cockroaches' slapstick mischief ranges from plundering Oggy's refrigerator to hijacking the train he just boarded. In many situations Oggy is also helped by Jack, who is more violent and short-tempered than him and is also annoyed by the cockroaches. Bob, a short-tempered bulldog, also appears in the show, and is Oggy's neighbor.



Naruto 2002


Naruto Uzumaki, a mischievous adolescent ninja, struggles as he searches for recognition and dreams of becoming the Hokage, the village's leader and strongest ninja.


Cobra Kai

Cobra Kai 2018


This Karate Kid sequel series picks up 30 years after the events of the 1984 All Valley Karate Tournament and finds Johnny Lawrence on the hunt for redemption by reopening the infamous Cobra Kai karate dojo. This reignites his old rivalry with the successful Daniel LaRusso, who has been working to maintain the balance in his life without mentor Mr. Miyagi.



Haikyu!! 2014


Inspired by a small-statured pro volleyball player, Shouyou Hinata creates a volleyball team in his last year of middle school. Unfortunately the team is matched up against the "King of the Court" Tobio Kageyama's team in their first tournament and inevitably lose. After the crushing defeat, Hinata vows to surpass Kageyama. After entering high school, Hinata joins the volleyball team only to find that Tobio has also joined.


Saved by the Bell

Saved by the Bell 1989


Lovable schemer Zack Morris leads his pals on adventures at California's Bayside High School. The friends navigate relationships, final exams, school dances, breakups and more while frequently frustrating their principal, Mr. Richard Belding, who does his best to keep them in check.


The Originals

The Originals 2013


A spin-off from The Vampire Diaries and set in New Orleans, The Originals centers on the Mikaelson siblings, otherwise known as the world's original vampires: Klaus, Elijah, and Rebekah. Now Klaus must take down his protégé, Marcel, who is now in charge of New Orleans, in order to re-take his city, as he originally built New Orleans. Klaus departed from the city after being chased down by his father Mikael, while it was being constructed and Marcel took charge. As Klaus has returned after many years, his ego has provoked him to become the king of the city. "Every King needs an heir" says Klaus, accepting the unborn child. The child is a first to be born to a hybrid and a werewolf.


Fruits Basket

Fruits Basket 2019


After a family tragedy turns her life upside down, 16-year-old high school student Tohru Honda takes matters into her own hands and moves out… into a tent! Unfortunately for her, she pitches her new home on private land belonging to the mysterious Soma clan, and it isn't long before the owners discover her secret. But, as Tohru quickly finds out when the family offers to take her in, the Somas have a secret of their own—when hugged by the opposite sex, they turn into the animals of the Chinese Zodiac!



Free! 2013


The story revolves around Haruka Nanase, a boy who has always loved to be immersed in water, and to swim in it. Before graduating from elementary school, he participated in a swimming tournament along with his fellow swimming club members, Makoto Tachibana, Nagisa Hazuki, and Rin Matsuoka. After achieving victory, each of the boys went their separate ways. Time passed, and in the middle of their uneventful high school lives Rin appears and challenges Haruka to a match, showing Haruka his overwhelming power. Not wanting it to end like this, Haruka, gathers together Makoto and Nagisa once again and brings a new member named Rei Ryugazaki to create the Iwatobi High School Swimming Club in order to defeat Rin.


The A List

The A List 2018


Romance, rivalry and radical mystery collide as a group of teens attend a remote island sleepaway camp in this suspenseful, supernatural drama.


Death Note

Death Note 2006


Light Yagami is an ace student with great prospects—and he’s bored out of his mind. But all that changes when he finds the Death Note, a notebook dropped by a rogue Shinigami death god. Any human whose name is written in the notebook dies, and Light has vowed to use the power of the Death Note to rid the world of evil. But will Light succeed in his noble goal, or will the Death Note turn him into the very thing he fights against?


Bungo Stray Dogs

Bungo Stray Dogs 2016


Atsushi Nakajima was kicked out of his orphanage, and now he has no place to go and no food. While he is standing by a river, on the brink of starvation, he rescues a man whimsically attempting suicide. That man is Osamu Dazai, and he and his partner Kunikida are members of a very special detective agency. They have supernatural powers and deal with cases that are too dangerous for the police or the military. They're tracking down a tiger that has appeared in the area recently, around the time Atsushi came to the area. The tiger seems to have a connection to Atsushi, and by the time the case is solved, it is clear that Atsushi's future will involve much more of Dazai and the rest of the detectives!


American Chopper: Senior vs Junior

American Chopper: Senior vs Junior 2010


It's make it or break it time for each of the Teutul men as they head off in separate directions after a bruising family breakup. Who will come out on top as Orange County Choppers (OCC) and Paul JR Designs start cranking out competing bikes?