Märksõna Journalism
Saatan kannab Pradat 2006
Andy Sachs (Anne Hathaway) on just lõpetanud ülikooli ja ta kolib oma poiss-sõbraga (Adrian Grenier) New Yorki, lootes sealt leida tööd ajakirjanikuna. Kui sellest aga asja ei saa, õnnestub tal pääseda töövestlusele Runaways, suures moeajakirjas, mida juhib võimukas ja nõudlik Miranda Priestly (Meryl Streep). Andy ei tea aga moest mitte midagi ega pole sellest ajakirjast varem kuulnudki. Just sellel põhjusel ajakirja direktor ta Miranda assistendiks palkabki. Andy avastab end peagi Miranda võimatute ja kohest täitmist nõudvate soovide keskelt?
Full Metal Jacket 1987
Esimene peatükk - Vietnami sõda. Mereväe treeninglaagrisse Parrise saarele Lõuna-Carolinas saabub uus grupp Mereväelasi. Sealseid vägesi juhatav seersant on karmikäeline ning tema ainsaks eesmärgiks on teha hoolealustest armutud tapamasinad. Teine peatükk - Parrise saarel treeninud Mereväerühma liige on töötamas Vietnamis sõjareporterina. Sõja kõige verisema lahingu eelõhtul saadetakse ta riigi pealinna lugu kirjutama. Seal kohtub ta liitlasvägede salkadega, mille liikmete seas on ka tema endisi treeningkaaslasi. Kuid ta satub koos rühmaga tule alla ning on sunnitud siiski sõjast võitlejana osa võtma.
Kõikvõimas Bruce 2003
Pärast oma elu halvima päeva veetmist omandab rahulolematu telereporter Bruce Nolan jumaliku võimu, kui ta värbab jumalat, kellel pole aimugi, kuidas ta asja menetleb. Sellise väljakutse ees seistes otsustab Jumal anda talle kõik oma volitused vaata, kas ta on võimeline paremini hakkama saama kui ta on
Lohetätoveeringuga tüdruk 2011
"Lohetätoveeringuga tüdruk" on Stieg Larssoni Millenniumi-triloogial põhineva kolmeosalise filmisarja esimene osa. Majandusajakirjanik Mikael Blomkvist (Daniel Craig) vajab aja mahavõtmist. Talle on laimamise eest äsja mõistetud kolmekuuline vanglakaristus ning ta otsustab tööst ajakirjas Millennium ajutiselt loobuda. Samal hetkel teeb üks riigi legendaarsemaid tööstureid Henrik Vanger (Christopher Plummer) talle ettepaneku kirjutada Vangeri suguvõsa kroonika. See on aga suitsukate: tegelikult tuleb Blomkvistil välja uurida, mis on juhtunud ligi 40 aasta eest jäljetult kadunuks jäänud Henriku noore sugulase Harriet Vangeriga. Blomkvist võtab ülesande vastumeelselt vastu ning saab abiliseks riigi ühe parima häkkeri Lisbeth Salanderi (Rooney Mara). Mida sügavamale Blomkvist ja Salander Vangeri suguvõsa ajalukku süüvivad, seda õudsemaks ja verisemaks kogu lugu nende kohkumuseks muutub…
Vereteemant 2006
1990date Sierra Leone kodusõja ajal asub Lõuna-Aafrika sõdur Danny Archer (Leonardo DiCaprio) ja kalur Solomon Vandy (Djimon Hounsou) otsima kummalist roosat teemantit, mis võiks muuta nende mõlema elu. Kuid lisaks kallile vääriskivile on neil kummalgi ka omad motiivid, Solomon tahab päästa oma perekonna ja Archer loodab oma rappaläinud elu taas joonde seada.
Öö kutse 2014
Louis Bloom (Jake Gyllenhaal) on innukas noormees, kes otsib meeleheitlikult tööd ning avastab tempoka LA krimiajakirjandusmaailma. Ta tutvub vabakutseliste operaatoritega, kes filmivad liiklusõnnetusi, tulekahjusid, mõrvu ja muid õudusi. Louisel õnnestub jalg ohtliku maailma ukse vahele saada, kus iga sinine vilkur võib tähendada ootamatut õnne ja ohvrid tehakse rahaks. Teda juhendab kohaliku uudistesaate ankur Nina (Rene Russo), mille tulemusel saadab teda edu. Kaelamurdva ja katkematu videomaterjali otsinguil saab mehest tema enda loo peategelane.
She Said 2022
5. september 2024
München. 5. september 1972. Suveolümpiamängude kümnes päev. Kell 4.40 öösel kuuleb ABC sporditoimetuse liige lähedalasuvast olümpiakülast laske. Selgub, et palestiina terroristid on võtnud pantvangi 11 Iisraeli koondise liiget. Hoolimata uudistetoimetuse vastuseisust asub kajastust juhtima ambitsioonikas noor produtsent Geoffrey Mason, kes püüab tõestada end oma ülemusele, telelegend Roone Arledge’ile. Abiks kohalik tõlk Marianne ja karastunud tehniline tiim, peavad ameeriklased tegema raskeid otsuseid, kuidas toimuvast maailmale raporteerida pingelises olukorras, kus informatsioon on poolik, kell tiksub ning kaalul on inimelud.
Spotlight 2015
The Insider 1999
The Post 2017
Prantsuse lähetus 2021
His Girl Friday 1940
La memoria infinita 2023
Broadcast News 1987
Scoop 2024
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 1993
A much more lavish version of the popular Superman television series which had first aired forty years earlier, Lois & Clark focused more on the Man of Steel's early adult years in Metropolis. With the unknowing help of Lois Lane, Clark Kent created Superman there in Metropolis after finding work at the world-famous Daily Planet newspaper, where he meets fellow reporter Lois Lane.
Box of Goblins 2008
Between August and October, 1952, a series of unusual crimes takes place in Musashino and Mitaka: the attempted murder of 14-year-old Kanako Yuzuki, Kanako's abduction from the strange research "hospital" where she was recovering, then abductions of other girls, followed by their severed limbs in custom-fitted boxes being placed in surrounding towns. News editor Morihiko Toriguchi and crime fiction writer Tatsumi Sekiguchi investigate with the help of onmyōji Akihiko Chūzenji.
Death Note 2006
Light Yagami is an ace student with great prospects—and he’s bored out of his mind. But all that changes when he finds the Death Note, a notebook dropped by a rogue Shinigami death god. Any human whose name is written in the notebook dies, and Light has vowed to use the power of the Death Note to rid the world of evil. But will Light succeed in his noble goal, or will the Death Note turn him into the very thing he fights against?
The Newsroom 2012
A behind-the-scenes look at the people who make a nightly cable-news program. Focusing on a network anchor, his new executive producer, the newsroom staff and their boss, the series tracks their quixotic mission to do the news well in the face of corporate and commercial obstacles-not to mention their own personal entanglements.
Tokyo Vice 2022
A first-hand account of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police beat following Jake Adelstein, an American journalist who embeds himself into the Tokyo Vice police squad to reveal corruption. Based on Jake Adelstein’s non-fiction book of the same name.
Scoop 1992
Follow both the professional and personal lives of reporters working for The Express, a daily Montréal Newspaper.
Dan Rather Reports 2006
Dan Rather presents hard-edged field reports, in-depth interviews and investigative pieces. Each story emphasizes the accuracy, fairness and guts that have been a hallmark of Rather’s illustrious career.
El Caso: crónica de sucesos 2016
Madrid, 1966. Jesus Exposito is a lone wolf, a former policeman who has done himself and has a thorny past. It is one of the most veteran reporters Case, where he arrived a rookie journalist Clara Lopez-Doriga, a good girl, and cosmopolitan university eager to take on the world.
Globo Repórter 1973
This show addresses issues related to the Brazilian way of life, highlighting matters such as health, education, work and nature.
The Listening Post 1970
Listening Post is Al Jazeera English's weekly media review show. It casts a critical eye over not just what gets reported, but how it's reported - covering the coverage of the news & analyzing global events through the prism of the media.
Pinocchio 2014
In-ha and Ha-myeong become reporters for different reasons: one aspires to follow in her mother's footsteps and the other seeks to do honest news.
Street Cents 1989
"Street Cents," a teen-centered newsmagazine aired on CBC Television from 1989 to 2006, stood out for its focus on consumer and media awareness for young viewers. Created by producer John Nowlan and inspired by Britain's "Pocket Money," the series garnered critical acclaim, winning Gemini Awards and an International Emmy for Best Youth Programming. Ad-free like CBC's Marketplace, it prioritized unbiased critique of products and services, promoting safety, ethics, and youth empowerment. Despite its lauded inclusivity, the show ended in October 2006 due to declining teen viewership, leaving CBC-TV without youth-targeted programming.
Kontant 1970
Kontant is the consumer magazine, which every week addresses important issues that affect Danes and their wallets. The editors focus on the consumers' agenda, follow their complaints, come up with good advice, investigate and provide an overview.
The Hour 2011
A behind-the-scenes drama and espionage thriller in Cold War-era England that centers on a journalist, a producer, and an anchorman for an investigative news programme.
The Field of Blood 2011
Adaptation of Denise Mina's thriller set in 1982. When the story of a murder has huge implications for her family, newspaper copy boy Paddy Meehan battles prejudices to get to the truth. As she inches closer to revealing the truth, her investigations place her in mortal danger.
Channel-X 2010
Could it be coincidence that on the day that An Zaiyong, a respected, high-profile anchor of BIGTV News, is about to expose a major corporate scandal, he is suddenly arrested for killing his girlfriend? As his fellow news journalists cover the sensational news, Zaiyong not only loses his job but also all of his friends. Leading the charge of the “trial by media” is tabloid reporter Hong Xiaolu of Channel X. But could Xiaolu turn out to be his only ally in investigating the wrongful charges to help clear Zaiyong’s name and prove his innocence?
Les jeunes loups 2014
A team of young journalists attempt to free itself from the constraints of established rules and tell its readers the truth.
Argon 2017
In a world filled with provocative (and often misleading) news, a passionate team of investigative TV reporters strives to bring truths to light.
Blunt Talk 2015
A British newscaster moves to Los Angeles with his alcoholic manservant and the baggage of several failed marriages to host a sanctimonious talk show.