
Algus 2010


Dom Cobb on kurjategija, kes varastab teiste saladusi alateadvusest nende magamise ajal. Cobb on spetsialist kaasaegse tööstusspionaaži vallas. Samas on see teinud temast põgeniku. Nüüd pakutakse mehele võimalust lunastuseks. Viimane töö võib anda talle tagasi elu, kuid selle saavutamiseks peab ta tegema võimatut. Uue röövi asemel peab Cobb tegema vastupidist. Tema ülesandeks on uue idee istutamine. Kui neid saadab edu, on see ideaalne kuritegu.



Ratatouille 2007


Remy ei ole sugugi mitte tavaline rotipoiss - nimelt on teda õnnistatud ülitundliku maitsmismeelega ja seetõttu keeldub ta kategooriliselt suhu toppimast kõiksugu prügi, mis muidu rottide söögitabelis auväärsel kohal figureerivad. Remy iseäralikud maitseeelistused tekitavad omajagu kummastust ka tema pereliikmete seast, sest rotid on harjunud endale suhu pistma enam-vähem kõike, mida nad leiavad... Seetõttu ei saa nad üldse aru ka Remy suurest unistuseks - saada ühel ilusal päeval kokaks. Teda innustavad teel oma eesmärgi poole ka meisterkokk Gusteau sõnad: kõik oskavad süüa teha.



Röövitud 2008


17-aastane Kim (Maggie Grace), kes elab ema Lenore (Famke Janssen) juures, on oma isa au ja uhkus. Kui endise spiooni Bryan Millsi (Liam Neeson) tütar Kim Pariisis röövitakse, asub mees teda iga hinna eest otsima. Oma endise ameti erioskusi kasutades jõuab ta Kimi röövinud halastamatu bande jälile ja alustab võitlust, et tütar päästa ja kurikaelu õiglaselt karistada.


Vääritud tõprad

Vääritud tõprad 2009


Teise maailmasõja ajal valitakse grupp juudi-ameerika sõdureid tuntud kui Tõprad, et levitada hirmu läbi terve Kolmanda Reichi skalpeerides ja tappes jõhkralt natse. Peagi ristuvad Tõbraste teed prantsuse-juudi teismelise tüdrukuga, kes peab Pariisis kino, mida Saksa sõdurid tahavad kasutada oma propagandafilmi ekraniseerimiseks.



Vaesekesed 2023


Film põhineb Alasdair Gray 1992. aasta romaanil. Lugu keskendub Bella Baxterile, noorele naisele Viktoriaanlikus Londonis, kes ärkab ellu tänu geniaalsele ja ebatavalisele teadlasele Dr. Godwin Baxterile. Bella on näljane maailma tarkuste järele ning ta otsustab koos libekeelse ja dekadentliku advokaadi Duncan Wedderburniga seikluslikule rännakule minna. Bella seisab oma ajastu eelarvamuste vastu ning võitleb võrdsuse ja vabaduse eest


Saatan kannab Pradat

Saatan kannab Pradat 2006


Andy Sachs (Anne Hathaway) on just lõpetanud ülikooli ja ta kolib oma poiss-sõbraga (Adrian Grenier) New Yorki, lootes sealt leida tööd ajakirjanikuna. Kui sellest aga asja ei saa, õnnestub tal pääseda töövestlusele Runaways, suures moeajakirjas, mida juhib võimukas ja nõudlik Miranda Priestly (Meryl Streep). Andy ei tea aga moest mitte midagi ega pole sellest ajakirjast varem kuulnudki. Just sellel põhjusel ajakirja direktor ta Miranda assistendiks palkabki. Andy avastab end peagi Miranda võimatute ja kohest täitmist nõudvate soovide keskelt?


Nüüd sa näed mind

Nüüd sa näed mind 2013


Maailma parimad illusionistid, keda tuntakse Nelja Ratsaniku nime all, röövivad lavashow'de käigus paljaks mitmeid korrumpeerunud ärimehi. Mustkunstnikud külvavad aga publiku varastatud rahaga üle. Pöörases kassi-hiire mängus on nad FBI agentidest alati sammukese ees.



Amélie 2001


Ettekandja Amélie Poulain üritab teda ümbritseva inimeste elu elamisväärseks teha ja aidata neid nende muredes. Kuid samal ajal näib tema enda armastus Nino Quincampoix vastu lootusetu olema.


Bourne'i identiteet

Bourne'i identiteet 2002


Itaalia kalalaeva meeskond päästab amneesiaki, kui see ujub merel. Tal ei ole identiteeti ega minevikku, kuid tal on terve rida erakordseid andeid keele-, võitlus- ja enesekaitsekunstis, mis viitavad riskikutsele. Segaduses ja segaduses teeb ta meeletu otsingu, et teada saada, kes ta on ja miks on tema elu võtnud sellise ohtliku pöörde.


Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir

Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir 2015


Marinette and Adrien, two Parisian teenagers, are entrusted with powerful jewels in order to transform into superheroes Ladybug and Cat Noir. But neither hero knows the other's true identity — or that they're classmates!



Madeline 1988


A young girl embarks on a series of misadventures, causing her friends and teachers to be worrisome. Based on the children's books by Ludwig Bemelmans.


Nodame Cantabile

Nodame Cantabile 2007


Shinichi Chiaki is a first class musician whose dream is to play among the elites in Europe. Coming from a distinguished family, he is an infamous perfectionist; not only is he highly critical of himself, but of others as well. The only thing stopping Chiaki from leaving for Europe is his fear of flying. As a result, he's grounded in Japan. During his 4th year at Japan's top music university, Chiaki happens to meet Noda Megumi—or as she refers to herself, Nodame. On the surface, she seems to be an unkempt girl with no direction in life. However, when Chiaki hears Nodame play the piano for the first time, he is in awe at the kind of music she plays. To Chiaki's dismay, Nodame moves into the apartment next to his and finds out that she is head-over-heels in love with him.



Navarro 1989


Out of the norm police officer Navarro and his team investigate the most troubling, serious and heart rendering cases in the city of Paris.


Profiling Paris

Profiling Paris 2009


Chloé Saint-Laurent is a profiler and works with a police team to solve murders in Paris. She's very sweet, she wears very colored clothes and a huge yellow bag. She looks like a little girl who need a doll, but she's very smart and a very good profiler. Step by step, she fit in the team and her colleagues, very reserved at first, became her best friends.



Lupin 2021


Inspired by the adventures of Arsène Lupin, gentleman thief Assane Diop sets out to avenge his father for an injustice inflicted by a wealthy family.


Gaspard and Lisa

Gaspard and Lisa 2011


Gaspard and Lisa are two adventuresome friends from Paris who sometimes find themselves in trouble while they learn about the world around them.


Dogtanian and the Three Muskehounds

Dogtanian and the Three Muskehounds 1981


France, 17th century, under the reign of Louis XIII. Dogtanian is an impetuous and innocent peasant from Gascony, as well as a skilled swordsman, who travels to Paris with the purpose of making his dream come true: to join the Corps of Muskehounds of the Royal Guard.


Call My Agent!

Call My Agent! 2015


At a top Paris talent firm, agents scramble to keep their star clients happy—and their business afloat—after an unexpected crisis.


The Return of Dogtanian

The Return of Dogtanian 1991


France, 17th century. As a secret plot is on motion to overthrow King Louis XIII, the little daughter of Dogtanian, the brave muskehound of the Royal Guard, is kidnapped.


Paris Police 1900

Paris Police 1900 2021


Paris, France, 1899. The corpse of an unknown woman is found in the river Seine. The investigation will push a young ambitious inspector to discover a heavy state secret.



Jo 2013


Jo is an English-language French police procedural television series created by Canadian/USA screenwriter René Balcer of Law & Order fame with French writing team Franck Ollivier & Malina Detcheva, known for the mini-series Lost Signs. It is co-produced by the French Atlantique Productions and the Belgian Stromboli Pictures companies in association with broadcast partners TF1, RTBF, Sat.1, ORF and RTS.


The Hook Up Plan

The Hook Up Plan 2018


In a misguided attempt to build up perpetually single Elsa's confidence, her friends hire a male escort. A comedy series set in Paris.



Spiral 2005


This gritty crime drama set in the dark underbelly of Paris follows police officers and lawyers as they investigate and prosecute crimes. Throw any romantic notion of Paris out the window. Crime is dark. The legal system is darker. This is Spiral.


The New Look

The New Look 2024


The shocking story of how fashion icon Christian Dior and his contemporaries including Coco Chanel, Pierre Balmain, and Cristóbal Balenciaga navigated the horrors of World War Il and launched modern fashion.


The Veil

The Veil 2024


Two women play a deadly game of truth and lies on the road from Istanbul to Paris and London. One woman has a secret, the other a mission to reveal it before thousands of lives are lost. In the shadows, mission controllers at the CIA and French DGSE must put differences aside and work together to avert potential disaster.


Les Misérables

Les Misérables 2018


France, 1815. Jean Valjean, a common thief, is released from prison after having lived a hell in life for 19 years, but a small mistake puts the law again on his trail. Ruthless Inspector Javert pursues him thorough years, driven by a twisted sense of justice, while Valjean reforms himself, thrives and dedicates his life to good deeds. In 1832, while the revolution ravages the streets of Paris, Valjean and Javert cross their paths for the last time.


The Rookies

The Rookies 2007


The cases of five young and well-intentioned police recruits often turn into catastrophes.