Wonka 2023
Film räägib imetabase loo sellest kuidas maailma vägevaimast leiutajast, mustkunstnikust ja šokolaadimeistrit sai armastatud Willy Wonka, keda me tänagi tunneme.
Film räägib imetabase loo sellest kuidas maailma vägevaimast leiutajast, mustkunstnikust ja šokolaadimeistrit sai armastatud Willy Wonka, keda me tänagi tunneme.
Vaesest perest pärit Charlie (Freddie Highmore) veedab enamuse enda ajast unistades šokolaadist, mida ta aga osta ei jaksa. Tema elu aga muutub, kui suure šokolaaditööstuse ülem Willy Viltune (Johnny Depp) teatab, et üle terve riigi on saadetud viis šokolaaditahvlit, milles paikneb "kuldne pilet". Selle pileti omanikud saavad tasuta ringreisi koos Willy-ga tema vabrikus ning Charlie selle pileti leiabki. Kuid käik vabrikus tuleb küllaltki üllatusterohke, kuna ülejäänud neli last osutuvad küllaltki õelateks.
Chocolate is now illegal. The story takes place in present day, the Good for You Party has won the election and announced the amazing Chocolate Prohibition law. They prohibit all sweet things, including chocolates, because they are harmful to ones health. Two boys, Huntley and Smudger, stand up to fight against the law. With help from Louise and other friends, they begin to bootleg chocolate.
Story of a chocolatier who is overly timid but has genius skills gets a job at a small chocolate shop.
Eight professionals study the art of chocolate under the guidance of a well-known chocolatier. But only one can be the best in class and win a unique opportunity.
Based on the book of the same name by Alex Shearer; a new political party called the "Good for You" (abbreviated as GFY) which comes into power and bans chocolate. Two kids named Smudger Moore and Huntley Hunter want to get their chocolate back. They begin by selling bootleg chocolate, and go on to join an underground resistance organization.
Cook and food writer Rachel Khoo explores the spectacular world of chocolate. She samples tantalising treats, showcases classic recipes and puts unexpected twists on her favorites.