
Vangistatud 2013


Kui kaugele olete valmis minema, et oma last kaitsta? Keller Dover (Hugh Jackman) on silmitsi iga lapsevanema jubedaima õudusunenäoga. Ta 6-aastane tütar Anna ja tütre sõbranna Joy on kadunud ning kui minutitest saavad tunnid, võtab võimust paanika. Ainus juhtlõng on lagunenud vagunelamu, mis varem nende tänaval seisis. Uurija Loki (Jake Gyllenhaal) vahistab vagunelamu juhi Alex Jonesi (Paul Dano), aga asitõendite puudumisel tuleb ainus kahtlusalune vabaks lasta. Dover teab, et ta lapse elu on kaalul, ja otsustab, et peab ise tegutsema. Meeleheitel isa on kõigeks valmis, et tüdrukuid leida, aga selle käigus on tal oht teelt eksida. See tõstatabki küsimuse, kus on piir õigluse tagaajamise ja omakohtu vahel.



Seitse 1995


Ühe rituaalmõrvari jaht on kahe detektiivi jaoks nende senise karjääri raskeim katsumus. Vähe sellest, et brutaalne, kuid kaval mõrvar, kes oma ohvreid seitsme surmapatu järgi välja valib, neist alati paar sammu ees jõuab olla; lisaks sellele hakkab juhtum hävitavalt ka nende endi eraelu mõjutama.



Naeratus 2022


Olles näinud pealt oma patsiendi enesetappu, hakkab traumeeritud terapeut Rose Cutter Rose Cotter nägema ja kogema midagi sellist, mida ta endale ega teistele seletada ei oska. Samal ajal, kui seletamatu õudus teda enda alla matab, peab naine seisma silmitsi oma traagilise minevikuga, et leida pääsetee uuest luupainajalikust reaalsusest.



Pinge 1995


Neil McCauley on professionaal, kelle tegevusalaks on hoolikalt planeeritud röövid. Mees on palju aastaid oma elust veetnud vanglamüüride vahel ning on otsustanud sinna mitte kunagi enam tagasi minna. Vincent Hanna on oma tööle pühendunud detektiiv, kes töötab Los Angelese politsei mõrvarühmas ja on tuntud oma järeleandmatuse poolest. Kahe sarnase mehe teed ristuvad, kui McCauley grupi poolt organiseeritud rööv lõpeb kolme inimese tapmisega ning asja uurimine antakse Hanna hoolde. Vastased hakkavad liikuma vältimatu kokkupõrke suunas, mille tulemus saab olla ainult üks…


Nugade Peal

Nugade Peal 2019


Kui tunnustatud krimikirjanik Harlan Thrombey leitakse oma majast surnuna vahetult pärast tema 85. sünnipäeva, kutsutakse detektiiv Benoit Blanc uurima. Alates Harlani töövõimetust perekonnast ja lõpetades pühendunud personaliga, sõelub Blanc läbi valede võrgu, et paljastada Harlani enneaegse surma taga olev tõde.


V nagu veritasu

V nagu veritasu 2006


Meil vähetuntud, kuid populaarsel Alan Moore´i koomiksil põhinev film. Selles maailmas on ajalugu pisut teisiti kulgenud ning Saksamaa võitis II maailmasõja ja Suurbritanniast on saanud fašistlik riik, mis terroriseerib oma elanikke. Kuid selles lootusetus maailmas, millel elanikud vastupanule mõeldagi ei julge, on veel neid, kes siiski julgevad vastu hakata ja nii ründabki maskeeritud vabadustvõitleja V (Hugo Weaving) valitsust, et pisutki selle ülemvõimu piirata.


Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F

Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F 2024


Axel Foley on tagasi Beverly Hillsis, sest tema tütre elu on ohus. Vanad sõbrad John Taggart ja Billy Rosewood liituvad temaga vandenõu paljastamisel.


Mulholland Drive

Mulholland Drive 2001


Pärast Mulhollandi teel toimunud autoõnnetust tuigub selle ainuke ellujäänu, mustajuukseline naine, Los Angelese tänavatel ning jõuab lõpuks ajutiselt elanikuta korterisse. Järgmise päeval kolib sinna elama heasüdamlik Betty, noor naine, kes loodab alustada näitlejakarjääri. Koos üritavad nad lahendada mõistatust brüneti ümber, kes õnnetusest saadik midagi ei mäleta



Saw 2004



Mina, robot

Mina, robot 2004


Aastal 2035 on robotid seadmed, mida me kasutame iga päev ja usaldame, välja arvatud üks paranoiline detektiiv (Smith), kes uurib, mida ta ainuüksi usub olevat roboti toime pandud kuritegu. Juhtum viib ta avastama midagi veelgi hullemat, mis ähvardab inimkonda. Will Smith tähistab selles põnevusfilmis, mis on inspireeritud Isaac Asimovi klassikalisest novellikogust ja mille on teinud dünaamilise ja visioonilise režissööri Alex Proyase film (Dark City, The Raven). Selles filmis kasutatakse robotite maailma ellu viimiseks kõige kaasaegsemaid ja suurejoonelisemaid visuaalefektide tehnikaid.


Mälestused mõrvast

Mälestused mõrvast 2003


Tõelistel sündmustel põhinev kriminaaldraama Lõuna-Korea esimesest sarimõrvarist, kes pani oma julmad tapmised ja vägistamised toime aastatel 1986-1991. Film algab teise mõrva sündmuspaigalt, kus leitakse noore naise kägistamisjälgedega ja kinniseotud kätega surnukeha. Juhtumi saavad oma kätesse kaks kohalikku uurijat(Song Kang-ho ja Kim Rwe-ha), kelle jaoks on see juhtum ehk liiga kõva pähkel ja kelle uurimismeetodid ei vasta just tänapäeva standarditele. Neile saadetakse pealinnast abiks protokolli tundev ja koolitatud uurija Seo(Kim Sang-kyung), keda esialgu peetakse konkurendiks, kuid sündmuste arenedes ja meeleheite kasvades ollakse nõus ka kõige ebatavalisemate abistajatega.


Head tüübid

Head tüübid 2016


Filmi tegevus leiab aset Los Angeleses 1970. aastatel. Edutu eradetektiiv Holland March ja löömamees Jackson Healy peavad üheskoos lahendama kadunud tüdruku juhtumi ja pealtnäha sellest eraldiseisva pornotähe surmaloo. Juurdluse käigus paljastavad nad šokeeriva vandenõu, mis viib võimuladvikuni välja.


Law & Order: Special Victims Unit

Law & Order: Special Victims Unit 1999


In the criminal justice system, sexually-based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.


Perry Mason

Perry Mason 1957


The cases of master criminal defense attorney Perry Mason and his staff who handled the most difficult of cases in the aid of the innocent.



Homicide 1964


Homicide was an Australian television police drama series The series dealt with the homicide squad of the Victorian Police force and the various crimes and cases the detectives are called upon to investigate. Many episodes were based on real life crime cases.


AIBOU: Tokyo Detective Duo

AIBOU: Tokyo Detective Duo 2002


Detective Ukyo Sugishita confronts crime on the basis of his own convictions. He has a partner that works for him in the Special Task Unit. For the first 7 seasons, Ukyo’s first partner is Kaoru Kameyama. He is a good-natured, hot-tempered, straightforward and somewhat scattered detective. Beginning in Season 8, Takeru Kanbe replaces Kameyama. Contrary to his predecessor, Takeru is a lanky, cool, conceited and confident detective. From Season 11 to Season 13, Ukyo’s partner is a young detective Toru Kai. Toru is a son of Deputy Director-General of The National Police Agency. But he became a detective by his own effort. And starting with Season 14, Ukyo’s current partner is Wataru Kaburagi, an elite bureaucrat who came to the Metropolitan Police Department on temporary assignment. As the first partner without any career of a police officer, he will face challenging cases together with Ukyo.


Case Closed

Case Closed 1996


The son of a world famous mystery writer, Jimmy Kudo, has achieved his own notoriety by assisting the local police as a student detective. He has always been able to solve the most difficult of criminal cases using his wits and power of reason.


Murder, She Wrote

Murder, She Wrote 1984


An unassuming mystery writer turned sleuth uses her professional insight to help solve real-life homicide cases.



C.I.D. 1998


The first thrilling investigative series on Indian Television, is today one of the most popular shows on Sony Entertainment Television. Dramatic and absolutely unpredictable, Crime Investigation Department (C.I.D.) has captivated viewers over the last eleven years and continues to keep audiences glued to their television sets with its thrilling plots and excitement. Also interwoven in its fast-paced plots are the personal challenges that the C.I.D. team faces with non-stop adventure, tremendous pressure and risk, all in the name of duty. The series consists of hard-core police procedural stories dealing with investigation, detection and suspense. The protagonists of the serial are an elite group of police officers belonging to the Crime Investigation Department of the police force, led by ACP Pradyuman.


Hell Girl

Hell Girl 2005


A supernatural system allows people to take revenge by having other people sent to Hell via the services of a mysterious entity and her assistants who implement this system. Revenge, injustice, hatred, and the nature of human emotions are common themes throughout the series.



Profiler 1996


Rachel Burke is a criminal profiler, one of the best, actually. She, along with a sophisticated team of specialists on the FBI's Violent Crimes Task Force in Atlanta, investigates crimes throughout the country. Together, they solve the toughest of cases while trying to live their lives as best they can.


Homicide Hunter: Lt Joe Kenda

Homicide Hunter: Lt Joe Kenda 2011


A non-fiction investigative series of murder cases told through the personal experience of retired detective, Lieutenant Joe Kenda. Through re-enactments, discussions with investigation teams, and interviews with victims' families and other involved persons, the show highlights Kenda's successes with his 400 homicide case history and 92 percent solution rate.


Forever Knight

Forever Knight 1992


Forever Knight is a Canadian television series about Nick Knight, an 800-year-old vampire working as a police detective in modern day Toronto. Wracked with guilt for centuries of killing others, he seeks redemption by working as a homicide detective on the night shift while struggling to find a way to become human again. The series premiered on May 5, 1992 and concluded with the third season finale on May 17, 1996.


CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 2000


A Las Vegas team of forensic investigators are trained to solve criminal cases by scouring the crime scene, collecting irrefutable evidence and finding the missing pieces that solve the mystery.



Unforgotten 2015


London police detectives Cassie Stuart and Sunny Khan investigate historic cold cases involving missing persons, murder and long-hidden secrets.


The Apothecary Diaries

The Apothecary Diaries 2023


Maomao lived a peaceful life with her apothecary father. Until one day, she's sold as a lowly servant to the emperor's palace. But she wasn't meant for a compliant life among royalty. So when imperial heirs fall ill, she decides to step in and find a cure! This catches the eye of Jinshi, a handsome palace official who promotes her. Now, she's making a name for herself solving medical mysteries!


Cold Justice

Cold Justice 2013


From Executive Producer Dick Wolf, this true crime investigative series follows veteran prosecutor Kelly Siegler, and her rotating team of seasoned detectives, as they travel to small towns across the country and help local law-enforcement agencies dig into unsolved homicide cases that have lingered for years without answers or justice for the victims due to lack of funding and proper forensic technology.


Who's the Murderer

Who's the Murderer 2016


The cast is introduced to the settings and suspects of a murder case for the new episode. The cast then chooses their role in the episode, as a particular suspect or the detective.


Jonathan Creek

Jonathan Creek 1997


Working from his home in a converted windmill, Jonathan Creek is a magician with a natural ability for solving puzzles. He soon puts this ability to the use of solving impossible crimes and mysterious murders.


CSI: Miami

CSI: Miami 2002


CSI: Miami follows Crime Scene Investigators working for the Miami-Dade Police Department as they use physical evidence, similar to their Las Vegas counterparts, to solve grisly murders. The series mixes deduction, gritty subject matter, and character-driven drama in the same vein as the original series in the CSI franchise, except that the Miami CSIs are cops first, scientists second.


Death in Paradise

Death in Paradise 2011


A brilliant but idiosyncratic British detective and his resourceful local team solve baffling murder mysteries on the fictional Caribbean island of Saint-Marie.