Terminaator Genisys

Terminaator Genisys 2015


Kui inimkonna vastupanuliikumise juht John Connor (Jason Clarke) saadab seersant Kyle Reese’i (Jai Courtney) tagasi aastasse 1984 kaitsma Sarah Connorit (Emilia Clarke) ja looma positiivse lahendusega tulevikku, paiskab ootamatu pööre sündmuste käigus kogu seni kavandatud ajaliini ümber. Seersant Reese leiab end täiesti uuest mineviku versioonist, kus tal tuleb teha koostööd üllatavate liitlastega, kelle seas on ka Valvur (Arnold Schwarzenegger), ning seista silmitsi uute ohtlike vaenlastega. Kyle’i missiooniks pole ei vähem ega rohkem, kui määrata inimkonnale uus tulevik...


Terminaator 2: Kohtupäev

Terminaator 2: Kohtupäev 1991


Kümme aastat tagasi hävitas Sarah Connor esimese terminaatori. Nüüd saabub teine, samasugune tapamasin. Kuid seekordse versiooni ülesandeks on peatada veelgi surmavam terminaator T-1000 , kes on saadetud tapma nüüdseks teismeliseikka jõudnud tulevast inimeste vastupanuliikumise juhti, John Connorit. Sarah, John ja Terminaator lähevad peatama teadlast, kes tegeleb Skynet süsteemi ja selle allüksuste arendamisega.



Terminaator 1984


Aastal 2029 käib inimeste ja masinate vahel sõda, millest vaid üks pool võib võitjana väljuda. Masinate juhtsüsteemi, Skyneti ähvardab kaotus. Et kõrvaldada üks tähtsaim inimeste juht, saadetakse ajas tagasi küborg ülesandega tappa vastupanuliikumise juhi ema, Sarah Connor. Ka inimesed saadavad oma võitleja minevikku – sõdur Kyle Reese. Tema ülesandeks on kaitsta Sarah Connorit, kuid kas praktiliselt relvitul inimesel on lootust jagu saada temast igas mõttes üle olevast terminaatorist?



RoboCop 1987


2 Oscarit võitnud ulmemäruli esimeses filmis tapetakse politseinik Alex (Peter Weller). Salajase projekti raames ehitatakse tema surnukehast ja rauast tehispolitseinik - RoboCop. Algab robotmehe armutu sõda kuritegevuse vastu, kuid tema peamiseks sihtmärgiks on mees, kes tappis Alexi.


Terminaator: Lunastus

Terminaator: Lunastus 2009


On aasta 2018. John Connori (Christian Bale) saatus on juhtida inimkonna võitlust Skyneti ning selle terminaatorite armee vastu. Ent tulevikku, millest Connorile on maast madalast räägitud, võib muuta ootamatult ilmuv salapärane võõras Marcus Wright (Sam Worthington), kes ei mäleta muud, kui et viibis surmamõistetute osakonnas. Connor peab otsustama, kas teine on saadetud tulevikust või päästeti hoopis minevikust. Samal ajal, kui Skynet valmistub lõplikuks rünnakuks, asuvad Connor ja Marcus teekonnale, mis viib nad Skyneti südamesse ning kohutava saladuseni, mis on seotud terve inimsoo kavandatava hävitamisega.


Terminaator 3: Masinate mäss

Terminaator 3: Masinate mäss 2003


Möödus kümme aastat sellest, kui John Connor - Nick Stahl - päästis inimkonna hävingust. Täna on John 25-aastane ja elab peidus: tema olemasolust pole dokumentaalseid tõendeid. Nii väldib ta Skynet'i - keeruka masinakorporatsiooni, kes kunagi oma elu lõpetada üritas, jälitamist. Kuid nüüd, tulevikust, on talle saadetud T-X (Kristanna Loken), Skyneti kõige arenenum küborgi tapmismasin. Selle missioon on viia lõpule töö, mida eelkäija T-1000 ei suutnud lõpule viia. T-X on nii halastamatu masin, kui see on oma inimlikust aspektist ilus. Nüüd on Connnori ainus ellujäämislootus Terminaator.


Hing anumas

Hing anumas 2017


Lähitulevikus on Major esimene omataoline: inimene, kes päästeti kohutavast lennuõnnetusest, seejärel täiustati kübertehnoloogia abil täiuslikuks sõduriks, kes on pühendunud maailma kõige ohtlikumate kurjategijate peatamisele.


Aarete planeet

Aarete planeet 2002


Jim Hawkins on omaette hoidev poiss, kes on oma emale võõrastemajas suur abikäsi, kuid vabal ajal sõidab noormees enda tehtud solaarsurferiga. Kuid ühel päeval teeb võõrastemaja lähedale hädamaandumise kosmoselaev ja Jim aitab põgenemisteel olevat võõrast ning juhtub midagi imelist. Hawkins saab enda valdusesse kaardi, mis juhatab Aarete Planeedile. Seda kaarti himustavad ka teised ning meeletu tagaajamise käigus röövlite eest ei jää võõrastemajast midagi järele. Nüüd võtab Jim oma julguse kokku ja läheb universumi kõige kaugemasse galaktikasse aaret otsima. Sellel rännakul on palju takistusi ja ohte...





Aastaks 2029 on digitaalne infotulv kogu ühiskonna üle ujutanud. Halastamatud, salapärased arvutihäkkerid - poolenisti masinad, poolenisti inimesed - tungivad salajastesse infopankadesse ja ei tunnista mingeid eetikareegleid. Selle kaose ajal ilmub mängu "Nukkude isad", kunstlik intelligents, millel puudub tahke kuju. See intelligents suudab oma ohvreid kontrollida ja nende abil arvutivälise maailmaga manipuleerida. Salateenistus nimega Osakond 9, asub seda kehatut deemonit otsima, et temast tulenev oht likvideerida.


Kamen Rider

Kamen Rider 1971


Takeshi Hongo is a promising young man with a passion for motorcycle racing. However, his dreams are suddenly ruined when he gets kidnapped by Shocker, the evil secret organization planning to dominate the world. After being remodeled into a cyborg, Takeshi escapes and swears to protect the world from the inhuman monsters.





Aboard the Edens Zero, a lonely boy with the ability to control gravity embarks on an adventure to meet the fabled space goddess known as Mother.


Bionic Woman

Bionic Woman 2007


Jaime Sommers is saved from death after receiving experimental medical implants. While adjusting to her new bionic powers and raising a rebellious younger sister, Jaime agrees to work for the Berkut Group, a quasi-governmental private organisation that performed her surgery.


Battlestar Galactica

Battlestar Galactica 2004


When an old enemy, the Cylons, resurface and obliterate the 12 colonies, the crew of the aged Galactica protect a small civilian fleet - the last of humanity - as they journey toward the fabled 13th colony, Earth.


Battlestar Galactica: Blood & Chrome

Battlestar Galactica: Blood & Chrome 2012


The first Cylon war has been raging for 10 years and a young Ensign William Adama joins the fleet. He's disappointed not to be assigned to a fighter but to a freighter. His co-pilot, Lt. Coker Fasjovic, isn't too keen on having a rookie flying his aircraft as he has only a short time before he again becomes a civilian. Their cargo is a civilian scientist, Dr. Becca Kelly, but they no sooner leave than she has new orders for them and a new destination. She is less than forthcoming about just what her secret mission is but Adama is keen, particularly as it involves going into Cylon controlled space. Nothing is as it seems however.


Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles

Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles 2008


The series picks up four years after the events of Terminator 2: Judgment Day with John and Sarah Connor trying to stay under-the-radar from the government, as they plot to destroy the computer network, Skynet, in hopes of preventing Armageddon.


Cyborg Kuro-chan

Cyborg Kuro-chan 1999


Kuro is just an ordinary cat who only wants to protect his owners who are an old couple that can't fend for themselves. One day while on a date with his girlfriend Pooly who is a dog, he is kidnapped by an evil scientist and turned into a robot. Kuro somehow removes the chip that controlled him and notices that people get scared with his new robotic appearance and that he can now talk like a human. He decides to disguise himself with the skin of a stuffed toy and to continue living as a pet.



SilverHawks 1986


Bionic policemen fight an escaped alien mob boss and his gang in space.


Inspector Gadget

Inspector Gadget 1983


Inspector Gadget is a clumsy, dim-witted human cyborg detective with various bionic gadgets built into his body. Gadget stumbles around working the cases while his niece and dog do most of the investigating. Gadget's arch-nemesis is Dr. Claw, the leader of an evil organisation, known as "M.A.D."


RoboCop: The Series

RoboCop: The Series 1994


RoboCop: The Series is a 1994 television series based on the film of the same name. It stars Richard Eden as the title character. Made to appeal primarily to children and young teenagers, it lacks the graphic violence that was the hallmark of RoboCop and RoboCop 2. RoboCop has several non-lethal alternatives to killing criminals, which ensures that certain villains can be recurring. The OCP Chairman and his corporation are treated as simply naïve and ignorant, in contrast to their malicious and immoral behavior from the second film onward.


Captain Laserhawk: A Blood Dragon Remix

Captain Laserhawk: A Blood Dragon Remix 2023


Branded an enemy of the state, a cyborg supersoldier struggles to find a cause worth fighting for in a dystopian society where nothing is what it seems.


One-Punch Man

One-Punch Man 2015


Saitama is a hero who only became a hero for fun. After three years of “special” training, though, he's become so strong that he's practically invincible. In fact, he's too strong — even his mightiest opponents are taken out with a single punch, and it turns out that being devastatingly powerful is actually kind of a bore. With his passion for being a hero lost along with his hair, yet still faced with new enemies every day, how much longer can he keep it going?


Dragon Ball Z

Dragon Ball Z 1989


The adventures of Earth's martial arts defender, Son Goku, continue with a new family and the revelation of his alien origins. Now Goku and his allies must defend the planet from an onslaught of new extraterrestrial enemies.


Kamen Rider Black Sun

Kamen Rider Black Sun 2022


The year is 2022. It is an era of chaos, half a century after the government announced the coexistence of humans and kaijins. Aoi Izumi, a young human rights activist calling for the elimination of discrimination, meets a man named Kotaro Minami, the one called "Black Sun," who is a candidate for the next Creation King.


Ghost in the Shell: Arise - Alternative Architecture

Ghost in the Shell: Arise - Alternative Architecture 2015


The story follows Motoko Kusanagi, a highly skilled member of the military, whom upon meeting Daisuke Aramaki, a current chief of the Public Security Section 9, in less than desirable conditions struggles to clear her name whilst forming her own independent team with the highest priority under the sponsorship and guidance of the chief Aramaki himself. Alternative Architecture is a TV anime version of the Ghost in the Shell: Arise movies.


No Guns Life

No Guns Life 2019


Humans that have been physically altered and turned into dangerous weapons are known as the Extended. Juuzou Inui awakens as one of these weapons — with amnesia. But his job as an agent investigating the Extended leads to a mysterious child with Extended ties showing up at his office. Now Inui must keep the child away from street gangs and the megacorporation Berühren, and it won't be easy.



Rugal 2020


A police detective who loses everything to a criminal organization seeks payback when he gains special abilities through biotechnology.


Gunslinger Girl

Gunslinger Girl 2003


The Social Welfare Agency saves the lives of terminal patients using cybernetic implants. Then it teaches them to kill. After surviving the slaughter of her family, young Henrietta awakens to her new life at the Agency with a rebuilt body and no memory. Teamed with Jose, who is responsible for turning her into the perfect assassin, Henrietta’s been given a second chance—but at what cost?


Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex

Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex 2002


In the future when technological enhancements and robotics are a way of life, Major Motoko Kusanagi and Section 9 take care of the jobs that are too difficult for the police. Section 9 employs hackers, sharpshooters, detectives and cyborgs all in an effort to thwart cyber criminals and their plans to attack the innocent.


The Centurions

The Centurions 1986


In the near future, Doc Terror and his cyborg companion Hacker unleash their forces to conquer Earth! Only one force can stop this evil: a handful of brave men. In specially created Exo-Frames, they can be transported anywhere to fuse with incredible assault weapon systems beamed down from the space station Skyvault, becoming man and machine, Power Xtreme! Max Ray, brilliant Sea Operations commander! Jake Rockwell, rugged Land Operations specialist! Ace McCloud, daring Air Operations expert! Whatever the challenge, they are ready - The Centurions!