Järgmine ring

Järgmine ring 2020


Martin on keskkooliõpetaja. Ta tunneb end vana ja väsinuna. Tema õpilased ja nende vanemad soovivad et ta lõpetataks, et nende keskmine hinne tõuseks. Promilliteooriast innustatuna korraldavad Martin ja tema kolm kolleegi eksperimendi, et säilitada pidev alkoholimõju igapäevaelus.


Superbad - ülikõva!

Superbad - ülikõva! 2007


Superbad on film, mis räägib kahe parima sõbra Seth and Even (Jonah Hill, Michael Cera) seiklustest keskkooli lõpuklassis. Enne lõpetamist ootab poisse aga ees kauaoodatud lõpupidu. Selles näevad poisid võimalust enda süütuse kaotamiseks. Plaan on lihtne: peole tuleb sisse smuugeldada alkoholi, tüdrukud täis joota ja seejärel mõni neist voodisse meelitada.



Euroretk 2004


Kui Berliner Mieke (Jessica Boehrs) kuulutab end e-posti teel ameeriklase Scottile (Scott Mechlowicz), lükkab ta ta meheks. Kui ta oma vea avastab, proovib ta temaga ühendust võtta, kuid see on võimatu. Ainus viis teda vallutada näib olevat reisimine Berliini (Saksamaa) ja selleks saadavad teda reisil tema sõbrad Cooper (Jacob Pitts) ning kaksikud Jenny (Michelle Trachtenberg) ja Jamie (Travis Wester).


Bridget Jonesi päevik

Bridget Jonesi päevik 2001


Bridget Jones on kolmekümnekesi vallaline ja täis komplekse, kelle sentimentaalne elu on katastroof. Tal on ainult kaks eesmärki: kaalust alla võtta ja leida tõeline armastus. Uusaastapäeval tehakse kaks otsust: kaalust alla võtta ja päevik kirjutada. Kuid tema armuelu muutub varsti jälle keerukaks, kuna ta on end kahe mehe vahel jaganud. Ühest küljest on tema ülemus Daniel Cleaver, võluv ja seksikas tüüp, kuid ohtlik; teiselt poolt Mark Darcy, perekonna vana sõber, kes tundub alguses liiga reserveeritud ja pingutav.


Salajane aken

Salajane aken 2004


Thriller põhineb Stephen Kingi romaanil. Depp on kirjanik, kes elab halvasti: loomingulist põuda ühendab tema abikaasast eraldumine. Sellistes tingimustes ilmub tema ellu imelik tegelane, kes süüdistab teda ühe oma loo plagiaatimises.



Baby 2018


Fed up with their families and classmates, two teen girls from a wealthy part of Rome are drawn to the city's underworld and start leading double lives.


Nicky Jam: El Ganador

Nicky Jam: El Ganador 2018


Follow Reggaeton artist Nicky Jam's struggles to overcome drug addiction and rise to international success in this dramatization of his life story.



Baccano! 2007


During the early 1930s in Chicago, the transcontinental train, Flying Pussyfoot, is starting its legendary journey that will leave a trail of blood all over the country. At the same time in New York, the ambitious scientist Szilard and his unwilling aide Ennis are looking for missing bottles of the immortality elixir. In addition, a war between the mafia groups is getting worse. On board the Advena Avis, in 1711, alchemists are about to learn the price of immortality. Takes place in the same universe as Durarara (2010).



Bottom 1991


Richie Richard (socially awkward, sexually inexperienced) and Eddie Hitler (carefree alcoholic ) are two social outcasts living on the dole. Trapped together in a squalid flat in Hammersmith, London they are perpetually skint, bored and sexually frustrated. They spend their days scheming, bickering, and being nasty and sadistic to each other.


Men Behaving Badly

Men Behaving Badly 1992


Sitcom following the misadventures of laddish flatmates Gary and Tony


Work Later, Drink Now

Work Later, Drink Now 2021


Three single women in 30s gather and talk about everyday life from work to love. Nothing is more important to them than enjoying a drink after work.


Recovery Road

Recovery Road 2016


Maddie is a teenage girl dealing with addiction who has a reputation as a party girl who doesn’t think she has a problem, until she’s confronted one day by her school guidance counselor and is forced to choose between expulsion and rehab. Maddie makes the difficult decision to live with other recovering addicts at a sober living facility while facing the daily pressures of her teenage life. Based on the popular young adult novel by Blake Nelson.


Brews Brothers

Brews Brothers 2020


Two rival brothers must work together to keep their brewery in business, but shenanigans keep foaming up their company with chaos.


House of Five Leaves

House of Five Leaves 2010


Rônin Akitsu Masanosuke is a skilled swordsman, but his personality often causes him to be let go from his job. One day he encounters Yaichi, the leader of a group calling itself "Five Leaves" and takes a job from him as a bodyguard. Though he is worried about their intentions, he feels there is something more to the group and agrees to work with them.


Amazon Riders

Amazon Riders 2016


Dormant, experimental cells begin to awaken inside their human hosts, turning them into creatures called 'Amazons'. Two Amazons- Jin Takayama and Haruka Mizusawa- transform into Kamen Riders Amazon Alpha and Amazon Omega, aiming to exterminate the growing threat.


Bad Exorcist

Bad Exorcist 2020


No demon is safe as Bogdan Boner, the alcohol-loving, self-taught exorcist-for-hire, returns with more inventive, obscene and deadly deeds.


London Irish

London Irish 2013


Old enough to know better… Young enough to do it anyway. Conor, his older sister Bronagh, best friend Packy and Niamh have just moved from Ireland to London, ready to shake this drunken haze and start life afresh with a clear head. The days of forgotten nights out, regrettable bedfellows and alcohol fueled bad decisions are over. Cheers to the adult life! Which starts now… soon… just as soon as they shake this hangover.


Les recettes pompettes

Les recettes pompettes 2015


Each Week, Éric Salvail invites a new "drinking buddy" to join him in making a recipe that must resemble the original as much as possible, while downing increasing numbers of shots and glasses of wine. This sizeable challenge naturally leads to fits of laughter, surprising confessions … and a few broken glasses!


Demon Prince Enma

Demon Prince Enma 2006


A remake of Go Nagai’s 1973 lighthearted horror anime TV series Dororon Enma-kun. Enma, Yuki-hime and Kapaeru are demon hunters from another plane who have come to present day Japan to exterminate demons who possess humans and cause them to commit murder.


Booze Traveler

Booze Traveler 2014


Actor/adventurer Jack Maxwell learned a lot working in South Boston bars, and one lesson stood out: Enjoy a couple of drinks with a stranger, and the whole world opens up. Those experiences inspired "Booze Traveler," which follows Maxwell to various countries to quench his curiosity about what people drink, why, and the tales it prompts. In Armenia, Belize, Lithuania, Mongolia, Nepal and elsewhere, Maxwell learns its intoxicating traditions, meets with locals, joins in activities, and even helps with the alcohol-making process. He finds a unique drink, makes friends and shares stories in each spot.


Ça va brasser!

Ça va brasser! 2012


Inside look into Québec’s brewing industry.



BLUR 2024


The daily soap 'BLUR' tells the story of Tommy, Tuur, Femke, Rune, Manon, Joren and Julie, a close group of friends that emerged during high school. After leaving school, not only their lives, but also they themselves have changed. As they spread their wings and get to know themselves better, significant doubts arise. Are their middle-aged besties still the friends they would choose now? Do they let each other go? Or will they once again look for what unites them?


Oz & James Drink to Britain

Oz & James Drink to Britain 2009


Oz Clarke and James May travel through Britain and Ireland to discover the amazing array of drinks that is on offer.


Spuiten en Slikken

Spuiten en Slikken 2005


Spuiten en Slikken is a Dutch television program on public television. It is a program about sexuality and drugs. It has been shown on BNN. In the show, discussions about sex and drugs take place with weekly guests. The discussions are led by Nicolette Kluijver . Filemon Wesselink has tried several types of drugs during the shows and showed and told about the effects they had. In later seasons, Dennis Storm did sex experiments in the show. The show first aired October 10, 2005.