
Megalopolis 2024


Uus-Rooma linnas elav Cesar Catilina on idealistlik arhitekt – visionäär, kes pärast linna tabanud katastroofi kavatseb anda sellele tulevikku vaatava ilme. Ta satub vastuollu korrumpeerunud linnapea Franklyn Ciceroga, kes tahab jätta kõik nii, nagu on olnud. Nende kahe vahel on aga linnapea tütar Julia, kes on väsinud võimust, mille ta pärinud, ning keda tõmbab üha rohkem Cesari poole.



Purustaja 1993


Aastal 1996 külmutatakse kurjategija ja massimõrvar Phoenix (Wesley Snipes). Samuti külmutatakse teda tabanud politseinik John Spartan (Sylvester Stallone), kes lavastati süüdlaseks mitme inimese hukkumises. 21. sajandil äratatakse Phoenix üles ja ta kasutab koheselt võimalust põgenemiseks. Kuna ühiskond on vahepeal muutunud vägivallavabaks ja politseil pole juba ammu enam tõeliste kurjategijatega tegemist tulnud teha, jäädakse kurjategija kinnipüüdmisega hätta. Pärast kahtlusi äratatakse üles ka John Spartan, kuna tema on ainus, kes on Phoenixi kunagi alistanud.


Väike prints

Väike prints 2015


Animatsiooni Väike Prints keskmes on Väike Tüdruk, keda ema valmistab ette vägagi täiskasvanulikuks maailmaks, milles nad elavad. Kuid siis astub vahele nende ekstsentriline ja heasüdamlik naaber Aviaator. Aviaator näitab oma uuele sõbrale maailma, kus kõik on võimalik. Maailma, mida talle endale tutvustas kaua aega tagasi Väike Prints. Nüüd algabki Väikese Tüdruku maagiline ja emotsionaalne teekond Väikese Printsi universumisse. Väike Tüdruk avastab uuesti oma lapsepõlve ning õpib, et lõppude lõpuks on kõige tähtsamad inimsuhted. Me näeme õigesti ainult südamega ning kõik oluline on silmale nähtamatu.


Agent 007: Spioon, kes mind armastas

Agent 007: Spioon, kes mind armastas 1977


Briti ja Venemaa Mereväe ridadest kaovad jäljetult kaks allveelaeva, mille pardal on kokku 16 tuumalõhkepead. Juhtumit saadetakse uurima mõlema poole parimad agendid - Venemaalt Anya Amasova ehk "XXX" (Barbara Bach) ning Briti poolt James Bond (Roger Moore). Loo lahendamisel on nende ainsaks niidiotsaks allveelaevade liikumist kajastav mikrofilm - kuid seegi osutub võltsituks.


Agent 007: Kuurakett

Agent 007: Kuurakett 1979


Ühendriikide kosmosesüstikut kandev lennuk Boeing 747 kukub teel Suurbritanniasse merre. Õnnetuspaika jõudnud päästemeeskond leiab eest risustunud lennumasina, kuid transporditud süstik on jäljetult kadunud. Briti salaluure agent James Bond (Roger Moore) saadetakse kosmosesõiduki kadumise tõttu selle tootja Hugo Drax-i (Michael Lonsdale) juurde vabandust paluma, kuid seal külas olles üritatakse mitu korda Bondi eluküünalt kustutada. See teeb Drax-i 007-e silmis peamiseks kahtlusaluseks. Tema tegemisi uurides avastab Bond, et Drax kavatseb kõik maailma elanikud hukata, viibides ise valitud seltskonnaga kosmoses.



Tron 1982



The Orville

The Orville 2017


Follow the crew of the not-so-functional exploratory ship in the Earth's interstellar fleet, 400 years in the future.



Aria 2005


Set in the early 24th century against the backdrop of the city of Neo Venezia on the planet Mars. No longer the barren red planet, Mars has been flooded, inhabited and is something of a tourist hub for those looking for rest, relaxation and a gondola ride – the primary mode of travel in Neo Venezia. The Undines are professional gondoliers, tour guides for the people passing through. Akari Mizunashi is an Undine in training and this is a piece of her story.


Astra: Lost in Space

Astra: Lost in Space 2019


In the year 2063, eight high school students and a kid are flown out to Planet Camp, tasked with surviving on their own for a few days. But shortly after arriving, an ominous glowing orb warps them to an unknown quadrant of space, nearly 5,012 light years away. Now, the only way back home is a slow, dangerous trek across the universe—a journey that’ll test them in ways Planet Camp never could.


Back Pack Series

Back Pack Series 2016


"Back Pack Series" (English: Back Pack Series) is a travel program series filmed and produced by TVB. There are currently four series in the program series, namely "Backpack America", "Backpack Utopia", "Backpacking Morocco" and "The North Of South America", hosted by Chris Leung Yin Chung from the perspective of backpackers to travel around the world .



Circle 2017


After Aliens arrive, the story takes place in two time streams: 2017 and 2037. In twenty years, and by 2037, the world has been divided into a “Smart Earth” where artificial intelligence has created a utopian environment in which no diseases or crimes exist, and an “Ordinary Earth” where people still suffer from rampant plague and lawlessness.


Childhood's End

Childhood's End 2015


The peaceful alien invasion of Earth by the mysterious “Overlords,” whose arrival begins decades of apparent utopia under indirect alien rule, at the cost of human identity and culture.


Brave New World

Brave New World 2020


In a utopia whose perfection hinges upon control of monogamy and privacy, members of the collective begin to question the rules, putting their regimented society on a collision course with forbidden love and revolution.


Sonny Boy

Sonny Boy 2021


On August 16, midway through a seemingly endless summer vacation, middle school third-year student Nagara, the mysterious transfer student Nozomi, and classmates such as Mizuho and Asakaze, are suddenly transported from their tranquil daily lives to a school adrift in an alternate dimension. They must survive with the super powers that have awakened within them.



Moonhaven 2022


Bella Sway, a lunar cargo pilot and smuggler 100 years in the future, finds herself accused of a crime and marooned on Moonhaven, a utopian community set on a 500 square mile Garden of Eden built on the Moon to find solutions to the problems that will soon end civilization on Mother Earth.


The Synanon Fix: Did the Cure Become a Cult?

The Synanon Fix: Did the Cure Become a Cult? 2024


Explore the rise and fall of the Synanon organization — through the eyes of the members who lived it — from its early days as a groundbreaking drug rehabilitation program to its later descent into what many consider a cult.



Utopia 2014


Since the dawn of time, humans have always wondered: does a perfect world exist? Now, we get the chance to build one. Will it be ultimate happiness or utter chaos? Fifteen pioneering Americans leave their everyday lives and move to an isolated, undeveloped location - for an entire year - where they are challenged to create their own civilization from scratch.