Barbie 2023
Barbiemaal elamine tähendab, et oled täiuslikus kohas täiuslik olevus. Kui sul just täielikku eksistentsi kriisi pole. Või kui oled Ken.
Barbiemaal elamine tähendab, et oled täiuslikus kohas täiuslik olevus. Kui sul just täielikku eksistentsi kriisi pole. Või kui oled Ken.
Lars (Ryan Gosling) on kohmakalt arg mees, kes elab väikses linnakeses. Kaua aega pole olnud tal tüdruksõpra, ning ühel päeval otsustab ta midagi ette võtta. Ta toob koju oma unistuste tüdruksõbra, nuku mille ta tellis internetist. Lars'i vend ja õde on tema pärast väga mures, ning nad pöörduvad tema pärast arsti juurde. Arst selgitab neile, et ainuke viis Lars'il sellest hullusest lahti saada, on vaja temaga kaasa mängida. Varsti teab sellest terve linn, ning kõik hakkavad hoolima nukust, sest nad hoolivad Lars'ist.
After a vintage Chucky doll turns up at a suburban yard sale, an idyllic American town is thrown into chaos as a series of horrifying murders begin to expose the town’s hypocrisies and secrets. Meanwhile, the arrival of enemies — and allies — from Chucky’s past threatens to expose the truth behind the killings, as well as the demon doll’s untold origins.
Bumpy, an energetic sock-eating monster who lives under a boy's bed, is constantly getting into mischief, with his friends Squishington and Molly Coddle.
A faceless clan lives in a large mansion, masquerading as nobles. Their caretakers are living dolls who spend their days cleaning up the dirt the tenants leave behind. But there’s a deeper mystery at play… and the secret of the house will be unveiled.
12-year-old Misaki Suzuhara has just gotten involved in Angelic Layer, a battling game using electronic dolls called angels. Even as a newbie, Misaki shows advanced skills as she meets new friends and enters Angelic Layer tournaments to fight the greatest Angelic Layer champions of the nation.
All of the Ultraman and monsters have been turned into figures known as Spark Dolls and become scattered throughout the universe. A young man named Hikaru Raido finds an item called the Ginga Spark which not only allows him to become Ultraman Ginga but also allows him to go UltLive with the figures to revert them to their rightful size and become one with them. Hikaru fights with his friends to uncover the darkness behind the Spark Dolls. Alien Nackie drops a clue that the wielder of darkness resides in their very elementary school.
In this new series, two years after Ginga's battle with Dark Lugiel ended, Hikaru and Tomoya joined the UPG (Ultra Party Guardians) after countless monster sightings appeared. Also, an Alien Chibu named Exceller plans to steal the Victorium Stone which believed to contained mysterious powers that located deep underground the Victorian civilization. Due to this, Shou, a Victorian Prince was sent by his mother to retrieve it with the help of Victory Lancer which enable him to become the ancient Ultra, Ultraman Victory.
The Lalaloopsy gang and their adorable pets know every day is a perfect day to celebrate the magic of friendship, creativity and collaboration.
Tottie: The Story of a Doll's House is a 1984 animated television series. It is based on The Dolls' House, a children's novel written by Rumer Godden originally published in 1947, and focuses on the toys living in a Victorian Dolls' House belonging to sisters Emily and Charlotte Dane. The whole series had a very dark edge as the dolls had to wish very hard that good things would happen and they would not fall on misfortune. The series started with the phrase "Dolls are not like people, people choose, but dolls can only be chosen".