Sherlock Holmes

Sherlock Holmes 2009


Londoni andekaim detektiiv Sherlock Holmes ning tema ustav abiline doktor Watson pole pidanud iialgi seisma silmitsi niivõrd keeruka juhtumiga kui nüüd. Holmes, kes on lisaks enneolematult teravale taibule väga osav ka käsitsivõitluses, peab peatama süngeid saladusi varjava lord Blackwoodi, kelle poolt sepitsetud vandenõu võib hävitada kogu riigi. ”Sherlock Holmes” on tempokas seikluspõnevik, mille nimitegelaseks Arthur Conan Doyle’i poolt loodud legendaarne detektiiv.



Põgenemistuba 2019


"Põgenemistuba" on psühholoogiline õuduspõnevik kuuest võõrast, kes satuvad nende kontrolli alt väljunud olukorda ning peavad kavalusega väljapääsu leidma või surema.



Funland 2005


Funland is a comedy thriller serial, produced by the BBC, about a detective who arrives in Blackpool to find the killer of his mother with only the flimsiest of clues to go on. It was first screened from 23 October 2005 to 7 November 2005, on the digital channel BBC Three. Created by Jeremy Dyson and Simon Ashdown, the series consists of a fifty-minute opening episode followed by ten half-hour installments.


Le Tiroir secret

Le Tiroir secret 1986


Le Tiroir secret is a 1986 French family drama TV mini-series directed by Michel Boisrond, Edouard Molinaro, Nadine Trintignant and Roger Gillioz. The screenplay was written by Danièle Thompson, Jean-Patrick Manchette, Patrick Besson and Roger Grenier. The music score is by Vladimir Cosma. It was released on DVD in France on 18 October 2006. It tells the story of a woman who suspects that her husband had in fact led a double life.


Cluedo – en mordgåta

Cluedo – en mordgåta 1996


Cluedo was a Swedish television game show based on the board game of the same name. It was hosted by Martin Timell and broadcast on TV4.