Hacksaw Ridge'i lahing

Hacksaw Ridge'i lahing 2016


"Hacksaw Ridge'i lahing" on erakordne tõestisündinud lugu sõjaväeteenistusest keeldunud Desmond Dossist (Andrew Garfield), kes päästis Okinawas II maailmasõja veriseima lahingu käigus 75 meest, ilma et oleks kordagi relvast tulistanud. Ta uskus, et sõda on vajalik, aga tapmine mitte. Ta oli II maailmasõja ajal ainus Ameerika sõdur, kes võitles eesliinil ilma relvata. Sõjaväearstina päästis Doss vigastatuid vaenlase tagalast, ravis sõdureid, trotsides kuulirahet, ning sai ise viimaks haavata, kui lõhkes granaat ja teda tulistasid snaiprid. Ta oli esimene sõjaväeteenistusest keelduja, kellele anti Kongressi aumedal.



Hiilgus 1980


Jack Torrance on kirjanikuks pürgiv, alkoholismist paranev endine kirjandusõpetaja. Ta võtab vastu tööpakkumise Overlooki hotelli talvise majahoidjana ning kolib koos naise ja pojaga keset eikusagit asuvasse hotelli elama. See on võimalus uueks alguseks ja perega äraleppimiseks. Ainus, kes hotellis peituvat suurt ohtu ja selle sünget minevikku tajub, on Jacki viieaastane poeg Danny.


Blade Runner

Blade Runner 1982


On 2019. aasta Los Angeles - kahvatu neoonvalgustatud, ülerahvastatud tänavatega linn, kus pidevalt sajab happevihma. Detektiiv Rick Deckard peab tabama ja hävitama 4 replikanti, tehislikult loodud inimest, kes põgenesid maavälisest kolooniast, kaaperdades laeva, et tulla maa peale oma loojat otsima.



Tules 2004


México. Valitsuse esindaja (Washington) on oma elus pettunud, nõustudes vastumeelselt tööga, mis hõlmab tüdruku (Dakota Fanning) kaitsmist, kelle vanemad on saanud inimröövi. Suhe tema väikese kaitsjaga kasvab seni, kuni ta äratab temas kadunud vaimu. Kuid tüdruku röövimisel vallandatakse tema viha vastutajate vastu ... "Soomustatud täpi" (Man on Fire) versioon ja Elie Chouraqui 1987. aastal lavastatud prantsuse film.



Babülon 2022


Hollywood. 1920ndate lõpp. Lähenemas on revolutsioon nimega helifilm. Pärast seda pole unelmate linnas miski enam nii nagu varem. Üleöö kerkivad esile uued staarid ning mitmed aastaid säranud tähed langevad unustusehõlma. Aga nad ei kavatse lahkuda vastupanuta.


Täht on sündinud

Täht on sündinud 2018


Traagilise armastusloo uusversioonis teeb muusikastaar Lady Gaga oma esimese peaosa. Kantrimuusikastaar Jackson Maine on parasjagu allakäigu äärel, kui ta avastab andeka tundmatu muusiku Ally. Jack juhib Ally rambivalgusesse ja paneb aluse tema tähelennule. Ally edukast karjäärist hoolimata varjutab nende suhet Jacki jätkuv võitlus oma sisemiste deemonitega...


Veri hakkab voolama

Veri hakkab voolama 2007


Draama, mis räägib perekonnast, ahnusest, võimust ja naftast. Loo keskmes on mees nimega Daniel Plainview, kellest saab võimas naftamagnaat. Mehe majandusliku edukuse taga ei peitu aga õnn. Aina kasvav rikkus ja võim seab ohtu armastuse, lootuse, usu, ambitsioonid ning isa ja poja suhted.


Head tüübid

Head tüübid 2016


Filmi tegevus leiab aset Los Angeleses 1970. aastatel. Edutu eradetektiiv Holland March ja löömamees Jackson Healy peavad üheskoos lahendama kadunud tüdruku juhtumi ja pealtnäha sellest eraldiseisva pornotähe surmaloo. Juurdluse käigus paljastavad nad šokeeriva vandenõu, mis viib võimuladvikuni välja.



Bottom 1991


Richie Richard (socially awkward, sexually inexperienced) and Eddie Hitler (carefree alcoholic ) are two social outcasts living on the dole. Trapped together in a squalid flat in Hammersmith, London they are perpetually skint, bored and sexually frustrated. They spend their days scheming, bickering, and being nasty and sadistic to each other.


Prime Suspect

Prime Suspect 1991


Highly skilled Detective Inspector Jane Tennison battles to prove herself in a male dominated world.


Rab C. Nesbitt

Rab C. Nesbitt 1990


BBC comedy series about Rab C. Nesbitt, a drunken, string vested layabout who lives with his long suffering wife Mary and his two sons in the working class area of Govan in Glasgow. When he's not getting drunk with his pals that include the devious, womanizing Jamesie Cotter. He's offering his philosophical outlook on life to whoever will listen.


Bad Exorcist

Bad Exorcist 2020


No demon is safe as Bogdan Boner, the alcohol-loving, self-taught exorcist-for-hire, returns with more inventive, obscene and deadly deeds.


Time Gentlemen Please

Time Gentlemen Please 2000


The Pub Landlord’s rules are a pint for the fella and a glass of white wine or fruit based drink for the lady. It might be the 21st century but the landlord’s gaff is the last bastion of all things normal. He ain’t interested in change. It’s just the way things are, and don’t you or anybody else go questioning it.


Work Later, Drink Now

Work Later, Drink Now 2021


Three single women in 30s gather and talk about everyday life from work to love. Nothing is more important to them than enjoying a drink after work.



Time 2021


Guilt, violence and impossible choices – what does it take to survive? Tense, gritty and heartbreaking – Jimmy McGovern's award-winning prison drama, with an all-star cast.


Sharp Objects

Sharp Objects 2018


Reporter Camille Preaker confronts the psychological demons from her past when she returns to her hometown to investigate the murders of two young girls.


The Book of Daniel

The Book of Daniel 2006


Rev. Daniel Webster, an unconventional Episcopalian priest who not only believes in Jesus, but actually sees him and discusses life with him, is challenged on many levels as he struggles to be a good husband, father and minister, while navigating an often rocky relationship with the church hierarchy.


Horace and Pete

Horace and Pete 2016


The owners of a dive bar in Brooklyn, Horace and Pete, along with bar regulars share their experiences and lives with each other while drinking or working at the bar.


Brideshead Revisited

Brideshead Revisited 1981


Charles Ryder, an agnostic man, becomes involved with members of the Flytes, a Catholic family of aristocrats, over the course of several years between the two world wars.


Inspector Koo

Inspector Koo 2021


A reclusive ex-cop reenters the game as an insurance investigator, searching for clues in crime scenes perfectly staged by a serial killer in her midst.


London Irish

London Irish 2013


Old enough to know better… Young enough to do it anyway. Conor, his older sister Bronagh, best friend Packy and Niamh have just moved from Ireland to London, ready to shake this drunken haze and start life afresh with a clear head. The days of forgotten nights out, regrettable bedfellows and alcohol fueled bad decisions are over. Cheers to the adult life! Which starts now… soon… just as soon as they shake this hangover.


The Green Man

The Green Man 1990


An alcoholic pub landlord has visions of a 17th-century doctor of the occult, beginning a monumental clash between good and evil. Adapted from the novel by Kingsley Amis.


Extremely Senseful Alcoholic

Extremely Senseful Alcoholic 1970


A woman who was born and raised in a family of alcoholics escaping from her drunkenness meets a man who believes alcohol is not a cure but an anesthetic.


Crapston Villas

Crapston Villas 1995


Crapston Villas was a British animated television series, in which the characters were made from plasticine and filmed with stop motion clay animation. It was a comedy satire on inner-city London life, directed at a mature audience. It featured a set of characters, living in a grim apartment building in the fictional postcode of SE69, who were plagued by various dilemmas. Foul language, sex and violence are present.