21 Jump Street

21 Jump Street 2012


Märulikomöödias "21 Jump Street" kavatsevad Schmidt ja Jenko oma noorukieaprobleemid selja taha jätta. Nad lähevad tööle politseisse, salajasse Jump Streeti üksusesse. Nende nooruslik välimus on hea kattevari ja nii saadetakse nad kohalikku keskkooli salatööle. Relvad ja ametimärgid vahetatakse koolikottide vastu, et uurida vägivaldset ning ohtlikku narkovõrgustikku. Keskkool pole aga kaugeltki selline, mille semud mõne aasta eest lõpetasid. Kumbki ei arvanud, et neil tuleb uuesti rinda pista pubekaea hirmude, ängi ja probleemidega, mis olid nende jaoks juba unustatud teema. Põhineb Patrick Hasburgh ja Stephen J. Cannell'i poolt loodud telesarjal, millega on kõvasti kuulsust kogunud Johhny Depp, kes astub filmis üles episoodilises rollis.


I'm Getting Married to a Girl I Hate in My Class

I'm Getting Married to a Girl I Hate in My Class 2025


High school student Saito Hojo is set to inherit his grandfather’s major corporation. First, he must marry Akane Sakuramori, the girl he despises the most, and who hates him just as much. The two are determined to keep their unexpected marriage a secret from their classmates. But as they begin their newlywed life, the distance between them starts to close.


Between Him and Her

Between Him and Her 2023


It tells a realistic and relatable romance between young people wandering in love and boredom, who face each other in front of a motel elevator on the night of their seventh-year relationship.