Harry Potter ja saladuste kamber

Harry Potter ja saladuste kamber 2002


Harry Potter on suvevaheajal, kui tema juurde ilmub majahaldjas Dobby, kes hoiatab teda, et ta sel aastal tagasi Sigatüüka kooli ei läheks. Hoiatusest hoolimata otsustab Harry tagasi minna ning koos oma sõprade Ron'i ja Hermione'ga ohtudele vastu astuda. Harry peab toime tulema oma vaenlase Draco Malfoy alatute trikkidega ning avastama, mis on koolis toimuvate salapäraste rünnakute taga.



Lõppvaatus 2006


19. sajandi lõpus kohtuvad Londonis esimest korda kaks tõusuteel olevat mustkunstnikku Robert Angier ja Alfred Borden. Nende sõbralikult alanud võistlus muutub peagi kibestunud rivaalitsemisest kantud lahinguks, mis seab ohtu ka kõik nende läheduses olijad.



Liblikaefekt 2004


Valusatest lapsepõlvemälestustest üle saada võitlev noormees Evan Treborn avastab tehnika, mis võimaldab tal ajas tagasi rännata ja oma lapse keha hõivata, et muuta tema valusa ajaloo kulgu. Ent ka see avastab, et kõik väikesed muutused minevikus muudavad tema tulevikku oluliselt.


Benjamin Buttoni uskumatu elu

Benjamin Buttoni uskumatu elu 2008


20.sajandi algupoolel sünnib tagurpidi vananev kaheksakümne aastane Benjamin Button. Välimuselt beebi mõõtu vanamees sirgub suuremaks ja nooremaks ning kohtab ühel hetkel Daisy't, kes on Button'ist 20 aastat noorem. Olles ise noorenenud 50-ne aastaseks peab armunud paar leppima oma olukorraga, kui nad sõna otseses mõttes kasvavad vastupidises suunas. "Benjamin Buttoni uskumatu elu" on sünge ja romantiline lugu, mis räägib suremusest üpriski ebameeldival moel, viies meid läbi ajaloo alates Esimesest maailmasõjast kuni aastani 2000.



Tules 2004


México. Valitsuse esindaja (Washington) on oma elus pettunud, nõustudes vastumeelselt tööga, mis hõlmab tüdruku (Dakota Fanning) kaitsmist, kelle vanemad on saanud inimröövi. Suhe tema väikese kaitsjaga kasvab seni, kuni ta äratab temas kadunud vaimu. Kuid tüdruku röövimisel vallandatakse tema viha vastutajate vastu ... "Soomustatud täpi" (Man on Fire) versioon ja Elie Chouraqui 1987. aastal lavastatud prantsuse film.


Lubadused idast

Lubadused idast 2007


Londonis elav vene teismeline sureb sünnituse ajal, kuid jätab oma päevikusse ämmaemandale vihjeid, mis võivad siduda tema lapse vägivaldse vene maffiaperega seotud vägistamisega.


Bridget Jonesi päevik

Bridget Jonesi päevik 2001


Bridget Jones on kolmekümnekesi vallaline ja täis komplekse, kelle sentimentaalne elu on katastroof. Tal on ainult kaks eesmärki: kaalust alla võtta ja leida tõeline armastus. Uusaastapäeval tehakse kaks otsust: kaalust alla võtta ja päevik kirjutada. Kuid tema armuelu muutub varsti jälle keerukaks, kuna ta on end kahe mehe vahel jaganud. Ühest küljest on tema ülemus Daniel Cleaver, võluv ja seksikas tüüp, kuid ohtlik; teiselt poolt Mark Darcy, perekonna vana sõber, kes tundub alguses liiga reserveeritud ja pingutav.


Angel's Diary

Angel's Diary 2009


Angel's Diary is a soap opera drama that aired on Trans TV every Monday through Friday, claiming to be a new presence in Indonesia with editing and shooting that par with movies. It tells the story of 19-year-old Angel who moved from Australia to Indonesia. In Indonesia, Angel lives at the house of her aunt who is very talkative, and her 8-year-old nephew, Zoppy. Living in a new country with a different culture gives her a culture shock. In the midst of his confusion in adapting, Angel always diligently writes a diary on his laptop in the form of a blog.



Blossom 1990


Blossom Russo is a highly intelligent and spunky teenager. The youngest of three, she lives with her divorced musician father, Nick, eldest brother and recovering substance abuser Anthony, and decidedly not-so-bright middle brother Joey. Along for the ride is Blossom's ditzy best friend, Six, who sometimes shows flashes of great perception.


I Am Not Okay with This

I Am Not Okay with This 2020


A teen navigates the complexities of high school, family and her sexuality while dealing with new superpowers. Based on Charles Forsman's graphic novel.


Psychopath Diary

Psychopath Diary 2019


The story of a man named Yook Dong-sik who coincidentally witnesses a murder and picks up the killer's diary. While fleeing the scene, he gets into a car accident causes him to lose his memory. Due to the diary in his possession, he mistakenly believes that he is a psychopathic serial killer.


The Diary of Anne Frank

The Diary of Anne Frank 2009


Five-part adaptation of Anne Frank's famous wartime diaries in which a young teenager and her family go into hiding from the Nazis in wartime Amsterdam.


Clash of Futures (1918-1939)

Clash of Futures (1918-1939) 2018


From the armistice of 1918, which marked the end of the First World War, to the declaration of war in September 1939, the beginning of the Second World War: an era during which there was an aspiration to create a new world, prosperous and at peace, but which provoked a new tragedy, seen through the destinies of thirteen people who were both actors and witnesses of the upheavals of the so-called inter-war period.


Faking Hitler

Faking Hitler 2021


Journalist Gerd Heidemann always gets his story. When he hears of a diary written by Hitler, he can’t resist the scoop of the century. Except the diary is the creation of charismatic art dealer, petty criminal and prolific forger.


Michael Palin: Travels of a Lifetime

Michael Palin: Travels of a Lifetime 2020


Michael Palin revisits his first four TV travel documentaries. He draws on his personal archive of audio recordings and diary notebooks, and reflects on how he became a seasoned global traveller. Featuring contributions from fans and friends, including David Attenborough, Joanna Lumley and Simon Reeve.



Diary 2018


Miyata Ayaka (Renbutsu Misako), an office worker, sees her world collapse around her when her mother Miyata Harumi (Kikuchi Momoko) collapses due to illness and is left in a coma because of it. She then discovers that her mother kept a secret diary that she writes with her high school friends and that the lies she has told her have become evident, with nothing to lose. Ayaka will travel to Kaga, in Ishikawa Prefecture, her mother's hometown, to try to clarify the truth of the lie in her mother's secret diary.


Hidden Worlds

Hidden Worlds 2018


When a prominent writer finds confidential documents incriminating government officials, he decided to publish them, risking his own life and his family's.