Märksõna Affair
Stuck in Love 2013
The Dilemma 2011
Telefoniputka 2003
Stu Shepard (Colin Farrell) on avalike suhete korraldaja New Yorkis, kes peab end suureks tegijaks. Täna on aga keegi ta välja valinud. Vastates kõnele telefoniputkas, öeldakse talle, et ta on sihikul ja kui ta peaks abi paluma või telefon argile panema, ta sureb. Sellest saab alguse tema elu kõige jubedaim päev, mille tõttu kannatavad lisaks Stule veel mitmed tema lähedased inimesed.
Above Suspicion 2019
Kinsenas, Katapusan 2022
Kurb Jasmine 2013
Pöördepunkt elus ning personaalne kriis saab aluseks naise (Cate Blanchett) pöördumisele tagasi San Franciscosse, kus ta taasühineb oma õega (Sally Hawkins).
Illusions perdues 2021
Passages 2023
정사: 친구의 엄마 2 2018
Üks ilus hommik 2022
Noor ema Sandra (Léa Seydoux) kasvatab üksi oma kaheksa-aastast tütart. Tema filosoofiaprofessorist isal (Pascal Greggory) on neurodegeneratiivne haigus ning Sandra näeb koos emaga (Nicole Garcia) ränka vaeva, et leida talle Pariisis korralik hooldekodu. Sel keerulisel ajal viib ootamatu kohtumine ta kokku ammuse sõbra Clémentiga (Melvil Poupaud), kellega alustab kirglikku armuafääri, olgugi et mehel on naine ja laps. Sandra on nüüd sunnitud kohanema kahe nii erineva ja vastandliku reaalsusega: armastatud isa hääbumise ning tärkava armastuse eufooriaga.
Lorna 1964
Borderline 2024
新・揺れる電車の中で 人妻を這う指先 2003
Angel Blue 1998
Demise 2024
Love & Anarchy 2020
A married consultant and a young IT tech kick off a flirty game that challenges societal norms — and leads them to re-evaluate their entire lives.
Butterflies 1978
Ria Parkinson is a bored housewife and mother. She spends her time daydreaming, and meets regularly with wealthy businessman Leonard to relieve the monotony. Husband Ben, a dentist and avid butterfly collector is oblivious to it all, and her unemployed grown up sons, who both live at home also have other things on their minds, especially girlfriends.
Caught in the Act: Unfaithful 2022
Host Tami Roman sets out on a mission geared at empowering suspicious lovers in catching their cheating partners whle in the middle of the act. With a little help from relationship expert Kevin Carr and private investigator Brianne Joseph, she manages to uncover both the truth and the receipts required to expose the cheats. If caught cheating, the show gives the victims of infidelity a choice when it comes to bringing justice: they can team up with the other lover, or ambush both the partner and their lover together.
Belgravia 2020
A tale of secrets and scandals set in 1840s London. When the Trenchards accept an invitation to the now legendary ball hosted by the Duchess of Richmond on the fateful evening of the Battle of Waterloo, it sets in motion a series of events that will have consequences for decades to come as secrets unravel behind the porticoed doors of London’s grandest postcode.
A Luv Tale 2021
Taylor, Candice, Aklia, and Tammy's journeys as queer women may look different, but as they cross paths in Harlem, they help each other untangle life's complexities and be their authentic selves.
Pardon My Affair 2024
Anna, a marriage counselor, successfully experiences the bitter reality when her husband, Dimas, cheats on her. Trapped in a marital conflict full of betrayal and pain, Anna plans revenge by exposing Dimas's lies and cheating at work. Accompanied by Reyhan, an incredibly solid conglomerate who sincerely loves Anna, will Anna succeed in creating her happiness?
Desired by My Unknown Husband 2024
Frank, a small-town boy, hastily married urbanite Andrew, chosen by his grandmotherly friends, without recognizing each other. Andrew disappeared after going abroad for work. A year later, Frank's boss, the wealthy and charming Andrew, pursued him, leading to an affair.