Harry Potter ja Fööniksi Ordu

Harry Potter ja Fööniksi Ordu 2007


Harry Potter naaseb Sigatüüka kooli, viiendasse klassi. Endale suureks üllatuseks, ei usu aga võlurite koolkond Lord Voldemordi ülestõusu. Harryl ei jää seega üle muud, kui koguda enda ümber salk noori võlureid ja hakata neid ise välja treenima, kaitseks mustade jõudude vastu.


The Last Minister

The Last Minister 2020


When an active loser is appointed the Minister of Planning, no one can imagine what this will lead to. It turns out that the new minis- ter really wants to change people’s lives for the better and for this, together with the team, is actively promoting his own initiatives. True, these initiatives are not always reasonable, and the result is extremely unpredictable.


Let Us Prey: A Ministry of Scandals

Let Us Prey: A Ministry of Scandals 2023


Exposes predatory and insidious behavior within Independent Fundamental Baptist (IFB) Churches, and the struggles of survivors to find justice. Featuring first-hand accounts from survivors, church defectors and activists, LET US PREY offers crucial insight into the troubling culture within the IFB and the stronghold the churches have on its members.