Märksõna Abortion
L'Événement 2021
Põleva tütarlapse portree 2019
18. sajandi Prantsusmaal tellitakse noorelt maalikunstnikult Mariannelt tema teadmata Héloïse pulmaportree. Seetõttu peab Marianne oma modelli päeval jälgima, et öösel temast portreed maalida. Päevast päeva saavad kaks naist lähedasemaks, kui nad jagavad Héloïse viimaseid vabadusehetki enne eelseisvaid pulmi.
Ööloomad 2016
Blue Valentine 2010
Enter the Void 2010
Passages 2023
Call Jane 2022
First Reformed 2018
Titaan 2021
Lapsepõlves sattus Alexia autoavariisse ja sellest peale on tema pähe monteeritud titaanplaat. Õnnetusest on möödas 15 aastat ning täiskasvanuks saanud tüdruk töötab nüüd striptiisitarina ja tunneb vastupandamatut seksuaalset tõmmet autode vastu. Täiesti uskumatul moel rasedaks jäänud Alexiat hakkavad tabama ohjeldamatu agressiivsuse hood, mis muudavad ta ohtlikuks teistele inimestele tema ümber.
Unpregnant 2020
Swallow 2020
Unplanned 2019
Hail Satan? 2019
Sibyl 2019
Blue Jay 2016
Плем'я 2014
Grandma 2015
Doctor Foster 2015
A woman suspects her husband of having an affair. After following several lines of enquiries far more unravels including a streak of violence below the surface.
Breathless 2013
Hospital drama set in London during the early 1960s, following the staff of a busy gynecology ward at a time when abortion is illegal and the contraceptive pill is only just becoming available to married women.
Femmes savantes 2024
Clit revolution 2019
The Cicada's Eighth Day 2010
Kiwako Nonomiya is devastated after Takehiro Akiyama, the married man she has been having an affair with, manipulates her into getting an abortion by promising to marry her and then refusing to divorce his wife. Kiwako then learns of Takehiro's wife's pregnancy. One morning, while Takehiro and his wife Etsuko are away, Kiwako sneaks into their home to get a look at their six-month-old child. Without a thought for the consequences, she carries the baby away. Kiwako then raises the child as her own, while being a fugitive from the law.
City of Desire 1970
After a painful divorce and battling severe depression, Jiang Nianhua finds an unexpected spark of hope through Lin Li, a young corporate professional recovering from a toxic relationship. As their paths cross at work, their shared emotional struggles bring them closer, reigniting Nianhua’s passion for life and offering Lin Li a chance at healing.