Printsess ja konn

Printsess ja konn 2009


Kõik teavad lugu printsessist, kes leiab tõelise armastuse, suudeldes konna, kellest saab nagu nõiaväel nägus prints, kellega koos nad siis õnnelikult aegade lõpuni elavad. Käesolevas loos on küll olemas ilus tüdruk ja ta suudleb ka konna, kuid tulemus on… hoopis teistsugune. Samas on see vaid üks paljudest üllatustest, mida pakub lustiline lugu täis nalja, põnevust, meloodiaid ja tundeid.



Babülon 2022


Hollywood. 1920ndate lõpp. Lähenemas on revolutsioon nimega helifilm. Pärast seda pole unelmate linnas miski enam nii nagu varem. Üleöö kerkivad esile uued staarid ning mitmed aastaid säranud tähed langevad unustusehõlma. Aga nad ei kavatse lahkuda vastupanuta.


Lillekuu tapjad

Lillekuu tapjad 2023


Tegevus toimub 1920. aastate Oklahomas ja näitab naftarikka Osage hõimu liikmete kallal toime pandud jõhkrate kuritegude jada.


Fantastilised elukad ja kust neid leida

Fantastilised elukad ja kust neid leida 2016


Film saab alguse 1926. aastal, kui Newt Scamander (Eddie Redmayne) on just lõpetanud ülemaailmse retke, et leida ja dokumenteerida tervet hulka maagilisi elukaid. Kui ta lühikeseks peatuseks New Yorki jõuab, võiks ta sealt ühegi juhtumuseta lahkuda… kui poleks No-Majit (ameeriklaste mugu) nimega Jacob (Dan Fogler), valesse kohta sattunud maagilist olendit ja mõnede Newti fantastiliste elukate põgenemist, mis võiks tuua pahandusi nii võlumaailma kui ka No-Majide maailma.


Ükskord ammu Ameerikas

Ükskord ammu Ameerikas 1984


David Aaronson ja Maximilian Bercovicz on parimateks sõpradeks olnud juba lapsepõlvest saadik. Täiskasvanuks saades peavad nad mõlemad kogema traagilisemaid hetki. Film keskendub ka New Yorgi juudi maffia tekkele ning selle kiirele kasvule.


Suur Gatsby

Suur Gatsby 2013


"Suur Gatsby" on lugu Fitzgeraldi moodi kirjanikuhakatisest Nick Carrawayst, kes läheb 1922. aasta kevadel Kesk-Läänest New Yorki. See on lõdva moraali, särava džässi, salaviinakuningate ja börsirallide ajastu. Nickil on oma Ameerika unistus, mille jahil satub ta elama salapärase pidusid korraldava miljonäri Jay Gatsby naabriks. Ühtlasi tutvub ta Gatsby sugulase Daisy ning tema siniverelisest tiiba ripsutava abikaasa Tom Buchananiga. Nicki tõmbab superrikaste elu täis illusioone, armastust ja pettust. Olles kõige selle tunnistajaks, hakkab ta kirjutama lugu võimatust armastusest ja unistustest ning plahvatuslikust tragöödiast, mis peegeldab tabavalt ka tänapäeva elu ja probleeme.


Koera vägi

Koera vägi 2021


Karismaatiline karjakasvataja Phil Burbank tekitab ümbritsevates inimestes hirmu ja aukartust. Kui tema vend toob koju uue naise ja tema poja, piinab Phil neid, kuni ta avastab, et armastus on võimalik.


Inisherini hinged

Inisherini hinged 2022


Iirimaa lääneranniku lähedal asuval saarel elavad eluaegsed sõbrad Padraic ja Colm, kes satuvad ummikusse, kui Colm nende sõprusele ootamatult lõpu teeb. Padraic keda abistavad tema õde Siobhan ja probleemne noor saarlane Dominic püüab suhet parandada, keeldudes sõbrast loobumist. Kuid Padraici korduvad pingutused ainult tugevdavad tema endise sõbra otsusekindlust ja kui Colm esitab meeleheitliku ultimaatumi, eskaleeruvad sündmused kiiresti, millel on šokeerivad tagajärjed.


Fantastilised elukad: Grindelwaldi kuritööd

Fantastilised elukad: Grindelwaldi kuritööd 2018


Esimene film lõppes vägeva musta võluri Gellert Grindelwaldi (Johnny Depp) vahistamisega MACUSA (Ameerika Ühendriikide võlurikongressi) poolt, tänu Newt Scamanderi (Eddy Redmayne) kaasabile. Kuid nüüd on Grindelwald viinud oma ähvarduse täide ja põgenenud vanglast, et asuda koguma endale järgijaid, kes ei aimagi ta tegelikku plaani: viia läbi puhtavereliste võlurite ülestõus ning asuda kõigi lihtsurelike üle valitsema. Selleks, et Grindelwaldi takistada, palub Albus Dumbledore (Jude Law) abi oma endiselt õpilaselt Newt Scamanderilt. Too annabki nõusoleku, aimamata, millised ohud ees varitsemas on. Üha enam lõhenevas võlurite maailmas kehtestatakse piire ning pannakse proovile ka lähimate sõprade ning pereliikmete ustavussidemed.


Peaky Blinders

Peaky Blinders 2013


A gangster family epic set in 1919 Birmingham, England and centered on a gang who sew razor blades in the peaks of their caps, and their fierce boss Tommy Shelby, who means to move up in the world.



1923 2022


Follow a new generation of the Dutton family during the early twentieth century when pandemics, historic drought, the end of Prohibition and the Great Depression all plague the mountain west, and the Duttons who call it home.


Boardwalk Empire

Boardwalk Empire 2010


Atlantic City at the dawn of Prohibition is a place where the rules don't apply. And the man who runs things -- legally and otherwise -- is the town's treasurer, Enoch "Nucky" Thompson, who is equal parts politician and gangster.


Babylon Berlin

Babylon Berlin 2017


Beneath the decadence of 1929 Berlin, lies an underworld city of sin. Police investigator Gereon Rath has been transferred from Cologne to the epicenter of political and social changes in the Golden Twenties.


Cable Girls

Cable Girls 2017


In 1920s Madrid, four women at the National Telephone Company ring in revolution as they deal with romance, envy and the modern workplace.


Wounded Love

Wounded Love 2016


Azize finds herself with her 3 children and mother-in-law in a difficult fight. She raises her children while fighting the difficulties of the war period and her husband's absence whom she loves more than anything. It's about war, love, greed, treason and sacrifice.



Baccano! 2007


During the early 1930s in Chicago, the transcontinental train, Flying Pussyfoot, is starting its legendary journey that will leave a trail of blood all over the country. At the same time in New York, the ambitious scientist Szilard and his unwilling aide Ennis are looking for missing bottles of the immortality elixir. In addition, a war between the mafia groups is getting worse. On board the Advena Avis, in 1711, alchemists are about to learn the price of immortality. Takes place in the same universe as Durarara (2010).


Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries

Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries 2012


Our lady sleuth sashays through the back lanes and jazz clubs of late 1920’s Melbourne, fighting injustice with her pearl handled pistol and her dagger sharp wit. Leaving a trail of admirers in her wake, our thoroughly modern heroine makes sure she enjoys every moment of her lucky life. Based on author Kerry Greenwood's Phryne Fisher Murder Mystery novels.


The Learning Curve of a Warlord

The Learning Curve of a Warlord 2018


During the chaotic Warlord Era, an eccentric soldier has a sudden stroke of luck and is promoted seven ranks to Marshal. He, along with his three silly friends, do all sorts of bizarre things. Meanwhile, externally, three wild warlords are eyeing him like a tiger. Internally, he doesn't know whether any of his three wives are spies. Ultimately, a battle for hegemony unfolds, with shells flying and dilemmas between friends.


The Mystic Archives of Dantalian

The Mystic Archives of Dantalian 2011


Six months ago, Lord Hugh Disward (Huey), lost his eccentric grandfather, Wes. To inherit Wes's estate, Huey must take guardianship over the 'Mystic Archives of Dantalian' that contains forbidden knowledge and a mysterious girl called Dalian. Dalian and Huey begin an unlikely partnership as they solve mysteries caused by Phantom Books.


Hymn of Death

Hymn of Death 2018


Based on a true story, the drama tells the tragic love story of Kim Woo Jin, a married stage drama writer, and Yun Shim Duk, Korea's first professional soprano, who meet while studying at Tokyo University in the 1920s. Yun Shim Duk's recording of "Death Song" became the first Korean pop song in 1926.


Gremlins: Secrets of the Mogwai

Gremlins: Secrets of the Mogwai 2023


Set in 1920s Shanghai, ten-year-old Sam and 12-year-old Elle return the Mogwai Gizmo back home to the lush and perilous Valley of Jade.


Brideshead Revisited

Brideshead Revisited 1981


Charles Ryder, an agnostic man, becomes involved with members of the Flytes, a Catholic family of aristocrats, over the course of several years between the two world wars.


Frankie Drake Mysteries

Frankie Drake Mysteries 2017


Toronto’s only female private detective in the 1920s takes on the cases the police don’t want or can’t handle. From airplanes and booze running to American G-men, Communists and union busters, Frankie’s fearless sense of adventure gets her into all kinds of trouble, but she always manages to find her way out.


The Roaring 20's

The Roaring 20's 1960


The adventures of a newspaper reporter covering the world of cops and gangsters in 1920s Chicago.



Blandings 2013


Blandings is a British comedy television series adapted by Guy Andrews from the Blandings Castle stories of P.G. Wodehouse. It was first broadcast on BBC One from 13 January 2013, and stars Timothy Spall, Jennifer Saunders and Mark Williams. The series was produced with the partial financial assistance of the European Regional Development Fund.


Carson's Law

Carson's Law 1983


Carson's Law is an Australian television series made by Crawford Productions for the Ten Network between 1983-1984. The series was a period piece set in the 1920s and starred Lorraine Bayly as progressive solicitor Jennifer Carson. The episodes revolved around the cases taken on by Jennifer, and the various personal intrigues of her family. The series' premiere was billed as a 90-minute "movie-length" episode on 24 January 1983, with another two-hour episode in the same timeslot the following night, before settling into its twice-weekly 60-minute (with ads) format the following week. Carson's Law was noted for its quality scripts and period production values, however although the programme was very popular in Melbourne where the series was based and filmed, it did not succeed in Sydney. It was cancelled in 1984 after 184 episodes with the final episode airing on ATV-10 on 1 December 1984.


Song of the Bandits

Song of the Bandits 2023


In the lawless land of Gando, fierce bandits will stop at nothing to fight for their precious homeland and loved ones — even if it means life or death.