Märksõna Shocking
Fast X 2023
Düün: Teine osa 2024
Noor Paul Atreides ühineb oma teekonnal Chani ja Fremeniga, et kätte maksta tema pere hävitanud vaenlastele. Sunnitud valima armastuse ja maailma saatuse vahel, üritab Paul ära hoida kohutavat tulevikku, mida tema ainsana näeb.
Avatar 2009
"Avatar" on lugu endisest mereväelasest Jake Sully'st, kes sai vigastada lahingus ja on halvatud vööst allpool. Ta otsustab osaleda Avatari programmis, mis peaks andma talle tagasi terve keha. Ta reisib Pandorasse, külluslikku vihmametsa, mis on täidetud uskumatute eluvormidega - mõned ilusad, mõned hirmutavad. Pandora on koduks ka Na'videle, humanoididele, keda inimesed peavad primitiivseks, aga tegelikult on nad evolustiooniliselt palju rohkem arenenud kui inimesed. Üle kolme meetri pikad, sabadega ja läikiva sinise nahaga, elavad Na'vid harmooniliselt oma maailmas. Kui aga inimesed hakkavad Pandorat kahjustama, et leida väärtuslikke mineraale, ohustab see Na'vide elu, ja nad on sunnitud näitama oma sõjalisi võimeid.
Parasiit 2019
Ahnus ja klassiline diskrimineerimine ohustavad vastloodud häid suhteid jõuka Parki pere ja vaese Kimi pere vahel. Kimide poeg kutsutakse eraõpetajana Parkide juurde koduõpetajaks. Ja ta oskab kogu oma pere nende juurde tööle smugeldada aga ilma et Parkid teaksid et nad on sugulased.
Wall Streeti hunt 2013
Legendaarse režissööri Martin Scorsese ja mitmekordse Oscari-nominendi Leonardo DiCaprio viies koostööprojekt, mis põhineb finantskurjategija Jordan Belforti memuaaridel. Mees asutas 1987. aastal Wallt Streeti ühe suurima maaklerfirma ning kümme aastat hiljem mõisteti ta süüdi rahapesus ja erinevates finantskuritegudes.
The First Omen 2024
Strange Darling 2024
Vana poiss 2003
Ta ärkab ülesse. Ta leiab enda tuppa lukustatuna. Tihti on ta narkojoobes ning ta ajaviitmiseks vaatab ta telekat või mõtleb, kes on kõige selle taga. 15 aasta pärast leiab ta ennast vabadusse pääsenuna sama ootamatult, kui ka vangistus oli seda. Nüüd otsustab ta leida ülesse selle, kes temaga seda tegi ning ta meelel on vaid kättemaks.
Tavalised kahtlusalused 1995
Viis New Yorgi kurikuulsat petturit ja varast reastatakse politseijaoskonnas rivvi. Peagi on neist kõik peale ühe surnud, pärast plahvatust laevas. Ellu jäi lombakas Verbalil, kellel ei jää muud üle kui rääkida politseile kõik, mis toimus peale ülesrivistust ning enne plahvatust laevas.
Immaculate 2024
The Exorcist 1973
Lillekuu tapjad 2023
Tegevus toimub 1920. aastate Oklahomas ja näitab naftarikka Osage hõimu liikmete kallal toime pandud jõhkrate kuritegude jada.
Tüdruk nõelaga 2024
Noor vabrikutööline Karoline kogeb maailmasõjajärgses Kopenhaagenis raskusi eluga toime tulemisel. Ta kohtub Dagmariga – karismaatilise naisega hetkel kui on ilma jäänud tööst, armastatu poolt hüljatud ning lapseootel. Dagmar juhib illegaalset lapsendamisagentuuri, kes aitab emadel oma soovimatutele lastele hoiukodusid leida. Karolinest saab amm. Kahe naise vahel tekib tugev side, kuid Karoline maailm puruneb, kui ta näeb oma töös šokeerivat tõde.
Predestination 2014
Rocky III 1982
RoboCop 1987
Legacies 2018
In a place where young witches, vampires, and werewolves are nurtured to be their best selves in spite of their worst impulses, Klaus Mikaelson’s daughter, 17-year-old Hope Mikaelson, Alaric Saltzman’s twins, Lizzie and Josie Saltzman, among others, come of age into heroes and villains at The Salvatore School for the Young and Gifted.
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba 2019
It is the Taisho Period in Japan. Tanjiro, a kindhearted boy who sells charcoal for a living, finds his family slaughtered by a demon. To make matters worse, his younger sister Nezuko, the sole survivor, has been transformed into a demon herself. Though devastated by this grim reality, Tanjiro resolves to become a “demon slayer” so that he can turn his sister back into a human, and kill the demon that massacred his family.
Mega Babies 1999
The disgusting adventures of Meg, Derrick and Buck: three orphaned babies who gain intense superpowers after being hit by a bolt of cosmic lightning.
Behind the Music 1997
An intimate look into the personal lives of pop music's greatest and most influential artists.
BEEF 2023
A road rage incident between two strangers — a failing contractor and an unfulfilled entrepreneur — sparks a feud that brings out their darkest impulses.
Sense8 2015
One gunshot, one death, one moment out of time that irrevocably links eight minds in disparate parts of the world, putting them in each other's lives, each other's secrets, and in terrible danger. Ordinary people suddenly reborn as "Sensates."
Dirty John 2018
Anthology series in which each season is based on a true crime story featuring an epic tale of love gone wrong.
Remarriage & Desires 2022
Through an exclusive matchmaking agency, women strive to marry a desirable bachelor and into the highest echelon of society.
Danganronpa: The Animation 2013
Being just a normal student without a special talent, Makoto Naegi wins a lottery to attend the prestigious Hope's Peak Academy where only the top prodigies attend. However, instead of this being the beginning of a wonderful high school life, it's a ticket to despair, because the only way to graduate from Hope's Peak Academy is to kill one of your fellow students or be one of their victims.
Quiet on Set: The Dark Side of Kids TV 2024
Discover the untold story of the toxic and abusive environment inside '90s kids' TV. Hear harrowing accounts from former child stars and crew who probe the balance of power in the industry and reveal an era that inflicted lasting wounds still felt today.
Joko Anwar's Nightmares and Daydreams 2024
Tales of supernatural sci-fi phenomena unfold in this collection of seven mind-bending, interconnected stories imagined by writer-director Joko Anwar.
Don't F**k with Cats: Hunting an Internet Killer 2019
A group of online justice seekers track down a guy who posted a video of him killing kittens.
The Defiant Ones 2017
A four-part documentary series that tells the stories of Jimmy Iovine and Dr. Dre -- one the son of a Brooklyn longshoreman, the other straight out of Compton - -- and their improbable partnership and surprising leading roles in a series of transformative events in contemporary culture.
My Crazy Ex 2015
Extraordinary-but-true stories of past relationships that went seriously awry are detailed, when one partner’s behavior goes from romantic… to excessive… and then to the extreme. Each episode follows the intrepid souls who venture out in search of love, but end up in a desperate search for escape.
Who The (Bleep) Did I Marry? 2010
Pull back the curtain on bizarre double lives and see the real stories of men and women who thought they were happily married, until the day they uncovered a shocking secret about their spouse leading them to wonder who it is they really fell in love with.
Mean Girl Murders 2023
These real-life mysteries explore the dark side of female connections and rivalry: the inner workings of cutthroat cliques, vicious backbiting and cruel intentions. Who are the queen bees and the wannabes -- and who thrives on jealousy and gossip? Sometimes these dynamics lead to shocking acts of psychological and physical violence.
Social Studies 2024
Filmed in Los Angeles over a school year, a diverse group of LA teens who open up their lives and phones to offer an intimate glimpse into how social media has reshaped childhood.
Block Nations SMP 2024
A few friends embark on a global adventure, starting life on a miniature version of Planet Earth within the Minecraft universe. Each person establishes their settlement in a different country and must navigate the wilderness to survive.
Shocking Lives 1970
Documentary series about people with socking traits; young men who only date geriatric women, women with distinctive bodies, a young boy with extra large hands, and more.