
Jääaeg 2002


Paljud, aastaid tagasi, koguni 20 000, tahtis väike Scratti nimeline tulekera tammetõru jäässe peita. Kuid see põhjustab poolkatastroofi, mis põhjustab kõigi loomade rännet lõuna poole soojematele maadele. Noh, mida kõik ütlevad, kõik ei. Sest on üks, mis on vastupidine: see on mammut Manfred, tõeline üksik hunt, kes tiirleb uhkelt ringi ja läheb põhja ainult seetõttu, et teised lähevad lõunasse.


Esimene aasta

Esimene aasta 2009


Kui kaks laiska kütt-korilast Zed ja Oh pagendatakse nende primitiivsest külast, otsustavad nad kahekesi ette võtta eepilise reisi Maailma lõppu. Nad kohtuvad Caini ja Abeliga, kui ka naistega, kellega nad tahtsid "koos lamada". Õnnetuseks müüakse peategelased orjaks ning nende seiklused jätkuvad koos erinevate piiblitegelastega iidsetes linnades Esimesel aastal.



Cavegirl 2002


Cavegirl is a British TV series directed by Daniel Peacock. It starred Stacey Cadman, Stephen Marcus, Jennifer Guy, Harry Capehorn and Lucinda Rhodes-Flaherty. It followed the adventures of a teenage cavegirl. Although based in the time of cave people there are many references to modern pop culture and in a similar vein to The Flintstones there are many ancient versions of modern inventions featured.



Cavemen 2007


Joel, his cynical best friend, Nick, and easy-going little brother, Jamie, are contemporary cavemen who live in the suburban south and simply want to be treated like ordinary thirty-something guys. Despite their attempts at assimilation, Nick doesn't believe mainstream society will ever completely accept them, Jamie seems to take it all in stride and Joel straddles the middle, torn between his friends, his more traditional values and his loving fiancée.


First Peoples

First Peoples 2015


A five-part series that features the latest research exploring how early humans evolved. See how the mixing of prehistoric human genes led the way for our species to survive and thrive around the globe. Archaeology, genetics and anthropology cast new light on 200,000 years of history, detailing how early humans became dominant.