Agent 007: Surra veel üks päev

Agent 007: Surra veel üks päev 2002


James Bondi (Pierce Brosnan) missioon kukub läbi ja ta langeb vangi reetmise tõttu. Mi6 pöörab talle selja ning ta kaotab oma 00 litsentis. Bond ei saa sellega leppida ja kättemaksu janu viib ta läbi Kuubalt, Hong Kongist, Lendonist, Isalndist... Seal kohtab ta kahte naist (Rosamund Pike ja Halle Berry), kes mängivad reeturi paljastamisel tähtsat rolli. Filmi käigus tuleb tal ka tegemist kurikaela Gustav Gravesiga (Toby Stephens) kes koos oma abilise Zaoga (Rick Yune), on välja töötanud uue ja väga tugeva relva.


In the Name of Law and Order

In the Name of Law and Order 2023


Throughout the world, angry crowds are confronting heavily armed law enforcement forces. Journalist Paul Moreira immerses himself in demonstrations and interviews experts to shed light on the causes of this repressive shift.


70 Years of Youth Revolt

70 Years of Youth Revolt 2020


A look back at the social movements, revolts and youth subcultures from the post-war period to the present day: after the World War II, the left-bank of Paris became a mecca for jazz and alternative living, youth culture was born with trailblazing American movies, and rock became the soundtrack to a generation that wanted to change everything.