Märksõna Grocery Store
Vorstipidu 2016
Joe 2014
Skin 2019
Suddenly 1954
Go 1999
Le Havre - sadamalinn 2011
Endine kirjanik Marcel Marx on asunud elama Le Havre’i nimelisse sadamalinna. Temast on seal saanud kingapuhastaja. Uus amet on võimaldanud Marcelil hakata inimesi tõeliselt mõistma. Vähemasti nii talle endale tundub. Oma kirjaniku-ambitsioonid on Marcel seljataha jätnud, kuid eluga, mida ta jagab töö, kohaliku lemmikbaari ning abikaasa Arletty vahel, on ta mõõdukalt rahul. Ühel päeval satub tema teele alaealine pagulane Aafrikast. Umbes samal ajal saab Marcel teada, et tema raskesti haigestunud naine peab minema haiglarežiimile. Marcel püüab võidelda inimliku minnalaskmise tundega nende vahenditega, mis on tal ainukesena käepärast: tema enda helge meel ning naabrite täielik abi. Marceli vastaseks saab aga valitsuse bürokraatia kohaliku politsei näol, kes soovib immigrandist poissi kinni nabida.
Dog Eat Dog 2016
乱れる 1964
Tit for Tat 1935
Le Grand Bazar 1973
It's a Gift 1934
スーパーの女 1996
Της Κακομοίρας 1963
Third World Romance 2023
秋立ちぬ 1960
Still Open All Hours 2014
Still Open All Hours is a sitcom set in a grocer's shop. It is a sequel to the series Open All Hours, written by original series writer Roy Clarke and featuring several of the permanent cast members of the original series
10 Items or Less 2006
Leslie Pool returns to his native Ohio to run the Green & Grains grocery store he has just inherited from his father. Seeking to undermine Green & Grains is Leslie's arch nemesis, Amy, who manages the Super Value Mart down the street. He has known her since high school, where she was the popular beauty queen and he, a nerd.
Et Butikkliv 2017
Inside M&S 2023
Filmed with exclusive access across the course of a year, this series takes viewers behind the scenes at M&S as they strive to retain their place in the nations hearts as Britain’s favourite retailer.