10 põhjust sind vihata

10 põhjust sind vihata 1999


Kooli uus õpilane Cameron (Joseph Gordon-Lewitt) tahaks välja kutsuda populaarse kaasõpilase Bianca (Larisa Oleynik), keda Bianca võtab sõbrana. Bianca ise tahaks kohtama minna rikka ilueedi, Joey'ga (Andrew Keegan). Bianca konservatiivne isa (Larry Miller), kes aga ei taha, et Bianca kohtamas käiks, paneb paika reegli: Bianca võib kohtingutel käia...juhul kui seda teeb ka tema õde Kat (Julia Stiles). Kat on aga nohiklik, ebapopulaarne ning vaenulik. Seega mõtlevad koostööd tegevad Joey ja Cameron välja plaani: Cameron maksab läbi Joey seeniorõpilasele, Patrickule (Heath Ledger), et too Kat'iga väljas käiks, et Joey saaks samal ajal Biancaga kohtama minna. Kuid asja ei taha nii jätta ka Cameron, kes on ikka Biancasse armunud. Samal ajal armub Patrick, kõigi ootuste vastu, Kat'i ära. Kuid kas Kat armastab ka teda? Ning mis saab Joey-Bianca-Cameroni armukolmnurgast?



Grease 1978


1959 aasta suvi on läbi, vanad sõbrad saavad kokku ja algab kool. Danny Zuko (John Travolta) on T Bird'si kamba liige, kes suvel kohtus korralikust perest pärit austraalanna Sandy Olssoniga (Olivia Newton-John) ning nende suveromaanist arenevad välja suurem osa kooliaasta sündmustest. Nimelt on nende kahe vaheline armastus tugev, kuid Danny soovib jääda poppiks ning üritab teistele kuttidele jäta muljet, et tüdruk teda ei huvita ning see Sandyle ei meeldi. Sandy püüab küll tüdrukute kamba Pink Ladies'iga ühineda, kuid siiski pole ta valmis muutusteks. Kuigi Sandy ja Danny üritavad seda salasuhtena hoida, tuleb nende teele siiski palju pettumusi ja nende kooliaasta kujuneb vägagi põnevaks.


Kuus päeva, seitse ööd

Kuus päeva, seitse ööd 1998


Romantiline komöödia piloot Quinnist, kes teenib elatist oma lennukiloguga juhuotsi tehes. Robin on moetoimetaja New Yorgist, kes puhkab koos oma kihlatuga Quinni kodusaarel. Ootamatu tööülesande tõttu peab Robin Tahitile lendama ning on sunnitud selleks Quinni abi paluma. Teel puhkeb aga torm, mis heidab lennuki üksikule saarele. Pärast kuus päeva ja seitse ööd kestvat seiklust saab nende suhe uue pöörde.


Probleemid Pollyga

Probleemid Pollyga 2004


Ruuben Feffer (Ben Stiller) on riski vastu, kuid tema korrastatud ja planeeritud elu on keeruline, kui mesinädalate ajal tunneb tema naine (Debra Messing) huvi lihaselise Kuuba sukeldumisõpetaja (Hank Azaria) vastu. Samal ajal astub lavale oma lapsepõlvesõber Polly (Jennifer Aniston), kes tutvustab talle riskantset sporti, vürtsikat toitu ja salsa tantsimist. Lühidalt, ta õpetab teda elama muretult ja nautima iga hetke.


Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon?

Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon? 2011


Khushi and Arnav have diametrically opposite ideologies. If Khushi believes in means, Arnav believes only in ends. Khushi's relationships are the most important to her, whereas Arnav believes all people come with a price and can be manipulated for one's benefit.


King the Land

King the Land 2023


Amid a tense inheritance fight, a charming heir clashes with his hardworking employee who's known for her irresistible smile — which he cannot stand.



Intersection 2016


Naz who is a paediatrician loses her baby during pregnancy. Even though her husband wants another baby, she refuses to go through the same thing all over again. She goes to Italy for a conference and meets Ali Nejat there.


Bob Hearts Abishola

Bob Hearts Abishola 2019


A love story about a middle-aged compression sock businessman from Detroit who unexpectedly falls for his cardiac nurse, a Nigerian immigrant, while recovering from a heart attack and sets his sights on winning her over.


Price Of Passion

Price Of Passion 2017


Ferhat is a hitman working for his criminal uncle. Aslı is a young and idealistic doctor. One day, their roads crossed in the most unexpected way: Aslı is forced to operate on a man that Ferhat had shot.


Suno Chanda

Suno Chanda 2018


The series revolves around two people who hate each other but their families want them to marry. They make some plans to cancel their wedding but slowly get in love.


My Sweet Mobster

My Sweet Mobster 2024


Unexpected excitement charging romance between Ji-hwan, a big build former gang member who has cleared his dark past, and Eun-ha a mini woman who plays with children for her job.


Dash & Lily

Dash & Lily 2020


Opposites attract at Christmas as cynical Dash and sunny Lily trade messages and dares in a red notebook they pass back and forth around New York City.


Crash Course in Romance

Crash Course in Romance 2023


A mother with a heart of gold navigates the cutthroat world of private education when her daughter tries to join a celebrity math instructor's class.


Touch Your Heart

Touch Your Heart 2019


Hoping to make a comeback after a bad scandal, an actress agrees to research a new role by taking a job as a secretary for a prickly attorney.


Love in the Moonlight

Love in the Moonlight 2016


A young Joseon woman who's lived her whole life as a man ends up as a eunuch in the royal palace, where she begins to bond with the crown prince.


The Starry Love

The Starry Love 2023


The queen of the human tribe gave birth to twin girls. Respected by the entire tribe, the older sister Qing Kui, who is gentle and kind, is betrothed to the heavenly prince. The younger sister, Ye Tan, smart and cunning, shunned by her own people, is betrothed to the demon prince. Due to a mix-up, the two sisters are married off to the wrong husbands. It paves the way for two beautiful romances and also ignites a conspiracy that shakes the four realms.


Please Feel At Ease Mr. Ling

Please Feel At Ease Mr. Ling 2021


A story of how the 'rabbit' brings home a 'big bad wolf' follows a young woman named Gu An Xin who chances upon the hotshot executive Ling Yue after he encountered an accident. Gu An Xin picked up a man. At first, she thought he was stupid, but after a few days of interaction, he proves himself to be a genius. As it turns out, Ling Yue got into an accident after being caught in the ugly fight for succession of a powerful conglomerate.


Dali & Cocky Prince

Dali & Cocky Prince 2021


An ignorant but strong-willed man and an upper-class woman who struggles through life, work to fall in love.


Love to Hate You

Love to Hate You 2023


For an attorney who despises losing to men and an A-list actor who distrusts women, love means nothing — until they're forced to date each other.


Love Better Than Immortality

Love Better Than Immortality 2019


A woman from the future arrives at a fantasy-like universe to experience love for the first time. She goes by the name Chun Hua and falls into a complicated romance with two young men who are opposites like black and white.


An Incurable Case of Love

An Incurable Case of Love 2020


Nanase Sakura is a 23-year-old rookie nurse. She met Doctor Kairi Tendo several years ago and fell in love with him. To meet him again, she studied hard and became a nurse. After 5 years, she finally meets Kairi Tendo again, but he has a totally different personality than what she imagined. Kairi Tendo, who is 31-years-old, is commonly referred to as the "Devil" at work. He is a level-headed perfectionist and often makes biting remarks to doctors and nurses. Nanase Sakura works hard to receive recognition from Kairi Tendo and she also expresses her feelings honestly to him. Due to her persistence, Nanase Sakura becomes well known at the hospital and she picks up the nickname of the "Warrior." Meanwhile, Kairi Tendo becomes attracted to Nanase Sakura.


Use for My Talent

Use for My Talent 2021


Because of his incomplete family, Gu Ren Qi has a closed up personality and mysophobia. Shuang Jiao used to have a happy family, but later lost her mother in a car accident, and became a slovenly person. The two became acquainted when Shuang Jiao becomes an employee in Gu Ren Qi's cleaning company. The two became closer as they get to know each other. Under each other's influence, they began to heal from their wounds.


Meeting You

Meeting You 2020


The story tells the romance of the young Nan Xi, who has many talents but suffers from social anxiety. When he meets Xia Rui, an enthusiastic and talkative girl, these two people who apparently live in parallel realities will not be freed from the designs of destiny.


Professional Single

Professional Single 2020


Single since birth, Yuan Qian and Qin Shen are two people who will probably end up being single for life because they want to. Set against the backdrop of an art school, the story follows students who overcome many difficulties to pursue their artistic ideals. Qin Shen is a student who dreams of becoming a sculptor. A freshman in their department, he is like a god-level existence in their school - cold, disciplined and a perfectionist. However, girls mean nothing to him and he finds dating to be a complete waste of time. Yuan Qian has the appearance of the cute girl next door but has a headstrong personality. She is eloquent and determined such that no one can stop her once she sets her mind to something. However, she has a tendency to pick at other people's shortcomings so much that no guy can impress her.