Pimeduse rüütli taastulek

Pimeduse rüütli taastulek 2012


Sellest on möödunud kaheksa aastat, kui Batman haihtus, muutudes kangelasest tagaotsitavaks. Nüüd aga peab pimeduse rüütel võitlema Bane'iga, peatamatu vaenlasega, kel on tohutu füüsiline ja vaimne jõud. Pea kümme aastat pärast Harvey Denti surma enda peale võtmist ja pimedusse haihtumist jälgib tagaotsitav Batman varjust, kuidas Denti seadus Gotham City tänavad kuritegevusest vabad hoiab. Samal ajal korraldab aga üks maski kandev anarhist terve seeria hävitavaid rünnakuid, mille eesmärk on Batman varjust välja meelitada. Otsustades mitte hüljata inimesi, kelle kaitsmise nimel ta kunagi oma eluga riskis, naaseb pimeduse rüütel pagulusest, kuhu end ise saatnud oli, ja valmistub taas võitlema.



Rapuntsel 2010


Disney toob teieni tuntud muinasjutu, ent täiesti uues võtmes. Põnev ning humoorikas animafilm rõõmustab igas eas vaatajaid. Kuningriigi tagaotsituim, aga ka nägusaim röövel Flynn Ratsur peidab end keset metsi asuvasse salapärasesse torni, kuid leiab sealt eest Rapuntsli – särtsaka tütarlapse, kelle pikad kuldsed juuksed omavad võlujõudu! Koos asuvad nad seiklusrikkale teekonnale, mis on täis ohte ja üllatusi, ent ka naeru ning rõõmu.


Lelulugu 3

Lelulugu 3 2010


Vaatajateni jõuavad taas maailma ühed kõige tuntumad mänguasjad, kauboi Woody ning kartmatu kosmoseavastaja Buzz Valgusaasta. Kuna nende peremehest Andyst on saamas tudeng, on lelude tulevik täis ootamatusi, kui nad maanduvad lastesõimes, kus põnnid ei jõua ära oodata, et saaks oma pisikesed kleepuvad näpud “uute” mänguasjade külge. See on täielik kaos, ent meie kangelased püüavad siiski kokku jääda, sest nad on alati tegutsenud vastavalt põhimõttele “ühtegi lelu maha ei jäeta”.


Kutsuge McCall 2

Kutsuge McCall 2 2018


Robert McCall on kartmatu õigluse eest võitleja, ekspluateeritute ja rõhutute kaitsja. Aga kui kaugele on ta valmis minema siis, kui jutt käib talle kallist inimesest?



Vangistatud 2013


Kui kaugele olete valmis minema, et oma last kaitsta? Keller Dover (Hugh Jackman) on silmitsi iga lapsevanema jubedaima õudusunenäoga. Ta 6-aastane tütar Anna ja tütre sõbranna Joy on kadunud ning kui minutitest saavad tunnid, võtab võimust paanika. Ainus juhtlõng on lagunenud vagunelamu, mis varem nende tänaval seisis. Uurija Loki (Jake Gyllenhaal) vahistab vagunelamu juhi Alex Jonesi (Paul Dano), aga asitõendite puudumisel tuleb ainus kahtlusalune vabaks lasta. Dover teab, et ta lapse elu on kaalul, ja otsustab, et peab ise tegutsema. Meeleheitel isa on kõigeks valmis, et tüdrukuid leida, aga selle käigus on tal oht teelt eksida. See tõstatabki küsimuse, kus on piir õigluse tagaajamise ja omakohtu vahel.


Collateral - ohtlik reisija

Collateral - ohtlik reisija 2004


Vincent on külm, kalkuleeriv löögiinimene, kes alati selle poole püüdleb. Max on paljude unistustega ja suurte tulemusteta kabiinijuht. Sel saatuslikul ööl peab Max viima Vincenti järgmisele töökohale: üks öö, viis peatust, viis koputust ja üks väljapääs. Pidevas kokkupõrkes elatud eluga ei ole mõlemad enam ühesugused. Täna õhtul kõik muutub ...


Keegi seestpoolt

Keegi seestpoolt 2006


Uurija Frazier (Denzel Washington) saab oma karjääri raskeima juhtumi päeval, mil tõttab lahendama ühes pangas tekkinud pantvangikriisi. Erakordselt kaval pangaröövel Dalton (Clive Owen) alustab politseinikuga piinavat kassi-hiiremängu. Niigi plahvatusohtlik olukord muutub veelgi keerulisemaks siis, kui mängu sekkub poliitilisi sidemeid omav niiditõmbaja Madaline (Jodie Foster), kelle tegelikud motiivid sugugi selged ei ole.



Salt 2010



The Wrong Mans

The Wrong Mans 2013


Comedy thriller about two well-meaning idiots who become entangled in a hideous world of crime, conspiracy and corruption.



Snowdrop 2021


An enduring love story in 1987 Seoul; Youngro, a female university student, treats the bleeding Suho, a student attending a prestigious university, who one day jumps into a women's university dormitory despite the dangerous situation.


The Perfect Plan

The Perfect Plan 2019


When three friends fall behind in bills and rent, they get caught up in a dramatic tale that leaves them running from dangerous gang lords, angry landlords, and crooked cops. The only way out is to come up with The Perfect Plan.


Under the Radar

Under the Radar 2023


An exclusive insight into the work and recruitment of the special units of the Belgian Federal Police. Through testimonies and reconstructions, 'Under the Radar' also takes a closer look at a number of striking operations from the past.


Leopard Skin

Leopard Skin 2022


A criminal gang fleeing a botched jewelry heist is forced to hide out in a beach side estate where two women live in seclusion. Their world turns into a tension filled hothouse of secrets, betrayal and desire.



Greyzone 2018


When a brilliant drone engineer, Victoria, is taken hostage in her own home, a series of dangerous events are set into motion in this high octane thriller.


Below the Surface

Below the Surface 2017


An early morning in October, 15 people are taken hostage from a subway train. This puts a huge hostage crisis in motion, and it changes Denmark forever.


Blood And Oil

Blood And Oil 2010


Two British women become embroiled in a hostage negotiation situation.


Kidnap and Ransom

Kidnap and Ransom 2011


Kidnap and Ransom is a British television three-part miniseries, originally shown on ITV in January 2011 with a second series following in February 2012. The series follows the work of a British hostage negotiator Dominic King, played by Trevor Eve, who is also executive producer of the series.


The Day

The Day 2018


The nerve-racking events of a cold winter's day, seen from two different perspectives. The odd episodes tell the story of a team of police negotiators and special forces who respond to a hostage crisis in a small bank branch. The even episodes tell exactly the same events, only through the eyes of the criminals inside and their victims.



Captive 2016


Documentary series reconstructing history's most complex, high-stakes hostage negotiations as kidnapping victims recount their terrifying ordeals.


No Man Left Behind

No Man Left Behind 2016


To be trapped behind enemy lines is every soldier’s worst nightmare: a situation they all train for, few experience, and even fewer survive. No Man Left Behind dramatizes the stories of real-life war-heroes whose contribution to the war effort becomes a pure battle for survival against all odds.



Snatchback 1970


A covert team of skilled operatives undertakes high-risk missions to rescue hostages from perilous locations worldwide, inspired by a real-life intelligence officer.



Futmalls.com 2020


Strange occurrences afflict a group of people after they purchase items on a shopping website from the future.


American Hostage

American Hostage 1970


A psychological thriller anthology series focusing on a different hostage case every season.


The Hostage

The Hostage 2010


The series revolves around a couple who live their lives happily with their young daughter, but that happiness did not last long, as it happens unless it was taken into account, as their lives are exposed to an incident in which the family entity is turned upside down, the story is inspired by Kuwait's kidnapping cases of children.


Frozen Mahjong Tiles: Underground Mahjong Battle Record

Frozen Mahjong Tiles: Underground Mahjong Battle Record 2024


Not a lot of people know that one of the most talented and ruthless Mahjong players in the city is a young high school boy. Kei is a teenager of few words, but his observation skills, unwavering will and experience in the game allows him to survive in a world full of powerful, rich and dangerous characters. Kei is currently hiding a girl named Amina who has entered the country illegally and protecting her from being deported. He spends his days sleeping through class and his nights playing high stakes Mahjong, waiting for when a worthy opponent arrives.