Jurassic World

Jurassic World 2015


Veidi rohkem kui kaks aastakümmet on möödas ajast, mil maailma kinodesse tormas Steven Spielbergi "Jurassic Park". See legendaarne film rääkis teadlaste katsest avada loomaaed, mille asukaiks eelajaloolised saurused. Alles nüüd saame esmakordselt näha dinosauruste parki just sellisena, nagu seda 1993. aasta filmis avada ei suudetud. Ekstsentrilise miljardäri John Hammondi unistus on nüüdseks teostunud ja tuhanded külastajad uudistavad ainulaadset parki täis lendavaid ning ujuvaid lihast ja luust dinosauruseid, üks suurem ning hirmuäratavam kui teine. Sauruste enneolematutesse mõõtmetesse ja võimetesse on oma panuse lisanud teadlaste eetiliselt kaheldava väärtusega geenimanipulatsioonid. Loomulikult ei jää ka seekord emakese loodusega mängimine karistamata. Puhkeb kaos, mis seab ohtu kõigi külastajate turvalisuse - valla on pääsenud kõige ohtlikum pargiasukas...



Gigi 1958



Regular Show

Regular Show 2010


The surreal misadventures of two best friends - a blue jay and a raccoon - as they seek to liven up their mundane jobs as groundskeepers at the local park.



Pearlie 2009


Pearlie is a tiny fairy with a big heart, and equally big plans. With the help of her two best friends - outback fairy Opal and lazy right-hand elf Jasper - she's in charge of taking care of her home, Jubilee Park, and all the residents that live there. Standing in her way is her jealous cousin Saphira, who plots to get her fired.


Shirt Tales

Shirt Tales 1982


Shirt tales is an American animated series that aired on NBC from September 18, 1982 to January 21, 1984. The series featured animal characters, created in 1980 by greeting card designer Janet Elizabeth Manco, that were among Hallmark Cards' best sellers at the time.


T-Rex Ranch

T-Rex Ranch 2014


Come along on the ultimate play date with Aaron and LB and all the other rangers at T-Rex Ranch, looking after all the different dinosaurs in the park.


The New Adventures of Lassie

The New Adventures of Lassie 2014


For generations, Lassie the beautiful collie has been known and loved by viewers all over the world. Once again she enters the homes of millions of viewers as she talks for the first time in a TV adventure series for children aged 6 to 9.