Haikala lugu

Haikala lugu 2004


Oscar on väike kiirete verbide kala, mis unistab suurest kalast. Kuid tema unistused panevad ta seisma vette, kui suur vale teeb temast ebatõenäolise kangelase. Alguses neelab teine kala Oscari konksu ja see sajab tema kuulsust ja varandust. Kõik läheb tõusulaine kasuks, kuni saab selgeks, et Oscari levitamisega lugu, et ta on atolli suur kaitsja, lekib kõikjale. Väike kala avastab, et kangelaseks olemine tähendab, et tema elu on müügis: tema vale muudab ta päeva saakiks. Oscar peab õppima kahe vee vahel navigeerima, et leida praegune jälle tema kasuks.



Megameel 2010


Juba aastaid on ta püüdnud Metro Cityt igal võimalikul viisil vallutada. Iga katse on olnud kolossaalne läbikukkumine tänu keepi rüütatud superkangelasele Metromehele, võitmatule sangarile kuni päevani, mil Megameel ta järjekordset kurja plaani ellu viies Metromehe kogemata tapab. Ühtäkki pole Megemeelel enam mingit eesmärki. Ta on superpahalane ilma superkangelaseta. Megameel mõistab, et elueesmärgi saavutamine on halvim, mis temaga iial juhtunud. Ta otsustab, et ainus tee tupikust välja on luua uus superrivaal nimega Titaan, kes on suurem, parem ja tugevam kui Metromees iial oli. Titaan leiab aga varsti, et pahalane olla on hoopis lõbusam kui kangelane. Ent tema eesmärk ei ole enam maailma valitseda, vaid see hävitada. Nüüd peab Megameel otsustama: kas suudab ta purustada enda loodud põrguliku olendi? Kas maailma kõige targem mees suudab kordki õige otsuse langetada? Kas kuri geenius suudab saada heaks kangelaseks omaenda loos?



Gigolo-mees 1999


Basseinipuhastaja Deucei (Rob Schneider) elu võtab hullu pöörde kui tema uueks tööandjaks saab rikas ja superseksikas meesprostituut Antoine. Viimane peab äriasjus mõneks ajaks kodunt lahkuma ning ta palub Deuceil oma maja valvata. Kahel tingimusel: Deuce ei tohi telefonile vastata ega Antoine Porschega sõita. Kuid nii lihtne see missioon ei saa olema, sest kogemata lõhub Deuce peremehe 6000 dollarilise akvaariumi. Suures rahahädas, otsustab ta oma kliendi ameti üle võtta.


Kalatüdruk Dory

Kalatüdruk Dory 2016


Hoogne ja naljakas seiklus “Kalatüdruk Dory” toob tagasi puuduliku mäluga sinise Dory ning tema ustavad sõbrad Nemo ja Marlini, kes püüavad aidata oma sõpra, kui too otsib vastuseid küsimustele oma mineviku kohta. Mida ta mäletab? Kes on ta vanemad? Ja kuidas ta õppis rääkima vaalade keelt?


Suur kala

Suur kala 2003


Edward Bloom on kogu oma elu olnud suurte isude, tohutute kirgede ja pikkade lugude mees. Hilisematel aastatel jääb ta oma pojale Williamile tohutuks saladuseks. Nüüd, tõelise mehega tutvumiseks, hakkab Will kokku panema oma isast tõetruu pilti tema imeliste seikluste tagasilöökidest.



Deep 2017



Planet Earth II

Planet Earth II 2016


David Attenborough presents a documentary series exploring how animals meet the challenges of surviving in the most iconic habitats on earth.


River Monsters

River Monsters 2009


Extreme angler Jeremy Wade is on the hunt for fish with a taste for human flesh. This rip-roaring ride mixes action and adventure with mysteries, edge-of-the-seat chase and a battle of wills between man and nature.


Blue Planet II

Blue Planet II 2017


There is nowhere more powerful and unforgiving yet more beautiful and compelling than the ocean. Join us and explore the greatest yet least known parts of our planet.


Baby Shark's Big Show!

Baby Shark's Big Show! 2021


Follow Baby Shark Brooklyn and his best friend William as they journey on fun-filled comedic adventures in their community of Carnivore Cove, meet new friends, and sing original catchy tunes along the way.


The Blue Planet

The Blue Planet 2001


Sir David Attenborough narrates this critically acclaimed series that dives deep into the marine environment of Planet Earth. Although two-thirds of the world's surface is covered with water, scientists know less about the oceans than they do about the surface of the moon. This limited series travels from various coasts to the poles to examine watery denizens ranging from the gigantic blue whale to microscopic coral polyps.


Fish Police

Fish Police 1992


Fish Police is a comic book series by cartoonist Steve Moncuse. The plot centers on law and crime in a fictional underwater metropolis with the protagonist, Inspector Gill, trying to solve various, often Mafia-related, crimes while avoiding being seduced by the buxom Angel Jones. The comic featured several marine species as its characters, while the plots and dialogue were reminiscent of film noir. Original Fish Police stories were published from 1985 to 1991, and featured the early work of Sam Kieth as inker.


Last of the Giants

Last of the Giants 2021


Cyril and his team embark on an unprecedented adventure in the wildest, dangerous and unexplored regions of the world. Their mission: to find the last endangered species of giant fish and take samples for scientific purposes in order to better understand the exact causes of their disappearance. Their challenge: survive in hostile environments and extreme conditions to protect these impressive aquatic creatures.


Thorn Castle

Thorn Castle 1967


A story about two urban boys, who spend a summer at the romantic Kis-Balaton side with an old field keeper, and gradually change their point of view about their civilized life, and fall in love with the nature.


Super Fish

Super Fish 2012


A thorough look into the history of fishing over the past 100,000 years, from fishing techniques to the role of fish in East Asian food and culture.


Fishing Impossible

Fishing Impossible 2016


Fishing show, with Charles Butcher, Jason Lewis and Thomas Hird, aka The Blowfish.


Nanairo no Suisou

Nanairo no Suisou 2021


The theatrical aquarium "átoa" that opened in Kobe is a new bayside landmark that offers new discoveries and impressions through exhibits that fuse art and aquarium. It is a new landmark in the bayside area of Kobe. A mini drama about a fish-viewing manual for modern people, set in an aquarium where you can be soothed by colorful creatures.