
Lõuad 1975


Martin Brody on uus politseiülem Amitys, puhkusesaarel Uus-Inglismaa kandis. Ühel hommikul leitakse rannalt tüdruku surnukeha. Ekspertiis näitab, et tegemist võib olla hairünnakuga. Peale uusi rünnakuid otsustab Brody koos kahe sõbraga ujuv elukas ülesse otsida ja see tappa.



Hair 1979



Die Puppenspieler

Die Puppenspieler 2017


Helpless, the young convent student Richard has to watch as his mother Sarazenin Zobeida is condemned by the inquisitor Heinrich Institoris as a witch and burned at the stake. From then on, Richard swears revenge on Institoris for what he did to his family. He can escape and is taken by the merchant Jakob Fugger. He wants to teach him not only to seek blind revenge, but to manipulate people like puppets and thus to reach his goals. The two travel from Florence to Rome to influence the upcoming election of the pope and to witness the power struggle between the Medicis and the Borgias up close.