Lammutaja Ralf

Lammutaja Ralf 2012


RALF on 30 pikka aastat ühes mänguautomaadis kohusetundlikult pahalase rolli täitnud. Tema ülesandeks on lammutada kõike, mis ette juhtub. Seda ainult selleks, et välja saaks ilmuda mängu kangelane Parandaja Felix, et kõik tema poolt lõhutu ära parandada. Ralf on aga õrna hingega, vääriti mõistetud tegelane, kes on tüdinud olemast paha. Ja mida suuremaks tüdimus tõuseb, seda suuremaks muutub ka soov iga hinna eest kangelaseks saada. Olgu selleks kasvõi vaja omaenda mäng hüljata, et teistesse mängudesse kangelase rolli otsima minna.



Gold 2024




Medabots 1999


Set in the near future, Medabots revolves around the super charged battling adventures of a group of kids and their pet robots. Fueled with artificial intelligence and a specialized arsenal of high powered weapons, Medabots compete against each other in exciting Robattles, with the winners acquiring Medaparts from the defeated Medabot. With over 370 unique robots ready to Robattle, Medabots is filled with explosive adventures in a world where kids have the ultimate power. But more than anything else, these challenges are about courage and mind power, where the soul of the Medafighter and Medabot combine to emerge victorious.


Ultraman Blazar

Ultraman Blazar 2023


Ultraman Blazar is a hero with a great sense of justice hailing from “M421,” an extragalactic astronomical object far from Earth. The main protagonist, Gento Hiruma, is the captain of the Special Kaiju Reaction Detachment (SKaRD), established by the Global Guardian Force (GGF) in a world where kaiju disasters are a common practice. When their strong desire for the power to save human lives resonates, the two unite.


Ultraman Z

Ultraman Z 2020


The newest Ultra Hero is Ultraman Zett, the disciple of Ultraman Zero, who is now celebrating his tenth anniversary! An admirer of Zero, Zett worked hard to become a member of the “Inter Galactic Defense Force.” With a passion inherited from his teacher Zero, Zett is an Ultraman who always looks forward and forges ahead.