Märksõna Steampunk
Lõppvaatus 2006
19. sajandi lõpus kohtuvad Londonis esimest korda kaks tõusuteel olevat mustkunstnikku Robert Angier ja Alfred Borden. Nende sõbralikult alanud võistlus muutub peagi kibestunud rivaalitsemisest kantud lahinguks, mis seab ohtu ka kõik nende läheduses olijad.
Mortal Engines 2018
Sherlock Holmes 2009
Londoni andekaim detektiiv Sherlock Holmes ning tema ustav abiline doktor Watson pole pidanud iialgi seisma silmitsi niivõrd keeruka juhtumiga kui nüüd. Holmes, kes on lisaks enneolematult teravale taibule väga osav ka käsitsivõitluses, peab peatama süngeid saladusi varjava lord Blackwoodi, kelle poolt sepitsetud vandenõu võib hävitada kogu riigi. ”Sherlock Holmes” on tempokas seikluspõnevik, mille nimitegelaseks Arthur Conan Doyle’i poolt loodud legendaarne detektiiv.
Aarete planeet 2002
Jim Hawkins on omaette hoidev poiss, kes on oma emale võõrastemajas suur abikäsi, kuid vabal ajal sõidab noormees enda tehtud solaarsurferiga. Kuid ühel päeval teeb võõrastemaja lähedale hädamaandumise kosmoselaev ja Jim aitab põgenemisteel olevat võõrast ning juhtub midagi imelist. Hawkins saab enda valdusesse kaardi, mis juhatab Aarete Planeedile. Seda kaarti himustavad ka teised ning meeletu tagaajamise käigus röövlite eest ei jää võõrastemajast midagi järele. Nüüd võtab Jim oma julguse kokku ja läheb universumi kõige kaugemasse galaktikasse aaret otsima. Sellel rännakul on palju takistusi ja ohte...
Van Helsing 2004
Van Helsing (Hugh Jackman) on legendaarne koletiseküttkütt, kes rändab läbi Euroopa ning tapab kõiksugu deemoneid. Salajase Vatikani orgqanisatsiooni ülesandena saadetakse ta koos munk Carliga (David Wenham)Transilvaaniasse, kus ta peab kaitsma Anna Valeriust (Kate Beckinsale), kelle suguvõsal on peal needus. Needusest vabanemiseks on vaid üks moodus - tappa kurikuulus vampiir krahv Dracula (Richard Roxburgh). Kuid see pole mitte niisama lihtne ülesanne. Draculast vabanemiseks tuleb Van Heslingil jõudu katsuda Frankensteini koletise, libahundi ja Dracula kolme pruudiga.
Sleepy Hollow 1999
Sherlock Holmes: Varjude mäng 2011
Sherlock Holmes on alati olnud toa kõige targem mees... kuni praeguseni. Nüüd tuleb tal rinda pista uue kuritegeliku geeniusega - professor Moriartyga - kes pole üksnes samavõrd tark kui Holmes ise, vaid lisaks ülimalt õel ja südametu, mis võib talle kuulsa detektiivi ees anda edumaa. Austria kroonprints leitakse surnuna. Inspektor Lestrade'i arvates viitavad tõendid enesetapule. Sherlock Holmes seevastu järeldab, et prints langes mõrva ohvriks, kusjuures mõrv on üksnes pisuke killuke professor Moriarty kavandatud hiiglaslikus salaplaanis. Kurikaval Moriarty on neist aga alatasa sammukese ees, punudes surma ja hävingu võrku, mis on osa tema lennukast plaanist. Plaanist, mis õnnestumise korral muudab ajaloo kulgu.
Dune 1984
Hellboy - kangelane põrgust 2004
Antarktika jää alla maetud iidse püramiidi avastamine viib külmunud mandrile teadlaste ja seiklejate meeskonna. Seal olles teevad nad veelgi hirmutavama avastuse: kaks välismaalaste rassi sõjas. Kes võidab, me kaotame. Uskumatu ja hirmuäratav seiklus algab siis, kui miljardäride tööstur Charles Bishop Weyland viib kokku arheoloogide, teadlaste ja julgeolekuekspertide rahvusvahelise meeskonna, mida juhib keskkonnakaitsja ja seikleja Alexa "Lex" Woods, et uurida Antarktika sügavustest tõusvaid salapäraseid "kuumalaineid".
Metropolis 1927
John Carter 2012
Liiga 2003
Viktoriaanlikus Inglismaal paneb kuri mees toime oma väärteod eesmärgiga provotseerida maailmasõda. Püüdes seda ära hoida, värbavad võimud rühma vapraid inimesi, kellel on omapära: nad on kõik kirjanduskangelased. Quatermaini erakorralise liiga moodustavad koosseisus kapten Nemo, Dracula vampiir Mina Harker, nähtamatu mees Rodney Skinner, Ameerika salateenistuse agent Sawyer, Dorian Gray ja Dr. Jekyll / hr. Hyde. Liiga võtab tööle mõistatuslik M. Liiga liikmed on kangekaelsed individualistid, tegelikult seadusevastased, koos pastadega, kus on tuled ja varjud ning ainulaadsed kingitused, mis on neile korraga rõõme ja kurbusi toonud. Nüüd peavad nad õppima üksteist usaldama ja töötama meeskonnana tsivilisatsiooni hüvanguks ja lootuseks, vähese ettevalmistuse ja ajaraiskamisega.
9 2009
Sündides avastab 9 end keset post-apokalüptilist maailma. Kõik inimesed on kadunud ja ainult läbi juhuse leiab ta rühma endasarnaseid olevusi, kes varjavad end mööda maad liikuvate koletute masinate eest. Uustulnuk 9 veenab peagi teisi, et enda varjamisest pole mingit kasu. Kui nad tahavad ellu jääda, siis peaks hoopistükkis ise ründama ja välja selgitama, miks masinad neid hävitada tahavad. Nagu nad varsti avastavad, võib kogu tsivilisatsiooni tulevik olla nende kätes.
80 päevaga ümber maailma 2004
Londonist pärit ekstsentriline leiutaja Phileas Fogg avastas äsja õhulennu, elektri ja isegi rullsuusatamise saladused, kuid viktoriaanlik ühiskond võtab ta hulluks. Tõsiselt tõsiselt võetavaks teeb Fogg väljakutse Kuningliku Teaduste Akadeemia nähtavale juhile Lord Kelvinile imelise mänguviisiga: ta väidab, et suudab maakera ümber käia vähem kui 80 päevaga. Prantsuse kunstniku Passepartouti ja Monique saatel, kes otsivad seiklusi, astub Fogg meeletu rassi ümber maailma, mis viib nad mööda maad, merd ja õhku kõige eksootilisematesse paikadesse maa peal.
Hugo 2011
Robin Hood 2018
Fullmetal Alchemist 2003
Two young brothers are raised as alchemists, but when they are severely injured trying to perform a forbidden act, they begin searching for the one thing that can save them; the fabled philosopher's stone.
Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water 1990
In mankind's grasp for the future, a sinister foe known only as Gargoyle begins his plans to take over the world. Nadia, with the help of a young inventor, Jean Ratlique, and Captain Nemo of the submarine Nautilus, must fight to save the world from Gargoyle and Neo-Atlantis.
The Case Study of Vanitas 2021
In 19th-century Paris, young vampire Noé finds the Book of Vanitas in human hands. Calling himself Vanitas, this doctor wields its power and tempts Noé with a plan to “cure” all vampires. Allying with him may be dangerous, but does he have a choice?
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood 2009
Disregard for alchemy’s laws ripped half of Edward Elric’s limbs from his body and left his brother Alphonse’s soul clinging to a suit of armor. To restore what was lost, the brothers seek the Philosopher’s Stone. Enemies and allies – the corrupt military, the Homunculi, and foreign alchemists – will alter the Elric brothers course, but their purpose will remain unchanged and their bond unbreakable.
Last Exile 2003
A richly romantic action-adventure fantasy, set in a world where retro-futuristic vehicles permeate the skies. Against this lavish background are the lives of young and heroic van ship sky porters - Claus and Lavie - who are forced to take on the mission to deliver a mysterious girl, Alvis, to the battle ship Silvana. Before they know it, they become entangled in an aerial adventure between two countries gripped in an eternal war of magnificent air battleships.
Warehouse 13 2009
After saving the life of the President, two secret service agents - Myka Bering and Pete Lattimer - find themselves assigned to the top secret Warehouse 13. The Warehouse is a massive, top secret facility that houses dangerous and fantastical objects. Together, Pete and Myka along with fellow agents Claudia, Steve Jinks and Warehouse caretaker Artie, must recover artifacts from around the globe before they can cause catastrophic damage.
The Legend of Korra 2012
Avatar Korra, a headstrong, rebellious, feisty young woman who continually challenges and breaks with tradition, is on her quest to become a fully realized Avatar. In this story, the Avatar struggles to find balance within herself.
Carnival Row 2019
In a mystical and dark city filled with humans, fairies and other creatures, a police detective investigates a series of gruesome murders leveled against the fairy population. During his investigation, the detective becomes the prime suspect and must find the real killer to clear his name.
Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress 2016
In the midst of an industrial revolution, the people of Hinomoto fight hordes of undead creatures, known as Kabane, using powerful armored trains.
High Seas 2019
Two sisters discover disturbing family secrets after a string of mysterious deaths occur on a luxury ship traveling from Spain to Brazil in the 1940s.
Princess Principal 2017
The stage is set during the 19th century London, in its capital where a wall divides the east and west of the Kingdom of Albion. Five high school girls, who enrolled in the prestigious Queens May Fair School, are involved in spy activities that involve disguise, infiltration, car chase, and more. These girls take advantage of their special abilities and fly around the shadow world.
Sakura Wars 1997
The year is 1919, and armies of mechanized soldiers are advancing on the capital with the pride of Hell in their wake. However, the engineering geniuses of Kanzaki Heavy Industries have Developed a new weapon to balance the odds... if suitable pilots can be found in time. Chosen for their unique psychic skills, a group of courageous young women assembled from around the world will pilot steam-driven giant robots into single combat with the enemies of the Earth. But beneath the strain of rigouous practice and the onslaught of a faceless enemy, the Flower Brigade is soon in desperate need of leadership. Excitement builds as rumor of a new commander reaches the Extreme Capital Defenders. Can the handsome young officer lead his disorganized Flower Division into battle, or will he face the enemy alone?
Deca-Dence 2020
Many years have passed since humanity was driven to the brink of extinction by the sudden emergence of the unknown life forms Gadoll. Those humans that survived now dwell in a 3000m-high mobile fortress Deca-dence built to protect themselves from the Gadoll threat. Denizens of Deca-dence fall into two categories: Gears, warriors who fight the Gadoll daily, and Tankers, those without the skills to fight. One day, Natsume, a Tanker girl who dreams of becoming a Gear meets surly Kaburagi, an armor repairman of Deca-dence. This chance meeting between the seemingly two opposites, the girl with a positive attitude who never gives up on her dreams and the realist who has given up on his, will eventually shake the future course of this world.
Sakura Wars 2000
At the beginning of 1900's, Sakura Shinguji received the mission of defending imperial capital Tokyo and came from Sendai to Tokyo. But, the post which she was assigned was the floral unit of the popular opera group at that time. She tries to become familiar with her new companions while she is perplexed as to what the relationship is between the fight and the opera group. But...
Going Postal 2010
Moist von Lipwig is a con-man with a particular talent-- he is utterly unremarkable. When his execution is stayed in Terry Pratchett's remarkable Discworld, he must work off his debt to society as the land's head Postman. Things are not always as they seem, and soon Lipwig is delivering mail for his very life!
Unicorn: Warriors Eternal 2023
An evil force is looming across the dark, thick-aired streets of industrial revolution London when a group of heroes dubbed Unicorn are accidentally reawakened in the bodies of teenagers instead of adult hosts they’ve embodied in the past.
Moby Dick 1998
The sole survivor of a lost whaling ship relates the tale of his captain's self-destructive obsession to hunt the white whale, Moby Dick.
Winner Is King 1970
In the age of the Great Liang Dynasty, the lives of the people were made convenient with steam-powered machines that run on a fuel named Violetstream Gold. Chang Geng, who lived in a small countryside village, shared a distant relationship with his mother while his stepfather was away most of the year round, and the only people he was close to were two little kids, the village teacher, and his yi fu – adoptive father. But his life was flipped upside down one day following the barbaric Man tribes’ invasion, and it turned out that his entire identity had been an illusion. Live adaptation of "Sha Po Lang" by author Priest.
The Secret Adventures of Jules Verne 2000
The Secret Adventures of Jules Verne is a 22-episode science fiction television series in the steampunk genre that first aired in June 2000 on CBC Television in Canada and in syndication in the United States. The plot concept is predicated on a vast fictional conspiracy beginning with the revelation that Jules Verne did not merely write the stories behind his famous science fiction classic books Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, Journey to the Center of the Earth or Around the World in Eighty Days — but actually experienced these adventures personally. A television technological historic footnote, this work was the first hour-long series filmed entirely in HDTV format.
Mysterious Island 1973
During the American Civil War, five prisoners of war manage to escape in a balloon. They are driven far across the sea to an unknown island, far from civilization. The legendary captain Nemo (world star Omar Sharif), who is trapped in a huge underground cave with his submarine Nautilus, watches the group. When the stranded people are discovered by pirates, Nemo helps them with a host of his super technology...