Christian Rub El gran vals Come Back, Miss Pipps Berlin Correspondent Hidden Power Café Metropol Humanity No More Women The Night Is Young Disney Sing-Along Songs: Colors of the Wind The Leathernecks Have Landed La marca del vampiro ¿Y ahora, qué? Luxury Liner Metropolitan Sueño de amor eterno Vive como quieras Mary Stevens, M.D. Pinocho Father's Son Fall Guy Nadie como ella Ladies Crave Excitement Dangerously They Live The Crooked Circle Hitch Hike Lady La destrucción del hampa We're Only Human A Man of Sentiment I'll Give a Million Haunted House Something for the Birds Earthbound Four Sons The Trial of Vivienne Ware A Dog of Flanders Jungle Woman Un amor prohibido One More Spring El demonio es un pobre diablo Oil for the Lamps of China Stolen Harmony Maybe It's Love Henry Aldrich for President Never Say Die Nazi Agent Professor Beware Everything Happens at Night Outcast La hija de Drácula Furia No Greater Glory Hombre de dos mundos Sins of Man El secreto de vivir La familia Robinson suiza 3 Is a Family Murder with Pictures When Love Is Young Forged Passport The Princess Comes Across Capitanes intrépidos Music in the Air El cielo y tú Rhythm on the River The Man from Yesterday Leather Burners Heidi The Belle of New York Secrets of the French Police Los desaparecidos Hollywood, Hollywood Silver Dollar It Could Happen to You Strange Confession El eterno pretendiente Princess O'Rourke The Spectacle Maker Tovarich Romance in the Rain La edad indiscreta Bomber's Moon No Ransom Seis destinos Un beso ante el espejo Mentirosilla Ski Patrol Muerte en el sendero nupcial