Dale Fuller Avaricia Manslaughter Ben-Hur La comedia de la vida The Sacred Flame A Scoundrel's Toll Esposas frívolas The Devil's Cargo Lady of the Night The Office Wife Los peligros del Flirt Emma The Canadian The Beauty Shoppers 1927 Babbitt The Unchastened Woman The Cossacks Vivamos de nuevo The Camera Cure Souls for Sale Reno The Shadow on the Wall La marcha nupcial The Only Thing Face in the Sky Dizzy Heights and Daring Hearts Fazil Bath Tub Perils The Honeymoon Midnight Lovers Life in Hollywood No. 7 House of Horror Glad Rag Doll The Surf Girl El carrusel de la vida (Los amores de un príncipe) Rasputín y la Zarina La viuda alegre A Yankee Doodle Duke Husbands and Lovers The Woman Hater House of Mystery His Hour Tea- With a Kick! Volcano The Man from Blankley's