Allen G. Siegler Blondie's Big Moment My Lady's Lips The Secret of the Whistler Víctima de su destino Strange Alibi Tacones en punta El caso del Gato Negro Shadows on the Stairs Saved by the Belle Trapped by Television How High Is Up? The Lone Wolf Spy Hunt Playing the Ponies Healthy, Wealthy and Dumb Port Said Damaged Lives So You Think You're Not Guilty Smuggler's Gold The Spider's Web The Devil Commands El canto del lobo Rolling Down to Reno All Gummed Up Shivering Sherlocks Horror en el cuarto negro Pardon My Clutch Mummy's Dummies Parisian Love Squareheads of the Round Table Air Hostess Fiddlers Three The Hot Scots Heavenly Daze Passage from Hong Kong Three Hams on Rye Three Hams on Rye Merry Mavericks Mundo Desconocido Anybody's War Make Me a Star Hell's House Millie's Daughter Death Flies East Unknown Valley Mills of the Gods Unseeing Eyes A Man's Game The Delicious Little Devil White Thunder The Lady Objects Fugitive Lady Through the Dark Blind Date Party Wire Two-Fisted Sheriff Wanted- A Home Discontent Idle Wives The Broken Coin You May Be Next! Behind Prison Gates The Restless Sex Slippy McGee The Crime of Helen Stanley Where Are My Children? Shoes Sea Legs Burning Up The Body Disappears Beyond the Law Renegades of the West Saving the Family Name Faint Perfume Días de colegial The Awful Sleuth The Harvester Freckles We Want Our Mummy Tassels in the Air Mutts to You The Other Woman's Story The Big Hop The Price of a Good Time The Doctor and the Woman Danger, Go Slow The Dangerous Age April Folly Roaming Lady Carnival It Can't Last Forever The Hand That Rocks the Cradle Slightly Scarlet Doctor Jim The Wreck of the Hesperus The People vs. John Doe Hop - The Devil's Brew So You Won't Talk? Meet the Baron Killer at Large The Inside of the Cup With This Ring Woman in Distress Wallflowers Someone to Love