Ed Barge Mouse Cleaning Un día en la playa Carnaval para ratones ¡Silencio, por favor! Primavera para Tom El ratón invisible La amistad duele Trampa feliz Amigo de medio tiempo Mécete, gato senil Gato enjaulado The Milky Waif Los dos mosqueteros Solid Serenade El Dr. Jekyll y Mr. Mouse Heavenly Puss Hatch Up Your Troubles Jerry and the Goldfish Jerry and Jumbo Jerry's Cousin Jerry and the Lion Jerry's Diary Tom y Jerry: Johann Mouse The Flying Cat Just Ducky Designs on Jerry Tom y Jerry. Locuras de Ratones The Missing Mouse Life with Tom Mouse for Sale Barbecue Brawl That's My Mommy Pecos Pest Texas Tom Pet Peeve That's My Pup! Muscle Beach Tom Neapolitan Mouse Tom y Jerry: El pequeño huérfano Little Quacker Little School Mouse Little Runaway Tom y Jerry: una persecución de bigotes Cue Ball Cat Downhearted Duckling Down Beat Bear Nit-Witty Kitty The Duck Doctor Southbound Duckling The Egg and Jerry Love That Pup Polka-Dot Puss Feedin' the Kiddie Fit to Be Tied Tom and Chérie The Hollywood Bowl Posse Cat El profesor Tom Puppy Tale Pup on a Picnic Push-Button Kitty The Flying Sorceress The Framed Cat Tops with Pops Touché, Pussy Cat! Triplet Trouble Sleepy-Time Tom Smarty Cat Slicked-up Pup Safety Second Saturday Evening Puss Hic-cup Pup Two Little Indians Un ratón en Manhattan Jack y las habichuelas mágicas La pesca Blue Cat Blues Tom y Jerry: Un concierto gatuno The Cat and the Mermouse Casanova Cat His Mouse Friday The Dog House Busy Buddies Baby Butch Tennis Chumps Cat Napping Dere Mr President,