Jeff Donnell Chantaje en Broadway The Boogie Man Will Get You Gardenia azul Gidget Goes Hawaiian Los caprichos de Elena Night Editor The Power of the Whistler En un lugar solitario The Unknown ¡Qué noche aquella! Los apuros de Sally The Phantom Thief Despacio, forastero Over 21 Vida fácil The Iron Maiden Sin contemplaciones Rendezvous Hotel Three Guys Named Mike Mr. District Attorney Post Office Investigator Song of the Prairie Thief of Damascus Carolina Blues The First Time Cumbres doradas There's Something About a Soldier Flight Nurse Un mayordomo aristócrata Massacre Canyon Redwood Forest Trail That Texas Jamboree Hoedown Portrait of a Stripper Singing on the Trail Throw a Saddle on a Star Brigada de mujeres Destination 60,000 3 Is a Family Dancing in Manhattan She's a Soldier Too Doughboys in Ireland Stagecoach Kid Faldas a bordo Stars on Parade Cowboy Blues Outcasts of the Trail Eadie Was a Lady Force of Impulse Nine Girls Stand Up and Be Counted Tars and Spars Gidget Goes to Rome Big Timber Bristle Face Murder by Natural Causes Tora! Tora! Tora! Spider-Man: El hombre araña Aladino y la lámpara maravillosa It's Great to Be Young El cómico Magnificent Roughnecks Love Hate Love Because You're Mine Enhorabuena, ¡Ha sido niño! A Gift of Terror Mister Ed Gidget The F.B.I. Omnibus Perry Mason Cannon Hallmark Hall of Fame Felony Squad Me and the Chimp The Girl with Something Extra Police Story Daniel Boone Schlitz Playhouse of Stars Climax! Matinee Theater The Dinah Shore Chevy Show La familia Addams Racket Squad Cavalcade of America Dr. Kildare The George Gobel Show El Show de June Allyson Paper Moon Matt Helm Marcus Welby, M.D. The F.B.I. Área 12 Schlitz Playhouse of Stars Perry Mason Here We Go Again Emergency! Medical Center The Mothers-in-Law The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson Barnaby Jones Gibbsville El show de Bob Newhart Nanny and the Professor Los nuevos médicos The Partridge Family Love, American Style Love, American Style Studio 57 The Wonderful World of Disney The Ford Television Theatre