Norman McLaren Beginnings McLaren and Space Painting with Light Blurr Test The Art of Motion Birdlings Evelyn Lambart Tanguy Landscape Test Creative Process: Norman McLaren New York Lightboard Record Opening Speech War and Peace Pen Point Percussion McLaren on McLaren The Eye Hears, the Ear Sees Pinscreen Daedalus Cine de nuestro tiempo: McLaren Mosaic On the Farm Norman McLaren and Claude Jutra Safer Sex Short A Job in a Million Dots and Loops Spheres Spheres Vecinos Dots Caprice de Noël Blinkity Blank Blinkity Blank Blinkity Blank C'est l'aviron Fantasía en colores La poulette grise El cuento de una silla Boogie-Doodle Loops Pas de Deux Le merle C'est l'aviron Mony a Pickle Mail Early for Christmas Snakes Pen Point Percussion Mosaic Ballet Adagio Camera Makes Whoopee New York Lightboard Record New York Lightboard Record Synchromy Spook Sport Rythmetic A Phantasy Opening Speech On the Farm Là-haut sur ces montagnes Defence of Madrid Fiddle De-Dee Canon Hen Hop Serenal Love on the Wing A Little Phantasy on a 19th-century Painting Spheres Hoppity Pop Lines: Vertical Lines: Horizontal Two Bagatelles The Obedient Flame V for Victory Mail Early 5 for 4 Dollar Dance Keep Your Mouth Shut Chants populaires nº 5 Alouette Short and Suite Animated Motion: Part 1 Scherzo Stars and Stripes Animated Motion: Part 2 Animated Motion: Part 3 Animated Motion: Part 4 Animated Motion: Part 5 Narcissus NBC Valentine Greeting Hell Unltd Now Is the Time Now Is the Time Now Is the Time Now Is the Time Around Is Around Around Is Around Twirligig 7 Till 5: A Pattern of the Day's Doings Polychrome Fantasy Camera Makes Whoopee News for the Navy Book Bargain A Summer Day in Ottawa in 1949 Opening Speech Blinkity Blank Six and Seven-Eighths Pinscreen Spook Sport Fantasía en colores Fantasía en colores Two Bagatelles Ballet Adagio Vecinos Vecinos Vecinos Vecinos Fiddle De-Dee A Phantasy A Phantasy Boogie-Doodle Boogie-Doodle Mail Early Mail Early The Corridor McLaren at Play Out-of-Focus Cloudscape Blurr Test The Seasons Little Negro Chaplin Test Birdlings Surrealistic Hand Drawing Pen Drawings The Hypnosis Film Ballet Adagio Seven Surprizes Mosaic Mosaic Mosaic Test A for Synchromy Test B For Synchromy Doors The Head Test Barrel Zoom A Rainy Day Chants populaires nº 6 Korean Alphabet The Flicker Film 5 for 4 5 for 4 Dots Dots Hoppity Pop Hoppity Pop Mail Early for Christmas Mail Early for Christmas V for Victory V for Victory Loops Loops Scherzo Hen Hop Hen Hop Lines: Horizontal Lines: Horizontal Lines: Vertical Lines: Vertical Camera Makes Whoopee Camera Makes Whoopee Creative Process: Norman McLaren McLaren Homemovie Pen Point Percussion