
Monstruo 2021


“Monstruo” es lo que el abogado de la acusación llama al joven de 17 años Steve Harmon, un brillante estudiante de Harlem y aspirante a director de cine. Acusado de asesinato por un crimen que él asegura no haber cometido, la película se centra en la compleja batalla legal que determinará si pasa el resto de su vida en la cárcel.


55 pasos

55 pasos 2018


Colette Hughes, abogada de los derechos de los pacientes, va a defender a nueva cliente, Eleanor Riese, una paciente de la unidad psiquiátrica de un hospital de San Francisco. Hughes no se imagina que, además de emprender una batalla legal para mejorar el tratamiento de los enfermos mentales en los hospitales, transformará su vida.


Britney vs. Spears

Britney vs. Spears 2021


La periodista Jenny Eliscu y la cineasta Erin Lee Carr investigan la lucha por la libertad de Britney Spears a través de entrevistas exclusivas e informes confidenciales.


Mi vida es mía

Mi vida es mía 1981


Ken Harrison es un artista que vive para hacer esculturas. Un día sufre un accidente automovilístico y queda paralizado del cuello para abajo. Todo lo que puede hacer es hablar y mover la cabeza, y quiere morir. Mientras está en el hospital, se hace amigo de algunos miembros del personal, y ellos lo apoyan cuando va a juicio para que le permitan morir.


A tres bandas

A tres bandas 1998


Drama biográfico sobre la breve pero intensa vida del cantante Frankie Lymon que formó el efímero grupo Frankie Lymon & the Teenagers. Con sólo trece años alcanzó un gran éxito en las listas radiofónicas de 1956 con su tema "Why Do Fools Fall in Love?". Sin embargo su carrera tocó a su fin con tan sólo 18 años y tuvo continuos problemas de drogas.


Ríndete mañana

Ríndete mañana 2011


Documental que relata los hechos relacionados con el asesinato y secuestro de dos hermanas sucedido en Filipinas en 1997, por el que fue condenado el estudiante de 19 años Paco Larrañaga.


Hired Wife

Hired Wife 1940


Un publicista le pide a su secretaria que se case con ella, por pura conveniencia, para poder cerrar un negocio que tiene entre manos. El pacto conlleva el divorcio inmediato, una vez cerrado el asunto. El problema viene cuando ella rehúsa cumplir con su parte, quiere seguir casada con su 'maridito'.


Hechos probados

Hechos probados 2021


El 23 de diciembre de 2015 el Ministerio de Hacienda publicó su primera ‘Lista de morosos’. En el número 1 figuraba un completo desconocido: Agapito García Sánchez. Ésta es su historia... la de todo un país. El documental revela a García Sánchez como una versión moderna del protagonista de ‘El proceso’ de Kafka; un ciudadano frente a la tiranía de los mecanismos del Estado y su administración, gracias a lo cual, su caso acaba por convertirse en hilo conductor de un análisis detallado acerca del alarmante envilecimiento de las garantías ciudadanas.


Hot Bench

Hot Bench 2014


A panel of three judges hear court cases, argue the merits of the case amongst themselves, and render a verdict.


Kavanagh Q.C.

Kavanagh Q.C. 1995


James Kavanagh QC is one of the top flight barristers in Britain. Each episode has him handling challenging cases and defendants which put his skills to the test regularly.


The Law According to Lidia Poët

The Law According to Lidia Poët 2023


In late 19th-century Turin, the young Lidia Poët, fights against everything and everyone to get what is rightfully hers: to be enrolled in the official register of lawyers. A profession, at the time, reserved exclusively for men. Nevertheless, nothing could stop her dream of becoming the first female lawyer in Italy.


Playing Nice

Playing Nice 2025


Set against a sweeping Cornish landscape, two couples discover that their toddlers were switched at birth in a hospital mix-up, and face a horrifying dilemma: do they keep the sons they have raised and loved, or reclaim their biological child?


Een Amerikaanse Nachtmerrie

Een Amerikaanse Nachtmerrie 2023


In 1983, the wife and stepdaughter of Dutch Jaitsen Singh are gruesomely murdered in California. Singh is convicted of inciting the murders, but has maintained his innocence for nearly 40 years. Given the way his case was handled at the time, this may well be true. Filmmaker Hans Pool investigates this intriguing and complex case and gets exclusive access to court and police documents that reveal a shocking story about racism, corruption, a mistress and a dubious key witness. How did Singh's American dream turn into a nightmare?


Breaking the Bank: One Trader, 50 Billion

Breaking the Bank: One Trader, 50 Billion 2024


Jérôme Kerviel – the trader who hid €50 billion in trades at a major international bank – and his former superiors reveal all sides of the scandal.


Mullaen og Meling

Mullaen og Meling 2022


Mulla Krekar was a danger to the Norwegian security, yet he lived in the country for 30 years. This documentary follows the hated mullah and his faithful lawyer from the beginning to the end of the case.


Legal Eagles

Legal Eagles 2017


Tang Mei Qi (Felicia Chin) decides to divorce her philandering husband Jian Jun Hao (Steve Yap). Jun Hao uses his affluence and under-handed methods to gain custody of their daughter. To safeguard themselves, everyone turns against Mei Qi, all except for her former schoolmate Lian An Sheng (Zhen Huan Zhang). An Sheng wins the custody case for her, spurring Mei Qi to resume her interest to read law. After overcoming many obstacles, she finally passes her bar exam. She eventually falls in love with An Sheng who stands by her during her most difficult times. Just as everything is going well, An Sheng is charged with murder. Mei Qi decides to fight for An Sheng. Although she believes in An Sheng but all the evidences are stacked against him. How will Mei Qi defend him? Or will she accept the fact that he is indeed a murderer?


Bastard Boys

Bastard Boys 2007


Bastard Boys is an Australian television miniseries broadcast on the ABC in 2007. It tells the story of the 1998 Australian waterfront dispute. The script, published by Currency Press, won the 2007 Queensland Premier's Literary Award for Best Television Script.


Loredana, Esq.

Loredana, Esq. 2014


The U.S. justice system is explored through the perspective of Loredana Nesci, whose experience in law enforcement began as a police officer before she became a criminal defense attorney. Loredana has an unconventional and potent passion for discovering the truth and doing what she thinks is right by her clients. Her reputation is that of a cut-to-the-chase legal crusader who defends those who sorely need it -- not hardened criminals, just regular people who may have made bad choices and find themselves judged and condemned.