Sucedió en Manhattan

Sucedió en Manhattan 2002


Moderna adaptación de "Cenicienta". Marisa Ventura es una madre soltera de Nueva York que trabaja como empleada de la limpieza en un lujoso hotel de Manhattan. Christopher Marshall, un joven y apuesto político candidato a senador, la confunde con una de las huéspedes del hotel.


Eclipse total (Dolores Claiborne)

Eclipse total (Dolores Claiborne) 1995


Dolores Claiborne es acusada del asesinato de Vera Donovan, la dueña de la casa en la que trabaja como asistenta desde hace más de veinte años. Selena, la hija de Dolores, vuelve a su pueblo natal para intentar probar la inocencia de su madre, pero allí ambas se tendrán que enfrentar a un implacable detective y a un sórdido pasado.


Criadas y señoras

Criadas y señoras 2011


Mississippi, años 60. Skeeter es una joven sureña que regresa de la universidad decidida a convertirse en escritora. Su llegada altera la vida de la ciudad e incluso la de sus amigos porque se ha propuesto entrevistar a las mujeres negras que se han pasado la vida al servicio de las grandes familias sufriendo todas las formas de discriminación racial.



Roma 2018


Cleo es la joven sirvienta de una familia que vive en la Colonia Roma, barrio de clase media-alta de Ciudad de México. En esta carta de amor a las mujeres que lo criaron, Cuarón se inspira en su propia infancia para pintar un retrato realista y emotivo de los conflictos domésticos y las jerarquías sociales durante la agitación política de la década de los 70.


Un espíritu burlón

Un espíritu burlón 1945


Adaptación cinematográfica de una exitosa comedia teatral de Noël Coward. El fantasma de la mujer de un novelista se ha propuesto hacerle la vida imposible a su nueva esposa.



Quills 2000


Francia siglo XVIII. El Marqués de Sade pasa los diez últimos años de su vida en el asilo Charenton. Allí entabla amistad con el abate Coulmier, con el que comparte el afecto de Madeleine, la lavandera del asilo. Cuando Napoleón envía a un médico para que cure su presunta locura, el temperamento rebelde del marqués se agudiza todavía más. Obtuvo tres nominaciones a los Oscar, incluyendo el de mejor actor (Geoffrey Rush).


Pánico en la escena

Pánico en la escena 1950


Un hombre que es buscado por la policía, acusado de haber matado al marido de su amante, se refugia en casa de su amiga Eve, a la que confiesa que la verdadera asesina es su amante, la actriz Charlotte Inwood. Eve decide investigar por su cuenta, pero cuando conoce al detective encargado del caso comienza a enamorarse.


El juego de la sospecha

El juego de la sospecha 1985


En una gran y apartada mansión victoriana se reúnen varios personajes pintorescos para cenar ante una misteriosa invitación de un anfitrión desconocido. Todos ellos tienen secretos que ocultar, por los que son vilmente chantajeados desde hace años. Cuando la casa se queda a oscuras por culpa de un momentáneo apagón de luz, el chantajista aparece asesinado en el salón. Ahora deben averiguar quién de ellos ha sido el culpable, una tarea muy complicada teniendo en cuenta que todos ellos tenían motivos de peso para cometer el crimen.


Bottle Rocket (Ladrón que roba a ladrón)

Bottle Rocket (Ladrón que roba a ladrón) 1996


Dignan (Owen Wilson) y su compañero Anthony (Luke Wilson), recién salidos del manicomio donde ingresaron voluntariamente, deciden seguir por la senda del delito. Con la ayuda de su amigo Bob, que debe ayudarles a escapar, puesto que es el único que sabe conducir, intentarán cometer algunos atracos para llamar la atención de un jefe mafioso (James Caan).


Albert Nobbs

Albert Nobbs 2011


Irlanda, siglo XIX. Una mujer (Glenn Close) se ve atrapada en un triángulo amoroso inusual. Se disfraza de hombre para poder trabajar y sobrevivir, pero 30 años después se encuentra perdida en su propia prisión.


Amigos con dinero

Amigos con dinero 2006


Tras examinar sus relaciones amorosas y amistosas, cuatro amigas descubren que no les gusta la vida que llevan. Jane es una exitosa diseñadora de modas que se ha abandonado un poco y cuyo marido podría ser homosexual. Franny es una multimillonaria que aparenta tener una vida familiar perfecta. Christine, mientras construye la casa de sus sueños y escribe un guión con su marido, ve cómo su vida conyugal se desmorona. Olivia, la más joven, trabaja limpiando casas y persigue a un antiguo amante. (FILMAFFINITY)


Primavera en Beechwood

Primavera en Beechwood 2021


30 de marzo de 1924, Beechwood (Inglaterra). El matrimonio Niven, perteneciente a la aristocracia inglesa y que ha perdido a sus hijos en la guerra, se prepara para celebrar el Día de la Madre y el compromiso de Paul, el hijo de sus vecinos, con Emma Hobday. Los Niven han dado el día libre a su criada, Jane Fairchild, huérfana de nacimiento y, durante siete años, amante de Paul. Con la casa vacía, Paul y Jane se encontrarán por primera vez en el dormitorio de Paul. La joven pareja dará rienda suelta a la pasión clandestina sabiendo que la aventura llega a su fin y que será su último día como amantes...


Juega Conmigo

Juega Conmigo 2021


Sofía, una joven insegura, comienza a trabajar en una casa cuidando a dos hermanos de carácter problemático, que le harán su estancia sumamente difícil. Sin embargo, durante una noche en que los padres están ausentes, los niños serán acosados por una entidad demoníaca y Sofía tendrá que tomar parte en un terrorífico juego para intentar salvarlos.


Un hombre ordinario

Un hombre ordinario 2017


Un criminal de guerra escondido forma una relación con su única conexión con el mundo exterior: su criada.


En tercera persona

En tercera persona 2014


Tres historias de amor tienen lugar simultáneamente en tres ciudades: Nueva York, París y Roma. Un escritor neoyorquino (Liam Neeson), que acaba de separarse de su esposa y se encuentra en París, mantiene una relación más bien problemática con su amante (Olivia Wilde). Una madre neoyorquina (Mila Kunis) niega tajantemente ser la responsable de un accidente que casi le cuesta la vida a su hijo. El padre del niño (James Franco) intenta que culpen a su mujer de negligencia para conseguir la custodia. En Roma, un empresario estadounidense (Adrien Brody), se enamora hasta tal punto de una gitana (Moran Atias) que participa en la liberación de la hija de su amante, a la que ha secuestrado un mafioso.


Retratos de familia

Retratos de familia 2013


Singapur, 1997: Los Lim son una familia acomodada de tres miembros – marido, mujer e hijo – que recibe a Teresa (Angeli Bayani), una mujer filipina que ha venido a la metrópolis a servir, al igual que muchas otras compartriotas suyas en busca de una vida mejor. Toda la familia tiene que adaptarse a la presencia de esta extranjera, que altera aún más su relación ya tensa. Sin embargo, Teresa y Jiale (Koh Jia Ler), el problemático chico al que cuida, pronto forman un vínculo fuerte y afectuoso, que se va desarrollando, dándole al chico una sensación de pertenencia en una familia que se desintegra poco a poco, mismo vínculo que se verá amenazado por la irrupción de elementos externos – una crisis financiera – e internos en la dinámica familiar que los cambiarán para siempre. Inspirada en hechos de la infancia de su director. (FILMAFFINITY)


Una vida sencilla

Una vida sencilla 2012


Chun Tao-Chung ha trabajado de criada durante más de 60 años para la familia Leung. Ahora, el único miembro de la familia que sigue viviendo en Hong Kong es Roger, y Tao sigue trabajando para él. Sin embargo, un día Tao sufre un derrame cerebral. Una vez está en el hospital, le anuncia a Roger su intención de abandonar su trabajo e instalarse en una residencia para ancianos. Roger intenta disuadirla, pero ella tiene la idea muy clara, así que él empieza a buscar una residencia buena donde pueda vivir, y al final encuentra una habitación para Tao en un centro dirigido por un amigo suyo. Poco a poco, al cuidar de Tao, Roger se da cuenta de lo importante que Tao es para él.


Hotel Desire

Hotel Desire 2011


Antonia , madre soltera, lleva a su niño de siete años a una parada de autobús en Berlín, desde donde el niño a solas con su padre viajará a París de vacaciones. Debido a su trabajo como camarera en un hotel requiere mucho tiempo, ella se mete en problemas con sus superiores.


The Apothecary Diaries

The Apothecary Diaries 2023


Maomao lived a peaceful life with her apothecary father. Until one day, she's sold as a lowly servant to the emperor's palace. But she wasn't meant for a compliant life among royalty. So when imperial heirs fall ill, she decides to step in and find a cure! This catches the eye of Jinshi, a handsome palace official who promotes her. Now, she's making a name for herself solving medical mysteries!


The Duke of Death and His Maid

The Duke of Death and His Maid 2021


Due to a childhood curse, anything that the Duke touches will die - which makes his flirty maid’s behavior all the more shocking! Can the Duke and his companions break the curse, or is he doomed to a life where love is forever out of his reach?


Maid Sama!

Maid Sama! 2010


Misaki Ayuzawa is the first female student council president at a once all-boys school turned co-ed. She rules the school with strict discipline demeanor. But she has a secret, she works at a maid cafe due to her families circumstances. One day the popular A-student and notorious heart breaker Takumi Usui finds out her secret and makes a deal with her to keep it hush from the school in exchange for spending some time with him.


The Maid I Hired Recently Is Mysterious

The Maid I Hired Recently Is Mysterious 2022


There’s something really strange about the maid I just hired! No normal person could be so beautiful, or cook such amazingly delicious food, or know exactly what I want before I even ask. She must be using magic—right, a spell is the only thing that can explain why my chest feels so tight whenever I look at her. I swear, I’m going to get to the bottom of what makes this maid so...mysterious!



Maid 2021


After fleeing an abusive relationship, a young mother finds a job cleaning houses as she fights to provide for her child and build them a better future.


Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid

Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid 2017


Kobayashi lives alone in an apartment, until one day, Tohru appeared and they ended up living together. Tooru looks down on humans as inferior and foolish, but having been saved by Kobayashi-san, she does everything she can to repay the debt and help her with various things, although not everything goes according to plan. A mythical everyday life comedy about a hard working office lady living with a dragon girl.


The Helpful Fox Senko-san

The Helpful Fox Senko-san 2019


Like many hardworking members of the workforce, Kuroto Nakano is perpetually stressed out by his job. Still, since he lives alone, he must carry on to sustain himself. Little do humans like Kuroto know, this stress takes the form of darkness residing within a person's body and will bring one's life to ruin. Fox deities can see this darkness and have the duty to save people before it is too late. To help rid Kuroto of his stress, Senko-san, an eight hundred-year-old foxgirl, volunteers to take care of him, and will do everything she can to ease the tension in his weary soul.


Devious Maids

Devious Maids 2013


The series centers on four Latina maids working in the homes of Beverly Hills’ wealthiest and most powerful families, and a newcomer who made it personal after a maid was murdered and determined to uncover the truth behind her demise, and in the process become an ally in their lives.


Time of Eve

Time of Eve 2008


The future, probably Japan. Robots have long been put into practical use, and androids have just come into use. Influenced by the Robot Ethics Committee, it's become common sense for people to treat androids like household appliances. Their appearance – indistinguishable from humans except for the ring over each android's head – has led some people to empathize unnecessarily with androids. Known as "android-holics", such people have become a social problem. Rikuo, a high school student, has been taught from childhood that androids are not to be viewed as humans, and has always used them as convenient tools. One day, Rikuo discovers some strange data in the behavior records of his family's household android, Sammy. Rikuo and his friend Masaki trace Sammy's movements, only to discover a mysterious café that features a house rule that "humans and robots are to be treated the same".


You are Ms. Servant

You are Ms. Servant 2024


Hitoyoshi, a high school kid who lives alone, hears a knock on his door. He opens it to find a strange girl offering to be his maid. She has beautiful black hair, graceful manners, and…a dark past as an assassin. But despite her deadly background and lack of household skills, Hitoyoshi takes her in. As she adjusts to her new life, she begins to experience emotions she’s never felt before.


Akiba Maid War

Akiba Maid War 2022


Akihabara is the center of the universe for the coolest hobbies and quirkiest amusements. In the spring of 1999, bright-eyed Nagomi Wahira moves there with dreams of joining a maid café. She quickly dons an apron at café Ton Tokoton, AKA the Pig Hut. But adjusting to life in bustling Akihabara isn't as easy as serving tea and delighting customers. Paired with the dour Ranko who never seems to smile, Nagomi must do her best to elevate the Pig Hut over all other maid cafés vying for top ranking. Along the way she'll slice out a place for herself amid the frills and thrills of life at the Pig Hut. Just when Nagomi's dreams are within her grasp, she discovers not everything is as it seems amid the maid cafés of Akihabara.


Three Leaves, Three Colors

Three Leaves, Three Colors 2016


Futaba Odagiri is incredibly energetic but is also a glutton. Teru Hayama looks like an angel but she is really a demonic class president. Yoko Nishikawa is the daughter of family that used to be a member of the upper class, but after her father's company went bankrupt, they became poor. All three high school girls have the kanji for "leaf" in their name but could not be any different from one another.


The Girl Named Feriha

The Girl Named Feriha 2011


Adını Feriha Koydum is a Turkish television drama series produced by Med Yapım. The series broadcast on Show TV and it is written by duo Melis Civelek and Sırma Yanık.



Hazel 1961


Hazel is an American sitcom about a fictional live-in maid named Hazel Burke and her employers, the Baxters. The five-season, 154-episode series aired in primetime from September 28, 1961 until April 11, 1966 and was produced by Screen Gems. The show aired on NBC for its first four seasons, and then on CBS for its final season. The first season, except for one color episode was in black and white, the remainder in color. The show was based on the popular single-panel comic strip by cartoonist Ted Key, which appeared in the Saturday Evening Post.


Emma: A Victorian Romance

Emma: A Victorian Romance 2005


In 19th-century London, class lines are sharply drawn, and the social standing to which people are born dictates the path their lives will follow. Emma, an honest and hardworking young maid, never felt her place in life to be a burden. But then she met William, a member of the gentry and the eldest son of a wealthy family. His warm smile and earnest affection threaten to capture her heart... but can love truly conquer all?


Hetty Feather

Hetty Feather 2015


In Victorian London, feisty heroine Hetty Feather is trapped in the Foundling Hospital, the strict institution ruled over by the formidable Matron Bottomley. Aided by friends and thwarted by enemies, Hetty battles to win her freedom and finally find her real mother. Based on the book by Jacqueline Wilson.



UzaMaid! 2018


Misha is a little girl who lost her mother at an early age, and now lives with her father. Her father employs a maid named Tsubame, who was a former Self-Defense Force official, and is also a lolicon.


Your House Helper

Your House Helper 2018


Kim Ji-Woon was born to a lawmaker father and doctor mother. He then went on to work at a big company, but he quit his job and stopped talking to his parents. Kim Ji-Woon meets a woman and begins to work as a housekeeper at her home. While doing his job, he listens to his customer's worries and gives advice to help them solve their problems.


Shonen Maid

Shonen Maid 2016


After the loss of his mother, Chihiro is left alone. With no known family left, he has to find a way to move on. Things aren’t looking good until a chance encounter with the young and handsome Madoka—who turns out to be his wealthy uncle! Madoka offers him his home and all Chihiro has to do is clean up after the messy, irresponsible man. The problem? This job requires a uniform—a maid outfit!


Maid's Revenge

Maid's Revenge 2022


The Dong family of Jiangcheng is slaughtered overnight, and the family's daughter Dong Tingyao is forced to come to her fiancé Fang's house to seek help. In the Fang family, Dong Tingyao not only finds that her identity has been taken over, but also that the person she has to serve as a maid is Fang Tianyi, the famous Governor of Jiangcheng who killed her father. Dong Tingyao wants to take revenge, but she does not know that the culprit who brought the Dong family to its doom is her fiancé Fang Yuze who is Fang Tianyi's nephew. How can the young lady complete her revenge plan? How is she going to deal with the two men of Fang family? All the curtain thus unveiled.