Saturday Evening Puss

Saturday Evening Puss 1950


Mammy steps out for the evening. While she's away, the cats - in this case Tom and three of his alley cat friends - play. Play and perform rollicking jazz, that is.


The Midnight Snack

The Midnight Snack 1941


Jerry takes a midnight snack from the fridge unaware that Tom is watching him.


Down Beat Bear

Down Beat Bear 1956


A dancing bear escapes from the zoo and finds his way to Tom and Jerry's house. He dances with Tom, making it impossible for Tom to call the authorities; Jerry takes every opportunity to play music and keep Tom and the bear dancing


Puss Gets the Boot

Puss Gets the Boot 1940


Jasper is given an ultimatum by his master: break one more thing and you're out. Rodent Jerry does his best to make sure that his tormentor "gets the boot".


The Flying Sorceress

The Flying Sorceress 1956


After Tom's mistress orders him to clean up the mess he made while chasing Jerry, Tom spies an ad for a cat needed as companion to an old lady. Tom leaves his current home for what he anticipates will be a better life, only to discover the old lady is a witch.


The Bodyguard

The Bodyguard 1944


Spike the bulldog, grateful to Jerry for getting him out of the dogcatcher's van, offers to help the little mouse any time he whistles. Tom, Jerry's feline tormentor, seeks to overcome this new disadvantage.


Mouse in Manhattan

Mouse in Manhattan 1945


Jerry Mouse gets tired of living the country life and decides to head to the big city. However, the experience doesn't turn out quite like Jerry had expected.


His Mouse Friday

His Mouse Friday 1951


Jerry is far from Tom's servant here. Tom, shipwrecked, washes up on a tropical island. His first attempts at food - a coconut and a turtle - are much too hard. But he spots Jerry just before Jerry sees him, and soon has him in the frying pan. Jerry escapes to a cannibal village; when he sees Tom's frightened reaction, he has his plan. Using soot from a pot, he blackens himself, then threatens Tom and starts cooking him. But Jerry's plan - and tail, and un-blackened bottom - is exposed when his grass skirt comes off during his war dance. Jerry helicopters away using the bone in his hair, and leading Tom right into the real cannibals. But Jerry's triumph is short-lived, as a pygmy cannibal comes after him.


Mucho Mouse

Mucho Mouse 1957


A Spanish cat is more interested in playing flamenco guitar than trying to catch the mouse El Magnifico (Jerry). Tom arrives from the States with world champion mouse-catching credentials to have a go.


Johann Mouse

Johann Mouse 1953


At the home of Viennese composer Johann Strauss lived Johann Mouse. Whenever the composer played his waltzes, the mouse would dance to the music, unable to control himself. One day, when Strauss was away, the house cat played his master's music. When word got out about a piano-playing cat and a dancing mouse, they were commanded to perform for the emperor.


Push-Button Kitty

Push-Button Kitty 1952


Tom's being especially lazy, which makes it even easier for Mammy to toss him out when her new mouse-catching robot cat, Mechano, arrives. Mechano is frighteningly efficient, foiling several attempts by Jerry. Jerry turns this efficiency against him by unleashing several mechanical mice; the zealous robot makes a shambles of the house, and finally itself, in the process of chasing them down. Tom is welcomed back, but at the last moment, a key part of the robot had gone down Tom's throat; Jerry activates it, and sends Tom chasing after one of the wind-up mice.


The Invisible Mouse

The Invisible Mouse 1947


Tom chases Jerry into a bottle of invisible ink, and Jerry then proceeds to have fun torturing Tom.


The Yankee Doodle Mouse

The Yankee Doodle Mouse 1943


As Tom and Jerry stage their typical fight sequences, the patriotic soldier theme of the title is evidenced by such things as a carton of eggs labeled "Hen Grenades"; Jerry dropping light bulbs from an airplane like bombs; and Jerry sending a telegram with the message "Sighted Cat - Sank Same." Musical phrasings from various patriotic war songs are heard throughout.


Baby Puss

Baby Puss 1943


Tom is dressed up and treated like a baby by the little girl of the house.


One Droopy Knight

One Droopy Knight 1957


Sir Droopalot and Sir Butchalot (Droopy and Butch) vie with each other to kill a dragon that is terrorizing their kingdom. Whomever vanquishes the dragon will marry the king's daughter.


The Little Orphan

The Little Orphan 1948


The Bide A Wee Mouse Home has sent the orphan mouse Nibbles to spend Thanksgiving with Jerry. Unfortunately, Nibbles is always hungry.


Blue Cat Blues

Blue Cat Blues 1956


Jerry narrates in voiceover: Tom has fallen hard for the cat next door, and competes with rich cat Butch for her affections. But Butch outspends Tom to a ludicrous level at every turn. Tom goes downhill after that, until we see him contemplating suicide.


The Duck Doctor

The Duck Doctor 1952


Tom is duck hunting, and he wings a little duckling that can't quite keep up with the flock. Jerry gets to the fallen duck before Tom, bandages his wing, and shelters him from Tom as he keeps running out to join his flock.


Mouse Trouble

Mouse Trouble 1944


Tom's new book on "how to catch a mouse" doesn't prove too helpful against Jerry; actually, Jerry seems to make better use of it than Tom.


Little Runaway

Little Runaway 1952


A baby seal escapes from the circus and ends up in Jerry's backyard pool. Tom finds out soon enough, and when the circus offers a $10,000 reward, his goal is clear.