Silent Hill 2: Poem of Restless Dreams and Inner Fears of the Last Moment

Silent Hill 2: Poem of Restless Dreams and Inner Fears of the Last Moment 2001


James Sunderland is an ordinary man who received a very cryptic letter written by his wife Mary Shepherd, despite her death three years earlier. Seeking an explanation for this inexplicable letter, James drives to Silent Hill using his car. However, when he reaches Nathan Avenue, he notices that the place is abandoned. He leaves his car and heads into town. [A documentary about the making of the 2001 video game "Silent Hill 2".]


Silent Hill 4: The Room

Silent Hill 4: The Room 2004


Henry Townshend, a boy of about thirty with a hobby of photography, has recently moved into apartment 302, first floor of the South Ashfield Heights complex, in Ashfield, a pleasant town near Silent Hill. After a short period of peaceful stay, some strange events begin to happen. Every night, Henry is promptly awakened by the same, identical, nightmare. From that moment, he finds himself trapped in his apartment: the door, bearing the words “Don't go out!, Walter”, is locked with chains and padlocks, the windows are hermetically sealed, the phone is silent and no one seems to hear his screams. After five days of captivity, a hole appears in the bathroom wall: Henry, armed only with an iron pipe, crosses the portal in search of freedom. [A documentary about the making of the 2004 video game "Silent Hill 4: The Room".]


Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty

Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty 2003


As Solid Snake is about to undergo another sneaking mission, he gets a call on his Codec. Expecting Otacon, he proceeds to answer and explains that he's about to start the mission. However, the caller is actually revealed to be Hideo Kojima, who requests Snake's help as he fears his project had been leaked. He then proceeds to explain the development process alongside a narrator, also using some game footage.