Future Police Urashiman

Future Police Urashiman
Mirai Keisatsu Urashiman is a Japanese science fiction manga series written by Hirohisa Soda, illustrated by Noboru Akashi and published by Akita Shoten. It was adapted into a 1983 anime television series produced by Tatsunoko Productions and ran from January 9 to December 24, 1983 on Fuji TV. It was later released in Germany and Sweden as Rock'n Cop, in France as Super Durand, and in Italy as Ryo, un ragazzo contro un impero. Saban Entertainment planned to release the series in the United States as Rockin' Cops but did not do so. A film version was in the works, but was also abandoned.
TitleFuture Police Urashiman
Genre, , ,
Cast, , , , ,
Crew, , , , ,
Alternative TitlesRock'n Cop, Super Durand, Mirai Keisatsu Urashiman
First Air DateJan 09, 1983
Last Air dateDec 24, 1983
Season1 Season
Episode50 Episode
Runtime23:14 minutes
IMDb: 7.00/ 10 by 3.00 users