Rudklao Amratisha Jan Dara: The Finale The First Lesson of True Love Grandma At the Gate of the Ghost Six Characters Eternity Mae Bia The Scar Mondo The Cliche Eternal Bond Jan Dara: The Beginning Let's Eat House of Stars Bite Me Love in Twilight My Boss Calls Me My Love Escape to Homestay Broken Home Montra Maha Sanae Girl2K Inspector Vedas You're My Destiny Fiery Love Love Destiny 2 The Family May-December Romance Thong Eak, The Pharmacist of Chaloang Most Hate, Most Love The Broken Us Once Upon a Time The Giver Nak Blood Brothers Suea Chani Keng Win 21 Ded Jai Tur Crossing The Time To Find Love Revenge Beating Again The Twin Stars The Loyal Pin She Devil The Musical Murder