Fabiola Banzi Outlaw! The Last New Year's Eve The Hole Ma che colpa abbiamo noi Henry IV Teeth Certified Copy The Apocalypse Luisa Spagnoli Trilussa - Storia d'amore e di poesia Saint John Bosco Mission to Love St. Peter Little Tito and the Aliens Chi m'ha visto Scrivilo sui muri One Hundred Steps What Are You Looking For Stubborn Fate Ecco fatto But Forever in My Mind Torino Boys She Was Here L'ombra cinese La trappola di Maigret Angela The Life I Want Amatemi Vesna Goes Fast The Invisible Wall August Vacation The Ideal City Giulia Doesn't Date at Night Melissa P. Put Grandma in the Freezer I'm Not Scared Vajont Duisburg - Linea di sangue Into Paradiso Joseph of Nazareth La cura del gorilla Galantuomini